Monday, December 27, 2010

Sleeping is good.

Yesterday, we went to STC and Vaughan Mills to do our boxing day shopping.  Originally, we were going to go to STC, but my mom decided to go to Vaughan because the sales are probably better.  The mall was packed and the line ups to the cashier were long.  We didn't get as much as we got few years ago, but it was still worth the trip.

Friday, December 24, 2010

O Christmas Eve, O Christmas Eve...

...Oh why do I have to work. (8)

I just realized that if I don't get my ecology mark today, I would probably not get it until January when school starts.  It sucks because I want to calculate what my average is and what will my cGPA be.  Oh well.

Today, we decided to have a McDonalds feast for lunch.  Spending Christmas Eve at the shop is not necessary a bad thing.  It's not like I'll have any plans when friends since they're probably going to be busy with their family.  At least there's still internet!  I can still surf on the web, play games, and blog.

I realized that I've been waking up at around 10 everyday since I came back to Toronto.  It's not like I woke up at 10 naturally, but because I have to do something every morning.  I have to make sure I use the washroom before my mom uses it.  Even on Christmas day tomorrow, I'll have to wake up early again to go to dimsum for the 3rd time!  I don't think I'll get to sleep in anytime soon.  I think I get more sleep when I have school.  This is just sad...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Surprised? I think so!

Marks are always full of surprises!  My jaws literally dropped when I saw my marks, particularly organic chem.  I did better than I thought, a lot better.  Now I'm just waiting for my ecology mark.  I'm so close to having a 'perfect' term.  Dean's honour list, here I come ! =D

Today, I went to all-you-can-eat sushi with Harry, Andy, Cherry, Jaira and Viv.  It was pretty good, though the food came a bit too slow.  We talked about a lot of stuff and were pretty mean at times.  I'm glad that we were all on the same page.  After, Viv and Miranda joined me to go to Fairview to do some Christmas shopping.  I ended up getting all the things that I needed to get.  Hopefully, I didn't forget anyone.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


In about half an hour, I will see my marks [hopefully all of them].  My friend asked me if I was nervous, but honestly, I think I'm more excited than nervous.  Maybe I'm a bit nervous about organic chem and ecology because I don't know how I did in them.  Hopefully I'll pass all of them and meet my goal for this term!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Done, done and done!

I got back to Toronto around 6:30pm yesterday, but I didn't have a chance to go on the computer until today.  My last exam was pretty easy, though some multiple choices were pretty mind boggling.  I was happy that I finished this term and get to go back to Toronto to relax.  When I got back to the shop around 8pm, my mom wanted to go out and eat kbbq at Korean Grill since it's cheap at 10pm.  So I ate some chicken wings at the shop and waited until 10 so we can go out and have 'dinner'.

Today I went shopping for the first time, without any stress from school.  To be honest, today was just to shop around for my mom's birthday gift because I haven't gotten a chance to get her one.  I still need to figure out who will get me a gift this year, so I can have something to give back.  I would say that's the most difficult part of Christmas shopping.

Ever since I got back, my family planned a lot of outings with family friends.  That usually means eating out a lot. I wouldn't say it's bad thing, but I'll probably gain a couple of pounds by the end of this break.  Maybe I should start getting myself more in shape...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Last hours.

I'm so eager to finish this term.  I'm ready to just sleep right now so tomorrow can come faster. 3 more hours of studying, 10 hours of sleep.  That's it!  I can see the the finish line!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Too school for cool.

The last exam is always the worst because your literally running out of gases.  Thank god that ecology is not that hard to understand, just a lot of memorization.  It's hard to believe that I'll be done in two days.  This term went by so quickly and I enjoyed the lax schedule that I had.  I don't even want to think about what I'll have in spring term.  Just one more day of studying, and then I'm FREE!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The slushie, wet road.

Wow, organic chemistry actually made me forget to blog.  Shows that I haven't been procrastinating the whole day yesterday!  Now, that I'm done with that course, I can finally relax and take my time studying for ecology.  I can already see the end! =D

It really bothers me how the city of Waterloo doesn't do much about the snow on the sidewalk.  I am so sick and tired of walking through the slush and ice with my pumas [which does not have any grip at all].  I feel like I'm going to twist my ankle or "PK" at anytime.  Thinking about the trip to the campus already makes me cringe.  It's that bad!  Must bring some boots next time!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

If only there's more than 24 hours in a day...

It always annoys me every time when I realize that it takes me 6-10 times as long to make and prepare lunch or dinner compared to eating it.  For example, it takes me around an hour to make a plate of pasta, but it only takes me 5-10 minutes to devour it.  Time is very precious in university, especially during exam seasons.  It's really hard to schedule everything within that 24 hours span.

Yesterday, I went to Wild Wing's with a bunch of people for dinner.  I finally satisfy one of my many cravings - chicken wings!  It was really good and I'm glad that I decided to go.  I originally planned to go to Marble Slab for dessert, but I realized that it'll be too late by the time I get back home.  But it's okay because I can go tonight!

I realized that I can study better under pressure, which is kinda a good and bad thing.  It would be better if I actually get some quality studying done before hand.  There's so much things to do and memorize within the next few days.  I still haven't finish my Christmas shopping and that have to wait until I get back to Toronto.  I wish these few days would just go by faster.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I don't know if you noticed, but it's really awkward...

I don't know if there's anyone who likes the idea of awkwardness.  If you do, then you're totally wacked!  I find it extremely awkward and uncomfortable when there's an awkward silence and I talk some people, especially to the people who I don't have anything to talk about.  I feel bad because I usually end up say stuff that are really stupid.  Also, it feels like I'm purposely trying to avoid conversations or don't want to talk to those people.  I'm not trying to avoid, I just don't have anything to talk about.  There were cases where I was busy doing something else.  I tried stopping everything I do so I could give them my undivided attention, but I just ended up giving those people a blank stare, which is just as awkward.  Sooner or later, they have to realize that they can't expect me to start a conversation when I basically don't have any connection to them.

It's funny how I update my blog more during exam season.  Whenever I think of procrastination, I think about updating my blog.  Ultimately, I blame science.  I always blame science.  Because of science, my mind is screwed up.  Sooner or later, stress will start to kick in and I'll suffer physically on top of the mental problems I got from science.  "For the love of science," says Steph.  Hah, my ass.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Kids, don't play with fire, please!

You would think that by the time you're in university, especially in second year, people would be more mature and would be able to take care of themselves better.  We had another fire alarm today, which probably upset a lot of students in this building.  I was lucky that I wasn't in the building for the previous fire alarms, but it does get really annoying, especially during exam seasons.  Not to mention the grass and sidewalks are covered in snow at this time of the year.  Please, just stay out of trouble!

Whenever I wake up around 9, it always feels like I'm waking up for classes.  I slept quite early last night and with 9 hours of sleep, I still wanted to sleep in.  Also, this food craving issue is not getting any better.  I'm constantly thinking of what I should eat and what I want to eat all the time.  Maybe I should at least satisfy one of those cravings so I could finally concentrate on all all the crap I need to cover for my exams.  Marble Slab, anyone?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What goes around, comes around.

My interview was pretty much a fail since I fully blanked out on one of the question.  I guess it's okay since I kinda don't want that job anyways.

It's kinda weird how I'm studying so much earlier than before.  I mean, it's not a bad thing, but I tend to slack off and procrastinate every now and then.  It doesn't feel right and it seems like I'm not really studying.  Also, I have lack of movies to watch, which is kinda a signature of my exam periods.  Maybe I should visit UWP to DC++ some movies for next week...

Some people thinks I'm really smart, but I'm not and I'm serious.  If they think beating me in a certain area is something amazing, boy they're wrong.  I'm still a human, and I make many mistakes.  If it makes them feel better, they can boast about it all they want because I really don't care.  I won't hate them, nor ignore them.  Chances are, I will still help them if they need help because I believe in karma.  Just to warn those people, karma might get you back, so watch out!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Job, or no job?

I have an interview for a job that I really don't want tomorrow.  To be honest, I don't know why I even applied to this job, which is located in Midland, Ontario.  Maybe I thought it wasn't that far, but boy, I was wrong.  The job description sound so boring and it's not really my type of job.  This have been stressing me a lot for the whole day because I don't how to rank it if I really got ranked.  I said that I want a job really bad, but really, out of all places, Midland?  But considering how my interview skills sucks, I might not even get ranked, which is kinda better because I don't have to decide whether to take/rank it.  But what if I don't get another opportunity or another interview later on?  Co-op, you suck!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's the time of the year! (Again)

Yesterday was the last official lecture of this term.  I officially finish 2 out of 5 of my courses and it actually feels pretty good.  I've always love exam time because all I do it study, sleep, study eat (and of course, movies/dramas).  I'm kinda looking forward to Christmas, but at the same time, I'm not because I haven't found a co-op job yet.  At this point, I don't really care anymore and I just want a job so I can complete my co-op term.

For the next few days, it'll be pretty much hardcore cramming since I slacked off over the weekend.  Perhaps I might find some time in between to watch some movies and dramas, which is highly likely because I believe that it'll make me study even harder (guilt trip, maybe?).  Textbooks, here I come!

P.S. I actually remembered to blog!  Go me!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

When things starts falling apart...

I try so hard to keep up with everything.

People keep telling me I need to take a break.

I end up taking a 'break', breaking myself into piece.

Angry, sad, selfishness, uselessness -- I don't even know anymore.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Another Weekend in Waterloo

If you haven't figured out already, I'm in Waterloo for the second weekend in a row.  I wanted to go back to Toronto, but things came up and it seems like it was better for me to stay here.  It was quite unexpected to be honest.  I had to do my laundry in Waterloo for the first time and actually did some legit grocery shopping so I can last for the week.  I guess it's a good thing cause I have to cram for my 2 midterms next week.

I did my first midterm [which was ecology] on Monday and it wasn't that bad.  Although the material were easy, the test was actually pretty mind boggling.  Today, I found out the mark that I got and it was okay.  I guess it could've be worse.  The rest of the week went by pretty quick.  After my CHEM 140L on yesterday, a bunch of us headed over to Sheila's place to help her finish her hot dogs as they were going to expire soon.

I really don't like weekends because they're the perfect time to catch up, but also the perfect time to slack off.  I know there's a lot of stuff that needs to be accomplish, yet, I get more tired when I think about them.  I also developed a serious case of itis and it is affecting me greatly in terms of cramming.  I wonder if coffee prevent itis...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Curling is My Kind of Hockey

It's been a  while that I actually updated this blog.  I have to admit that it's my fault for being too lazy with it.  All I have been doing is study, study, and study.  I don't know if it's really effective, but I'm gonna know within the next 3 weeks.

I actually stayed in Waterloo this weekend because I have a midterm monday morning.  I guess I should be studying really hard right now, but it's okay because I feel like I really need to update this blog.  Let's start with last Thanksgiving weekend...

So, I arrived to Scarborough around 11pm because I stayed in downtown a bit to meet up with friends from Mary Ward.  Originally, I was going to go back to Waterloo Tuesday night, but plans were changed since my dad can only drive me back on Monday night.  It sucks how each week I have to worry about how I'm getting back and who's gonna have time to drive me.

This Thanksgiving was full of surprises, as some family issues came up.  I wish I could stay in Toronto and help out more, but it's physically impossible when I have classes in Waterloo.  I feel really bad for Patchi because he's having his hands full outside of school.

After Thanksgiving, I tried to catch up some readings and notes.  I feel like I'm not working as much and as hard as before, but I hope it's still enough do to well this term.  I don't know if staying in Waterloo this weekend is a good or bad idea.  I did get some studying done, but it wasn't as intense as I thought it would be.  People in Lester parties like crazy.  Honestly, how can they party like week while they have school.  It's just physically and mentally impossible.  Only a Laurier can answer this question...

I went to conestoga by myself to buy a pair of new shoes for curling since I forgot to bring mine last week and I didn't have a pair of spare shoes.  I was looking for a cheap pair at zellers and winners, but they're all so ugly and I'm only using them for 2 hours on Sunday.  I decided to get a pair of converse because they're the cheapest out of all the other brands.  It felt different going to a mall by myself, especially in Waterloo.  Well, there's always a first!

Curling was amazing tonight!  It reminds me of high school curling all over again.  I just love the sport because anyone can be good at it and there's not awkward tension between teams.  I was actually not as rusty as I thought I would be.  My lines were perfect every time [other than the time I forgot to put on my slider. yah, noob move] but my weight needs a bit of work.  Playing tonight reminded me that I'm actually decent in a sport, and not a typical nerd/potato couch.

Well, I think that's all for tonight.  I need to get back on reviewing for my midterm tomorrow.  I believe I still have some music assignments to do, but that shouldn't be a problem.  Cheers!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


While Jordin Sparks complains how her love is like a 'battlefield', I can't help but to think how her 'battlefield' is so much softer than my 'battelfield'.  For the past few days, I've been cramming like mad, trying to catch up in my courses and stay on top of things.  When I did finally catch up, I fall behind again.  Looks like I will most likely pull another bootcamp this week and make sure that I actually stay on track this time.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Teenage Dream

This week, so far, has been extremely smooth.  It felt like I'm back high school, where everything is nice and simple.  I went back to Waterloo on Sunday and stayed there less then 24 hours because I had to do my G test in Toronto on Tuesday.  So, I drove back to Toronto on Monday afternoon [yes, I went back to Waterloo just so that I can attend my 3 one-hour long classes] and nerded some more at home.  At first, I was worried that I'm not gonna pass because I forgot most of the traps and tricky spots in Aurora, but after having a 3 hour lesson before my test, I feel pretty confident.  I told myself that I wouldn't mind if I had to redo the test because I was under prepared anyways.  I believe that driving tests are distributed 50/50 between skills and luck.  Obviously, you'll need a considerable amount of skills to pass, but there are other factors such as the examiner, the pedestrians and other drivers.  I was lucky that non of those factors affected me.

Coming back during the weekday seemed like it was perfectly planned.  Coincidentally, it was Moon Festival on Wednesday, hence, there was a family & close friends celebration at the shop.  Even though it was just a normal dinner, I still thought it was necessary because we didn't have a gathering like this for a while.

Good news kept on rolling in this week.  When I got back to Waterloo on Tuesday night, I found out that i got 27/28 on my resume that I submitted it a week ago.  I was ready to resubmit because I wasn't too confident about it, but I guess I was wrong.  Even though this co-op course doesn't really count towards our general academic standings, it still makes me feel good because I'm actually accomplishing something.  On Wednesday, I went to the Science Undergrad office to check for my ELPE results.  I was relieved that the word 'pass' was beside my student number.  At first, I didn't believe it and recheck it 3 times just incase I didn't mistaken for the results above and below.  If I didn't pass this time, I really don't know what went wrong because the essay I wrote was well-planned.

My family decided to do floor renovations, changing the carpet to laminated floor.  It was weird because my grandparents decided to go on with this project ONCE I got back to university.  It would make a lot more sense if they decide to do it over the summer so I can help moving some furniture.  Now that both Patchi and I are in school, we can't help that much.  Looking at all the factors right now, I would say it'll take at LEAST  a month for the whole apartment to be finished.

So it's almost the end of the week and I hope my luck drags on. [Preferably until the end of the term =P]  All I've been doing was sleep and nerd.  Sometimes, I watch an episode of a drama before I go to sleep or play on the guitar so I'm not over working my brain.  I actually kinda like this lifestyle right now because there's no stress [...yet] and all I need to do is to stay on top of everything.  With all the good stuff happening this week, I really feel like I'm living in my teenage dream.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Books, books and books!

I woke up early today to get my books today. The line up was extremely long, though it only took me around 15 minutes to get in the store. Yesterday night, I had already calculated the total and made sure that I have enough credit on my credit card to pay for everything. I spent almost $500 and I'm still not done shopping for my books because my organic chem online textbook is not available yet. Not to mention I spent most of my cash buying chem notes and lab manual. The sad thing is that I'm still short one manual. University is like eating machine...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to Waterloo...

Work is finally done and I must admit, the last week went by pretty fast. Technically, I only worked for 3 days since I had to go back to Waterloo to do my ELPE and move in some of my stuff. Last day of work was jokes because we literally worked for only an hour. Our foreman bought us pizza since it was our last day and wanted to wish us well for the future. I'm gonna miss Redpath and all the great benefits it has.

Packing was not as hard as I thought it would be because most of my things are pre-packed from last year. I thought I had everything, but eventually realized I'm short of certain things. I arrived to Waterloo around 10:30pm, did some hammering for the others before unpacking and settling in. I ended up sleeping at 1:30am with my dishes still sitting in the corner of my room.

I was totally not ready for classes today, but I managed to get through the day with no issues. Music theory was boring and I found out that we really have to SING as part of the curriculum. Since when singing is part of theory? Not looking forward for that... After music theory, I had ecology in a building that's pretty far from where I had music theory. I thought I was on time/early but apparently not! I was 5 minutes late when I reached to the building. Good thing the prof didn't start any material yet and just did a brief introduction about the course and himself. Organic chem, so far, was actually pretty straight forward because it's review from high school.

Well, that's about it for the first day of school. Can't really do much since I haven't got my textbooks yet. It's only the first day and I'm pooped. So much for being excited for schoolfew days ago. Now, I want to go back to Toronto.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

"T-Dot" State of Mind

I can't believe it's almost end of August and how long I've been working at Redpath. Whenever I opening my bank account online, it always put a smile on my face. I've been procrastinating on my resume and hopefully I'll get it done this weekend, most of it at least. Another thing where I have to keep in mind is moving in back to Waterloo. There's so much things to plan and do but there's simply not enough time. I told my mom about going back to Waterloo in the morning of the 8th to do my ELPE and then rush back to Toronto for work. Obviously, she didn't like that idea at all, and wants me to just try and take a day off. Honestly, I think I can probably tank it, but taking a day off isn't a bad idea either.

Yesterday, Lazy brought me up to the roof top of the factory. The view there was amazing and you can practically see the whole city of Toronto. If you can look far enough, you can see some buildings in Scarborough. I was able to see the building process of the condominium next to us. It seemed like they didn't do much, but when there were workers standing into the ditch where the foundation is going to be built, we realized how much work they have completed already. Lazy also told me about this really thin residential building located in Toronto, probably one of the thinnest residential buildings in the world. He said that there are water tanks in the building where they have to adjust the levels to counter the wind and prevent the building from swaying too much. Anyhow, the view of the water front was gorgeous and it made me remember how beautiful Toronto was.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Has It Really Been That Long?

It's almost the beginning of a new school year and I realized that it's going to be the 14th year of knowing Vee, Jai, Tim and Ryan. It's too bad that Tim doesn't hang out with us as much anymore, since he found his new group of friends. Perhaps it's the awkward tension from other issues, but nonetheless, those 13 years of friendship couldn't really go down the drain just like that, right? Thinking about the days in elementary school seems like it was just yesterday. It's amazing how we been through so much together--elementary school, high school and now university. Even though we all parted ways during university, we all still have this indescribable connection between us. At this stage in life, it's probably safe to say that each one of us will attend each other's graduations, marriages, births and even having family vacations together. Gosh, we're getting really old, aren't we?

* * *

Today's shift went by so fast and the jobs that we were assigned we extremely easy. 'Lazy' had a swollen eye with a cut along the side of his brow. Apparently, he had an accident while mountain biking near his home in Mississauga. Everyone thought that he had a fight with 'Lazier', which was pretty funny. I hope that the shifts for the rest of the week are just as relax as today.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mid-August Update

It's Monday morning and I'm chilling for the next hour before I go to work. I can't believe that it's been four weeks already, going into my 5th week. I swear, it seems like it was yesterday where I was jobless less for 7 days a week and now I'm literally working everyday of the week. I still don't know when my job actually ends, so it's hard to tell people when I'm moving into the apartment in Waterloo.

I recently and finally got a new laptop. It's funny how once I came back with my new laptop, the power cord of my Vaio died. Talking about great timing, eh? Now, the only way I can charge my Vaio is using my brother's charger. I guess it's still considered as "alive". The new Asus I got is amazing and I absolutely love it. Long battery, looks great, and it has the chiclet keyboard that I adore ever since I got my Vaio.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Sticky Days

It's almost three weeks since I started working at Redpath. Time flies when you have something to do and occupy the majority of the time. I've realized that I had never shoveled snow in my whole life, yet, I shoveled sugar. It's a really messy job [though all the jobs are pretty messy], as all the sugar dust stick do your sweaty skin. Not exactly the best feeling.

Today, we had to shovel sugar again, and this time, it was different. There was something wrong with the machine and sugar just kept pouring out. In the end, it took us the whole day to shovel out all the sugar. I kind of like it when a job takes the whole shift to complete because you would only have to worry about one thing.

Well, enough with work talk. I finally went to watch a movie this week and watched Despicable Me. The movie was great and it was as good as what other people were saying. There are so many more movies that I wanted to see, but not enough time! Also, I would like to hang out with friends more, though they're either busy, out of the city/country, or studying for exams. Well, I guess it's not a problem anymore when school starts in September.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sweat, sweat and MORE sweat!

Wow, it's been a week since I worked at Redpath, and to be honest, it is not that bad! Okay, I sweat a lot there, and I'm always covered with sugar or sugar water, but I get to take breaks whenever I want so I won't get any heat stroke. Best of all, we get free freezies!

I found out that I'm not going to work with the coworkers that I see and hung out this week. From what I heard, I'm working with 2 guys who are labeled as Lazy and Lazier. Great, I was actually looking forward for work too! I really enjoy chilling with the coworkers there because they always have funny stories to tell and dramas to share. There's this french girl who was telling stories about past coworkers who she had to work with. She said that one of them was called Shen or something similar to that, but she always end up calling him Chien. Just imagine, "Chien [Shen], go mop the floor." That's pretty hilarious.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tired all day long.

Ever since work, I've been tired all day long. I wake up at 5:30am, work from 7am to 3pm, go home and maybe nap, eat dinner and then sleep again. The days pass so quickly now.

Today I drove to work and my first time driving to Downtown. It wasn't as bad as I thought, though the drive back was pretty long because of the traffic at DVP. In the end, I still got back before Patchi. I decided not to take a nap today, or at least try not to. Right now, I really want to just lay down on the couch and close my eyes, but dinner is almost ready. Oh well.

Monday, July 19, 2010

If only Toronto is a bit smaller...

Today was the first day of my job, though it's not really the 'first day' of working. All we did was a safety orientation, but of course, we get paid for it. So I basically earned $120 just sitting there listening. The orientation was really boring actually. I found out that I'm working in the processing department instead of the packaging. I'm not that disappointed because at least I know the two other guys who were in the orientation with me. But I also heard that it's a lot cooler in the packaging department.

I also found out that others got phone calls in May and June and even for a mail too! So I'm assuming that I was merely a last minute replacement. The other 2 guys also had previous working experience at Redpath. Another fact that shocked me was that they only hired around 16 people whereas last year they hired around 36. Consider myself lucky.

The only downfall about this job is the horrendous commute. Yeah, yeah I should be quite happy that I get to work in Downtown, but 1.5 hours on the TTC is obviously not amusing. If I drive there, it'll only take around 30 minutes, 40 minutes max.

I hope that this job is better than the one at Tako, but I would expect it to be hardcore labour since it's a factory job after all. At least I don't have to dip my hand into soapy-soy sauce water or do any hardcore mopping. And plus, the people at Redpath are so much easier to talk to.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Expect the Unexpected

It's been almost 3 months since my last exam in April and to be quite honestly, I've been pretty lazy. It felt like nothing much happened within the past 3 months. I kind of wish school would start sooner so at least I have something to worry about and not think "I'm bored" all the time.

On Friday morning, I received a phone call form Redpath about a placement in their refinery. I swear I submitted the application after I finished my exams in April. My aunt said that they won't be hiring this year because of the economy. I honestly almost forgot about it until the lady called me for a phone interview within the hour. I just woke up at the time, and was actually quite shocked. It's like, mid-July and I'm still able to get a job that I applied three months ago? The phone interview went bad, despite that I got the job offer. I didn't know what I was going to do, and I barely had an hour to prep. One question that threw me off was something about the qualities of a good supervisor. I was quite speechless in fact. When I heard that I got the job, I was quite relieved. I must say, the working hours were hell and the workplace is very, very far, but the pay is above average and I needed the experience anyways. It's not like you can work in one of the largest sugar company in everyday life. So, Dad, I got a job. Now you can shut up.

I've been going to the shop almost everyday now. All I've been doing is correcting the misprint on the menus/fliers. Today, my hand finally gave in and started to cramp a little. But I must say, I finish a stack of 100 pretty fast - faster than anyone at the shop at least. I occasionally took orders through the phone, but I usually leave that job to my uncle since I'm so busy with the fliers. It's great to see the business slowly getting into its place. Some of my friends keep asking about it. I guess I have to bring them there soon.

On another note, my laptop is not slowly dying anymore. In fact, it's rapidly loosing it's ability to even charge itself. The power cord is becoming more and more faulty and I would always try and adjust it to it's sweet spot so the current and go through. I thought that this laptop and cord will last for at least a year or so and never expected to disintegrate that fast. I guess it's time to go out and shop for the new laptop. This laptop has been very loyal and traveled to many countries with me. I'm a bit sad that sooner or later, this laptop would not be functional anymore. But it's okay, because after all, this laptop is 3 years old already. Like Ray said before, a 3-year-old for laptop is equivalent of an antique.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer Update!

Wow, it's been a long time since I updated this blog. My summer's been so boring so far. My laptop is slow dying because of the power cord. I have a driving test next week and I do not feel good about it.

Speaking of driving lessons, I have a lesson tomorrow at 9am. I remember for my G1, I swore to myself not to have any lessons in the morning. This time, I'm kind of forced to do it in the morning because I need more practice. Not that I don't have enough practice on my own, I just need to get more familiar with the streets in Aurora.

My mom's business finally started and I think I'm gonna be down there most of the time. Thank god there's internet, or else I would be bored out of my mind. I wonder when my mom's actually paying me. I don't think I should ask since there's not much sales in the beginning. Everyone's been asking about it and wants to visit. I guess I'll find a set time where everything is organized and not as busy so people can chill for an hour or two.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Annoying, just annoying...

Why are people so annoying sometimes? Some people are just really ticking me off. When I think about it, they're just small things. But I don't know why, they just tick me off so easily. I know I must persevere, but when everything happens in the same time, that's just too much. Soon, I'll be picking up my dad to do some errand again! He wanted me to do it tomorrow morning, but I had to drive Patchi to school and that means I wouldn't get any sleep after. Me made me do some research on the place and there hours and it appears that it's open 24/7. Therefore, I made him go tonight because I really do not want to go to the collision center tomorrow morning. Ugh, need to take my mind off everything!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

No More Daily Updates...

So I've decided to stop updating the blog every day because I realized that my life is pretty boring most of the time and it's hard to blog about a day where I did practically nothing. And yes, it's been like this for most of the time. Maybe I'll start the daily updating when school starts, but in the mean time, I'll update it when things come up.

So like I said before, nothing much happened. I overheard one day where my dad asked my mom if I had any friends. I don't know if I should feel sad or insulted. I know I don't have a lot a lot of friends like some other people, or go out as much as them, but it doesn't mean that I don't have friends at all. For someone who hasn't been around a lot for the past 9 years, he's the last person that can say that I don't have any friends. Just a while ago, he called me and asked me to help him change the tax shit at his store because he doesn't have the "time" to do it and it doesn't want to navigate his computer. It's not like I did it before. He kept insisting that it's easy, so why can't he do it himself? I admit it, I'm lazy and I don't want to go all the way to Midland and Ellesmere and back. I could have been going out with my 'friends' if I actually planned something. Oh wait, I remember now. I almost forgot that he thinks I don't have any friends. Thanks dad, just thanks.

Anyhow, I started watching some Asian dramas again. It's been so long since I've watched an Asian drama. Bad thing is that it gives me headaches after a while. Oh well, at least I'm entertained.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

We picked up Patchi and Kim for lunch today since they had a half day at school today. Then, we went to Woodside to wonder around while my mom goes tot he bank to ask some things. Since my grandparents are gone, we had to go out for food since my mom is too lazy to cook.

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

I was supposed to go to dinner at Medieval Times, but that didn't happen because Harry got sick. I got so into Mario and Sonic at the Olympics game on DS, I forgot to pick up my mom from school. It was all good because she said she had a good time sitting under the tree and relax while talking on the phone.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

I had to drive Patchi to school today and to my surprise, I didn't feel too bad waking up today. I lie down on the couch and attempted to sleep for an hour before my neighbour comes to play mahjong. My grandmother had asked me to play with them and of course I agreed since I had nothing to do today. The game was pretty boring because of the style we were playing. After, I practice some more on the guitar and I'm actually making progress. At least I'm getting something done over the break!

Monday, May 24th, 2010

My dad came over today and brought us up for dim sum. Around 3, Ray came over to chill and we watched 'Inglorious Basterds', which was pretty good. Then, Kim came over, thinking that we're going to play mahjong. But we ended up just watching movies, playing guitar and talking. We ordered some pizza for dinner and that was basically it.

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010

We went to a family party at our cousin's place. My aunt invited us for BBQ. I actually drank a bottle of beer and it's the first 'legal' drink that I had. Then I played some street fighter 4 with a controller. It was extremely hard to use and did not look pretty. Then, I volunteered myself to play mahjong with my grandparents and friend since they really wanted to play and they're missing a player.

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

Normal, usual, boring day. Yuck!

Friday, May 21st, 2010

Harry, Andy my mom and I went out for dinner. Talked quite a bit. Then we dropped of my mom and went to eat dessert ['sugar water'] with Harry's elementary friends. It was REALLY surprising to see Kenneth sitting there. I would NEVER expect him to be out!

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Steph and I went to starbucks for a drink and to 'celebrate' [kinda] her birthday. Chilled a bit and then went back to my usual routine.

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

I really need to find somethings to do. Gaming, pianoing, watching TV; it kind of gets boring sometimes...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I drove my grandma and her friend to Woodside because they were going to play mahjong at their friend's place. I decided to got o Mcdonalds to eat their breakfast muffins since it's been a long time that I've eaten them. Then, I went back home to sleep.

For lunch, I went to popeyes because it was cheap and Patchi wanted some for after school. So, I went to the one at midland, bought some starbucks and ate some chicken. Maybe I'll do it again next week!

Monday, May 16th, 2010

I had to drive Patchi to school today, so I had to wake up at 7:30am. I don't know how I did it when I was high school, but it feels like hell waking up that early. Other than that, I stayed home and gamed.

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Last day at work today! I finally get a hang of the system there. I'll miss my coworkers because they were really nice to me.

Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Whole day at work today. It's not as busy as last time and I got to sleep during my 2 hour break. I've decided to quit the job because my fingers are getting worse. Since I'm quitting, I might as well start playing piano and aim to finish the teacher's certification.

Friday, May 14th, 2010

I tried to finish One Tree Hill. Not working at all! I'm stuck in the middle of season 1. I heard that it gets better in season 2, but I don't even have the initiative to finish the first season.

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

I had a night shift tonight and it was hell doing the mopping and the washrooms. The peeling of my fingers are getting worse and worse. I don't know how long I'm gonna last...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

I can't believe it's Wednesday already because I'll have a night shift tomorrow. I really don't want to work yet and I could have been at the Spring Concert tomorrow. Considering that I'm only working one shift, I'll probably end up doing the mopping at the end of the day, which sucks. The mopping at the end of the day takes a lot more effort because I have to do a thorough job.

I decided to go out for bubble tea with Miranda, Kim and Viv because they weren't able to go to the surprise gathering yesterday. We had a good time talking and chatting about life. I need to do this more with my friends!

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

My birthday is a normal day, though I really don't like all the birthday wishes that I had to reply on facebook. The day started out pretty normal. I went to the Science Center with San and Ryan to see the Harry Potter exhibition. Then a bunch of us went to Duff's for wings as a surprised gathering for my birthday. It was really nice of them and I had a really good time! On a side note, I did NOT have a single drop of alcohol today. =) I'm good.

Monday, May 10th, 2010

My dad came over to bring us out for dinner. It was a dinner for Mother's Day and for my birthday. It's always been like the for the pass 19 years of my life [almost 19 at least]. My birthday is always merge together with Mother's Day. Although I never get my own family dinner for my birthday, it's not as bad as you think. Probably, it's because I don't really feel excited for my birthdays at all.

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

Today was absolutely hell. I ended up with only 45 minutes break. I was basically the only one doing the dish runs, so I think I did around 30 runs in total? At the end of the day, I could barely feel my legs anymore. What really pisses me off is that I didn't get a lot more than yesterday. Oh well, that's life. =(

Saturday, May 8th, 2010

The pre-mother's day was actually pretty easy. I got put into the smaller section, so not as much runs and massive tasks. Tomorrow's gonna be hell because I got assigned into the largest section. Sigh..

Friday, May 7th, 2010

Gah! Work tomorrow! Not looking forward to it!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

We went out for All-You-Can-Eat sushi for lunch. Watch some One Tree Hill before teaching around 5pm. Continue to watch some more tv shows for the rest of the night. I have a feeling that this would be the routine for many days in the summer.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

I was supposed to go to the art show at Ward today, but I ended up ditching it. San and I went to Ryan's neighbourhood and it as absolutely breathtaking. The lobby was so magnificant and the hallways look like it's a Leitrim five star hotel. I was speechless. It was like heaven compare to where I live.

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

I decided to start learning guitar. I asked Kim to teach me the basics. Guitar is so much harder than piano because piano doesn't in flict pain on the fingers. I guess I need to get use to it and let the tip of my fingers adapt to the unbearable pain of the guitar strings. I hope that this doesn't affect on how I play the piano.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

I am so tired right now. I don't know how I'm able to stay up this late considering the fact that I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. I had to drive Patchi to school today so that means I woke up at 7:30am. I went back to sleep and woke up to go to lunch with Cherry and Jeffrey. Then, they came over to chill for a bit. That was pretty much the day. I'm so happy that I could finally get to sleep in tomorrow! It's been a while...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday, May 2nd, 2010

I did all my teaching today, so I didn't end up with a lot of sleep since I went to bed pretty late yesterday. Apparently, I looked really dead and Patchi said that it seems like I had a 'sobering-up-gone-bad'.

What mad me really think today was when my dad was holding my half sister's hand while walking through the parking lot. Ten years ago, it was Patchi, 15 years ago it was me. I'm really turning old and life is so different from what it was before. This kind of lead to the fact how mice my grandparents still treat my dad. They were always very enthusiastic when they hear that my half sister is coming too. Theoritically, they have the right to do nothing and don't give a damn about him, but they didn't. This is when I remember where I learn the while forgive and forget thing. I had perfect role models living with me for the past couple of years.

Tonight was Viv's birthday gathering. We went to Milestones to eat and then decided to watch a movie after. We watched 'Clash of the Titans' and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Tonight was a great night, but it couldve been better if I got things cleared. I got to hope for the best.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

First day at work today. It was really tiring. I officially hate mopping. Apparently I didn't mop fast enough. I tried to keep my pace up, but there was always so much to remember.

I got really pissed of when I heard a story from one of my best friend. I raged and lashed out. I thought I'll never be able to let this goes, but I did in the end. When I took the car keys and went out to look for him, I knew I have already gave in. I said that I don't want to be blamed if something bad happens to him, but really, I was worried about him and I admitted it. I guess it's just the nature of me. Forgive and forget.

Friday, April 30th, 2010

I felt like crap today. Major headache and my throat is getting iffy. I have work tomorrow but it feels like I'm getting sick. Not looking forward for tomorrow.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Nothing usual happen today. We had a really nice dinner with my family friends. My botany exam marks are out and surprisingly, I did pretty good on it! With the shifting in weight, I think I'll able to get around 73 or 74, which is good enough. Also there is a boost in psych too, but still not enough to get me to 63. Oh well, I'm still satified with my marks in general and I must say, I have put up a good fight to try to pull my averages up.

Now, since my marks are up, I can start my accomplish/things completed list for my first year in university.

Things I've done/accomplished (not necessarily proud of though):
- finish first year without failing any courses
- stayed up to finsh my microbiology lab report and went to bed when I'm supposed to go to class the next morning
- slept in lectures
- didn't use a textbook for a certain course at all
- got sick of eating because of caf food
- had suite-resing experience
- had dorm style resing experience
- used the dorm shower
- slept in a bed with may contain traces of puke
- slept in a bed where a couple had sex on
- washed/cleaned the washroom
- had a "party" in res
- watched movies during exam weeks to "take a break" (a lot of movies infact)
- watched 'A Cinderella Story' while drinking a can of beer (I had to dispose it somehow and yes this was also during exam week)
- filled in random bubbles on the scantron because I didn't have time to finish (stats)
- did someone's work (Nathan's procedure summary for chem)
- gave up in a course (still manage to finish. What a miracle!)
- possibility of giving up a 'friend'
- gave up on someone I like
- made a few friends in university
- tried to run away or avoid things and people
- shared a bed with a guy (no homo!)
- had pokemon fever
- cried
- felt homesick
- almost lost my iPod touch
- lost my pokewalker

Now for things that I didn't do:
- get drunk
- pass ELPE (yup, I'm officially a true fob)
- share a bed with a girl
- make enough friends
- maintain a good average or gpa
- get enough sleep
- be involved in the community
- been to conestoga or any mall in Waterloo

I could only think of these for now. If I have any events where I forgot and it's notable, I'll update it.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

"It felt like my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. I know I'm not supposed to feel this way, but I can't help it."

Pretty boring day! Some people were supposed to come over and play mahjong but that ended being a flop because Ray was tired after the art show. San and I planned to go out for bubble tea, but it ended up being a flop too because her exam ends earlier!

At 9pm, she texted and said that she wants to go after all because she's so happy that she's done her first year and she really wants bubble tea. So I called out Miranda too because we haven't seen her in so long.

At first, I kind of felt bad because Miranda and I were supposed to go to STC to watch "The Losers". No offence, that movie does not looks great at all. Plus, by the time I get the car, the movie would start already.

Great bubble tea, great talk, great night!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

I love Tuesdays! All the discounts and stuff!

I decided to call Steph out for lunch since everyone was so darn busy with their lives. We went to get some samosas and Popeyes [it's Tuesday!] and visited Harry's new ballin' house. After eating, we decided to go to Steph's new house and chilled. The day was well spent and I didn't waste the opportunity with the car.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, April 26th, 2010

Marks are up! Well, most of them anyways. For most parts, I did pretty good. especially on stats and psych! My average for stats actually went UP, which means I made some REALLY good guesses/filling in random bubbles. Social psych was a miracle, absolutely a miracle. It's not official, but I'll probably end up with a low 60, which is more than I asked for.

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

I actually started unpacking but I realized that I leave some backpacks unsorted. I guess I can do that...sometime later. I started playing HoN and I tried to get better at it. Of course, it was a no go. Oh well, gaming is just not my thing.

Saturday, April 24th, 2010

I was supposed to unpack today, but I got lazy and procrastinated. I stayed home and did a Glee marathon and managed to finish all 14 episodes that I downloaded. Great show!

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

The highs, and the lows. It feels SO good to finish my first year of university. Not exactly on the highest note, but I guess it's still satisfactory.

I shouldn't have celebrated too soon, because I found out that I failed my ELPE as well. I'm not too surprised, because that essay was pretty bad. It may be a bit embarrassing, but hey, that's life. Expect the unexpected. It's not the end of the world and plus, I could always redo it. It just bothers me because failing the ELPE makes me a TRUE FOB. Obviously, I'm not even close being one. =P

Tammy, Ryan and I celebrated the end of the year by going for bubble tea and eating ice cream cake form marble slab. The cake was really good, but I had to finish half of it for dinner because no one wanted to finish it.

On another note, I HATE LEAVING RESIDENCE LAST! There were so much crap to do, and I ended up didn't throwing out all the garbage. I had more stuff to bring home than I thought. Wow, what a night!

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

Last day of cramming! At one point, I gave in and started to watch a movie [Korean movie - Baby and I]. The movie was pretty good and it was worth watching it. Then, I started to crams one more and it took longer than I thought. I ended up going through my materials once, hopefully it'll be still in my head when I'm doing my exam tomorrow!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Today was pretty much a fail attempt in studying for Botany. As I expected, I'm running out of gas. I'm going through the lecture slides really, really slowly. Usually, I could finish slides just like that but today was just a really bad day. I hope I get at least half done tonight because the cramming starts tomorrow. The end of first year is so close, yet so far. I could see the finish line, yet I know there's still a long way. Must not give up!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

I tried to study for a bit for Botany but it didn't go as well as I thought it would. Cherry came to Waterloo to visit! I decided I should go back to MKV since Vivi needed a companion when David leaves too. Plus, I would not want to be the third-wheel at REV - like, I love it when I'm on a roll, but just not THAT way. Haha, I crack myself up with my lame and attempted jokes!

So I went back to MKV and noticed that there's one lonely beer in the fridge. I was thinking that it'll probably be wasted since no one likes to drink beer. So my Asian-ness came out and I decided to tank it while watching 'A Cinderella Story'. Yes, I know, I'm supposed to be studying, but it's late at night and I technically DID study for a bit. Plus, it's Hilary Duff [hot!] and Chad Michael Murray [hot too!]. Just a few more days, and right now, at this moment, I feel like everything's going to end well. I hope this feeling lasts!

Monday, April 19th, 2010

Genetics exam was actually pretty good considering the amount of cramming I did. Psych, on the other hand, was just terrible. I could barely stay awake during the exam and I'm pretty sure I failed it.

On the bright side, I only have one more exam to do and then I'll be done my first year in university!

On another note, I ordered a half-half from Timmies and I ended up getting a Mocha. Thank you, woman from Tim Hortons, you made my day!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Right now, I'm still cramming genetics in. To my surprise, I know more than I expected, but it's still not enough to get a better average and boost my GPA. I found out today that my exam is at 9am, not 12:30pm. It's a good and bad thing because I'll have more time to cram social psych. I NEED to pass psych, preferably with a 65+ average. Okay, back to cramming!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

"Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest, it's who came and never left."

Back in Waterloo and realized how screwed I am for Monday. I moved out of MKV and migrated to REV with Nathan for the rest of the term [which is only 6 days by the way]. I hope I get some efficient studying done since it seems pretty hopeless right now. It's okay! It's almost the end! After the next 2 days, things would be all better!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Wow, it's already been 3 days and I'll be back to Waterloo tomorrow night. It's like the final sprint to the finish line. I don't know if I'll make it [on a high note at least] because studying has been a fail lately. It's not the end yet, there's still hope, right?

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

My God, studying is such a pain in the ass! What's pissing me off is that I'm not efficient enough and it seems like nothing is going into my head. I'm starting to lose hope, not good at all!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

It's already Wednesday and I barely started studying for my exams on Monday. I went to the library to do some quality studying, but I ended up spending an hour or so looking for the right library to study in because everywhere was so full. In the end, I must say it's better than what I would've done in Waterloo because I actually went through 2 lectures for genetics. Now, If only I started on my psych...

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Stats exam was deadly. I ran out of time, like I thought I would. I technically did 40 multiple choices in 15 minutes. I probably filled in 20 bubbles without looking/reading the questions. I really hope that I pass. This felt like shit because I tried to had to maintain my 70+ average. Looks like I'll probably get 2 courses below 70's since I'm probably gonna butcher social psych as well.

Back to Toronto. Life is good =D

Monday, April 12th, 2010

The review session was actually really good since I got some questions cleared. I tried studying some more - didn't work as I thought it would. Then, I finally gave in to watch 'The Notebook' because everyone's been saying that it's really sad and all that. Well, lets just say, I was disappointed with the movie. It wasn't good at ALL! The movies I watched yesterday, "A Walk to Remember" and "P.S. I love you" were way better. I felt like I wasted 2 hours of my life watching that crap!

Sunday, April 11th, 2010

I tried to cram some stats in, but honestly, what is there to study for stats? I kept on reviewing my notes and by 11pm, I was tired of looking at my own writing. I decided to watch some movies until 4am. I know it's not a smart idea since I have a review session at 12 tomorrow, but the movies that I watched were worth it.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, April 10th, 2010

Chem Lab exam was pretty straight forward! Though I got really frustrated with all the calculation questions because I couldn't get the answer at all. Luckily, I managed to get all but one of the questions. Not bad I guess. I usually do well in the earlier exams compare to the ones near the end. It seems like I 'run out of gas' or something. It's been happening every time and I hope this time is different.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday, April 9th, 2010

I hate people. How the hell can they be so lazy? Do they even have the decency to clean after themselves? Some of them just angers me. I hate to see unwashed dishes and pots in the sink, especially when I want to use it to make something for myself to eat. That's why I stay away from making food because there's never clean pots to use!

Garbage. When the garbage is full, no one tends to volunteer and throw it out and keep on piling it up. They're good people, but hygienic-wise, they're not that much better than pigs. I'm sorry, but this is how pissed I am about this whole situation.

Thursday, April 8th, 2010

I didn't finish the ELPE and was only 2 sentences away from finishing. It was arguably the worst essay I've written.

I've been in a really bad mood ever since I got back to Waterloo. All the many things that pisses me off or annoys me accumulates together, which result in a bitchy mode. Even though I'm annoyed at many things, I still don't have the heart to bitch it out to them. Let's just say, some of them are pretty inconsiderate. Can't wait until Tuesday where I can leave this hell hole. Like seriously, I just want to leave this place.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

"Find your own deep and compelling reason to successfully learn your subject and pass your exams." - Unknown?

I woke up and took a nice long walk to SCH for lunch. The weather was great - not too cold and not to warm. Too bad that it rained because that totally killed it. After a nice lunch, I went to the library to do some studying. I managed to cram 2 chapters in, but it felt like it wasn't efficient enough. After dinner, I decided to use the chem notes of the other class that i bought in the beginning of the school year. Basically, the notes are almost the same, just less messy. I managed to finish 3 module [which is half of the course] and maybe start on the 4th module [the longest of the 6]. At least I don't feel guilty about studying too little today.

Tomorrow is my ELPE exam. Everyone said it was easy, but to be honest, I don't really feel confident about it. I haven't written an essay for ages and the chances of me choking is pretty high. I guess I just have to pray for the best.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

I went to visit Ward with Miranda. It was great because everyone was so friendly. Then we went to McDonalds to study a bit. It's high school all over again! I really do miss high school and the people are are still there. The students, the teachers, everything! At night, I went back to Waterloo. Not in a good mood. Not at all!

Monday, April 5th, 2010

We went out for dim sum for lunch and that was basically the highlight of the day. I did some major nerding on chem but it feels like I didn't absorb anything. At night, before I slept, I gave up and ended up watching "27 Dresses". Did I regret it? Nope, not at all.

Sunday, April 4th, 2010

I had to drive Patchi to his friend's place for a project. He has the WORSE sense of direction and had difficulty in reading the stupid map! I had to stop 2 times and ended up doing all the readings myself. When I had to pick him up, my mom decided to go to pmall for some bubble tea, and made Patchi do some walking. At night, my cousin called us out for bubble at Go For Tea and we basically had a feast there.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

I finally complete one of my two cover letters and the process of writing one was hell! It was pretty boring today because I was either writing my cover letter or working on my chem assignment. I had trouble with the assignment and will probably need further assistant from Ryan, who had NEVER taken chem in high school. This is quite sad, but apparently he had a really good teacher with really nice lecture notes. If only I have the initiative to copy down all the notes that he had...

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

Today was another day of relaxing. I'll probably have a guilt attack when I sleep for not studying at all. I had dinner with my mom's friend tonight and the food was great! Chinese food in Toronto is always the best. =)

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

Today was the 6th Annual Botany Movie Awards. It was a 'Oscar-like' event where our teacher display most of the movies made by students this term. There were 6 categories and about 5-6 nominees for each. SO my surprised, our video won the best animation. Technically, Ryan was the only one who contributed in the movie making and apparently he added some false information. It was great receiving a prize [which was a solar powered moving plant and a $10 Timmies card]. I think I like Botany more now. =)

Easter weekend and the ride back home was long and frustrating. The traffic was bad mainly because there were a lot of accidents. If there wasn't any accident, I think the ride back would be much smoother.

I went out for dinner and bubble tea with Rayray, Kimmy and Patchi. It was nice to spend time with younger friends, as I miss them greatly. I hope there are more opportunities like this because we had a great time.

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

Once again, I was able to stay awake in Social Psych with the help of a full bladder and Bejeweled. I attempted to study a bit, but then got side-track because I found some jobs to apply to. Most of the jobs are business-related and there was only one job that's related to science. The job at the ROM [Royal Ontario Museum] sound really cool, but there's only 3 spots for that placement. Chances are slim since my resume isn't that great. Oh well, it doesn't hurt trying.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

Sushi with Tammy, Harry, David and Natey today! It'll probably the last time I'll go to Ye's sushi until fall term. Then I went to vote for Cathy and her friends for SBSA, though it's solely for science+business students. We were still eligible to vote and they ended up winning! Charlene, Vivi and I decided to go to the end-of-the-year party for the faculty of science. Free food!

Monday, March 29th, 2010

I finally found a way not to sleep in Psych anymore! All I need to do is to drink some liquid before the lecture and hold my pee in! It's a bitter-sweet thing because it's kinda uncomfortable to hold it in, but it feels great to stay awake in class again!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday, March 28th, 2010

Back to the hell hole. Thank God that this is going to be a short week and a pretty relaxing wek [though I really need to start studying]. Tank it!

Saturday, March 27th, 2010

The family decided to play mahjong at night. So we played till 1am at night. Patchi and I shared a spot. We started out great, but in the end lost badly because my grandparents and my mom kept self-drawing. Night well spent? I think so.

Friday, March 26th, 2010

I decided to go back to Toronto because there are a lot of people coming over to Waterloo. There's not enough room for the guests to sleep so I offered my room. Originally, I was going to stay because I was supposed to go to the movies with Natey, Tammy and Ryan, and chill with Ray on Saturday since he has a badminton tournament at CIF. I just flopped on them last minute and made deals with them where I make up for it. Patchi and my mom made a bet whether I come back. My mom said that I'm staying in Waterloo this weekend, but Patchi argued that I'll come back. I guess Patchi knows me too well?

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

Today was a long day. The genetics quiz was pretty straight forward, though I have a feeling that next week's quiz would be hell. The STATs midterm was a nightmare. I know what I'm doing, but I didn't have enough time to fix it. The multiple choices were like 'WTF', so I ended up guessing those too. On the other hand, we aced out botany lab presentation. This time, the TAs didn't have a chance to ask us questions because we were on top of everything. It feels great to end the lab on a high note!

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

Studying STATs is so boring! At 10:30pm, I decided to watch a movie to relax a bit. I watched '200 Pound Beauty', which was pretty fun, yet sad in the end. It's sad so know that there's so much discrimination against some people in this world.

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

I decided to go to the library to study after my botany lecture. I didn't sleep a lot the night before, so it was pretty hard to get through STATs. When I got back to MKV, I studied some more and played a bit of Pokemon. I'm almost at the part where I need to train to battle the Elite 4, which is the boring part and I hope that will discourage me to stop playing and start studying.

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

I originally planned to study for STATs for most of the day. I ended up playing pokemon AGAIN. I did all the bonus questions, and there are this one question that pissed me off really bad. It's okay! I'll just study tomorrow!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday, March 21st, 2010

Another unproductive day as I wait for the annotated notes for stats to get uploaded. It never really did show up, so i gave up and just skipped last Monday's lecture and moved on to the recent ones. In the end, I did something at the end of the day, which makes me feel a tiny bit better.

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Today was Miranda's, Edwin's and Jaira's birthday gathering. We went to AMC to watch Bounty Hunter, which was actually pretty good. Then, we went to Casey's for dinner. Kim and I got a surprise cake for those 3. Everything went according to plan!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friday, March 19th, 2010

Friday is always the lazy day where I don't do anything productive usually. I went back to Toronto and had to wait for Nathan to finish his track training. He took longer than I thought and I was at Eatons for an hour or 2. I bought something from San's workplace just to visit her. We got back to Scarborough and met up with my my cousins and Patchi for Korean BBQ.

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

I ended up only having 5 hours of sleep last night because Nathan had to finish his genetics report. The day did not went well as I forgot my genetics data set in my room. I went back with Tammy and Nathan to get it, but then I left my keys at the suite! I needed my keys because we had to check out our chem lockers since it was our last lab. Luckily, Tammy was nice enough to go back and get it for my after genetics tutorial. Botany lab was the shortest lab ever - 8 minutes! I got back home after, and passed out on my bed. It was a nice power nap before dinner. I started to study a bit and listen to a genetics lecture. At least I attempted to study early...

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

I had a long day because of all the classes I had. I decided to give myself another semi-relaxing day and play some Pokemon again. I should probably get some more sleep as well...

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Today was Waterloo's open house. My family came to visit me with my cousin, who might be attending Waterloo next year. I finished my chem lab stuff AND my stats quiz today so I could play Pokemon for the rest of the night.

Monday, March 15th, 2010

Crammed my genetics assignment tonight so I can play pokemon tomorrow! I'm so excited because I haven't played for the longest time. Genetics was pretty straight forward, but I had a hard time concentrating. In the end, I finished it really late. At least I didn't have to go to classes tomorrow!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Finally started working because I felt really bad for not working during the weekend. I managed to tank about half of my chem lab tonight, though I sacrificed some sleep. Looks like I'll be super tired tomorrow.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 13th, 2010

Today was my grandfather's legit birthday. We played mahjong with him the whole day and that basically sums up the whole day. And yes, no homework or whatsoever =(.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday, March 12th, 2010

I love Fridays. It's always the day to slack off. There was a big traffic at highway 401 and it took around three hours to get back home. I went to my cousin's place to chill. We played monopoly on wii and then watched paranormal activity. The movie was alright though Im pretty sure that it's fake. I didn't start on any of my assignments. Oh well, I'll pull off something.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

I didn't sleep well last night. Had to wake up earlier today to do a psych study. Overall, today was highly unproductive. I want to sleep, but I can't fall asleep. I want to study, but I don't have the initiative to. But what I DO have is energy to watch some Gossip Girl. I know I'll regret it later one because there are some tasks to finish for next week, but hey, at least they're not midterms anymore!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This morning, I realized that I had a stats tutorial, but I haven't been paying attention to class OR made any notes. I scrambled and whip through 2 lectures during my chem lecture. Stats tutorial ended up to be quite easy, which was a relieve. I was supposed to go through slides before my psych midterm, but ended up taking a power nap. I kinda regret it now because there were some stuff that was only on the lecture slides. Oh well, what's done is done.

After the midterm, I had to do my stats quiz. At first, it didnt go as well. I only used one of 5 tries because I know I won't be able to get 2 of the questions. So, I went through with an 80%. I guess it's better than a 0.

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

My stomach was growling really loud during the botany midterm, which was pretty embarrassing. Overall, the midterm was okay and hopefully I did okay in it. Studying psych was faster than I thought. I managed to cram the last 3 chapters [around 90-100 pages or so] today, which is pretty good. Though, there were some parts where the content got really boring, so I ended up skimming it.

Monday, March 8th, 2010

It's the night before botany and I realized that I still have a chem assignment to do. At first, I didn't do too well. I ended up getting help from Tammy and in the end, I got perfect! I didn't really expect getting that high, 80 was enough since it gets boosted in the end. After cramming for botany, I realized that I left a chunk of readings for psych for tomorrow. At least I have almost the whole day to read.

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

Thai + viet food for lunch. Weird ass Chinese food for dinner. Yum!

Got back to Waterloo pretty late. I crammed a bit more for psych and botany before I went to bed. Not looking forward to the next few days...

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

I was supposed to go out for dim sum for lunch today, but I ended up skipping out because I had to teach piano. It's okay because I go to dim sum a lot now a days. After, we went to Markville to shop for new jackets. The jacket is so nice because it's super warm and it's SUPER light.

I finally started studying for my 2 midterms. It was pretty overwhelming seeing all the stuff that I need to read for psych. At least botany didn't seem as much of a burden.

Friday, March 5th, 2010

I accidentally locked myself out of my own suite because I gave my keys to Vivi. I knew that everyone was going out for sushi [I wanted to go too but I have to catch the greyhound]. Good thing that Chris was around the area and he was able to open the door for me.

When I got back to Downtown, Toronto, I realized that I walk pass Viv and Kim's mom's salon. I decided to stop by and say hi to her, and coincidentally, Jade and Viv was there too! We talked and chilled and took the ttc back to Scarborough. On the way back, we bumped into Jethro, which was quite pleasant.

When I got home, my family decides to go out for Korean BBQ. From what I heard, we're having a few gatherings this weekend. Looks like more yummy food. =)

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

One of the longer days because I had both of my labs. During botany lab, I was dead tired and wanted to go home and sleep so bad. Of course, I didn't end early because the lab was long as usual. I was supposed to start studying for my 2 midterms next week, but I procrastinated by watching Gossip Girl. I haven't watched it for a long time and I guess it was kind of worth it. Wait until the guilt strikes me...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

Finished all I need to do for today and had time to spare! Instead of studying, I ended up watching Gossip Girl because I've been crammed with work and studying. I guess it's time for me to relax for a bit before I do another session of hardcore studying.

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

Thank god for Tuesdays! I actually had time to take a nap and spend the rest of the day working on my chem lab report. Pretty productive I must say because by the end of the day, i had everything except for the conclusion to finish. I'll actually have time to do my stats quiz tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monday, March 1st, 2010

Wow, it's March already! I realized that I have to do my pre-enrollment for my 2A fall term this coming September. I don't even know what courses to take yet but I have a feeling that I'm changing everything around in terms of electives wise. I finally started on the deadly chemistry lab report. So far, I got the intro done and parts of the results. Apparently, the calculations and questions are the hardest part of the lab. Looks like i'l be struggling like mad tomorrow. At least I only have one classes tomorrow so I could work on this report for the whole day technically.

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

Two days of rest, now back to reality.

Olympics are finally over! I can say that I'm proud to be Canadian! The Canadian athletes did exceptionally well and conquered the gold medal standings. They brought excitement through the 17 days of the prestigious events.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Saturday, February 27th, 2010

Curling today was pretty bullshit because all the rules were so whacked. Oh well, at least I still get to play, which is still pretty good.

Friday, February 26th, 2010

I skipped genetics just to catch the 2pm bus back to Toronto. Good thing I made that decision because there were major traffic on HWY 401. I met up with San in downtown and ate dinner. Got back at home around 8pm and watched olympics for the rest of the night.

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Done, done and DONE!

Even though it was a long day, I was excited to get everything over with. The midterms were alright and I think I passed all of them. Now I have to worry about my chem lab report which i haven;t started on. BUT OF COURSE, I'll rest for a few days!

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

One down, 2 more to go! Chem midterm was actually okay, but that usually a bad sign! Now, I have to cram for genetics. Stats...I guess when it comes to these situations, we have to learn to forfeit and sacrifice one of them.

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Mad cramming for chem tonight. I really don't know what to expect on the exam because the sample tests are bullshit. Hopefully I could pull it off and guess the right answers.

Monday, Febraury 22nd, 2010

Study, study, and study!

Olympics, olympics and olympics!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday, February 21th, 2010

I didn't really want to go back to waterloo because I don't want to study. I realized that I have a few quizes to do for Monday so I crMmed them all in today. I'm pretty much screwed for my midterms since I barely started on studying for any courses.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday, February 20th, 2010

Another hectic morning! I had to drive my mom to work because I needed the car to go to teach piano at the student's place. The drive was horible because I have to go from my place to finch and dufferin, and then all the way back to 9th and 16th. My family went to Vaughn mills when I was driving and teaching piano. It's okay because I never really planned on going. I did some quizes but failed miserably on my genetics one. Oh well.

Friday, February 19th, 2010

Today was San's birthday so we went out for dinner. It was great that I finally got to see my friends, but for some reason, I wasn't really in to it like I usually would be. Regardless, it was a fun night.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thursday, February 18th, 2010

I didn't get a lot of work done today because I have to go out for dinner at Mandarin. But at least I still got to watch the Olympics =)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today was a regular studying and watching olympics day. Nothing big happened and pretty boring. At least it allows me to have an excuse to make this short =)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

I attempted to study for a bit, and I guess it was alright. Something is better than nothing. I had some time to reflect on life and so on. I had to escort my uncle tot he airport tonight, which kind of prevented me form going out. It's okay because it's not a big deal anyways.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15th, 2010

It's been eating and eating and eating for the past few days. My dad brough the whole family out for some expensive japanese food. It was crazy and I had to basically tank down most of the stuff because everyone was getting full. After, we celebrated my dad's birthday as well. For some reason, I have a feeling that he forgot his own birthday.

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

I spent the whole day playing mahjong with family and at times it was really annoying! I wanted to watch the Olympics and I missed the moment where Alexandre Bilodeau won his gold medal! I even missed his interview! What's worse is that I got butchered in mahjong. =( Oh well, at least my grandparents were happy.

Valentines day is not only for a couple. I find spending the day with my family, the ones that I love, shows the true meaning of Valentines day. Though, I must say, this year's was pretty painful. Enough said.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Chinese New Year Eve!

Family lunch + family friends dinner = lots of red pockets!

Well, I'm never really excited about getting red pockets because I get them like 3 or 4 times through the year. But this year is different. I have my whole family together for once [other than my dad of course]. This would be the one to remember!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friday, February 12th, 2010

Finally back to Toronto for the break!

I think I've met my dairy quota today, by eating 1/3 of a chocolate truffle cake and drinking 2 cups of chocolate milk for dinner. My stomach did not feel well for the rest of the night. Hopefully, i'll get better tomorrow.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

I finally got my iPod back from my TA. The week is technically done and the real studying starts. Yeah right! It's more like major chilling and partying with friends. Just joking! But I do admit, it's a good time to escape from everything.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

"Stay strong."

Lots of sad things been going around lately and a lot of people that I know are going through difficult situations. That's life, no matter what happens, we have to live on.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

What's the standard of nice?
Is there such thing for being "too nice"?

Today I slept in and almost didn't make it for class. If it wasn't for San's texted, I think I would've skipped my botany lecture. Nathan didn't show up during lunch, though it wasn't that surprising sine he DID had to cram his lab report and study for psych. After meeting up with him and giving back his chem lab stuff, I went home and took a nap. The nap was great because I haven't had one in so long. Then, I spent the rest of the night doing assignments and lab reports and going to a biology orientation about finding jobs.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday, February 8th, 2010

Great, looks like I'm doing worse than first term now. I swear I did pretty decent on my Botany midterm, but apparently not. I need to really find a more effective way to do better. University sucks so much!

I think the lack of sleep is getting back at me. I could barely get up this morning and fell asleep in almost all of my classes. Everything going downhill. People said that when you hit rock bottom, everything will get better from there. I wonder if I'll ever hit the bottom, or if I can even get back out of the hole.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, February 7th, 2010


I went snowtubing with my family today. At first, I thought it's not really a good idea since I only had 3-4 hours of sleep the night before. Driving at 80km-100km/h while you're half dead is not such a great idea either. In the end, I enjoyed every minute of it because it took my mind off some difficult situations. I went back to Waterloo pretty late and knowing how stupid I am, I drank a cup of ice cappuccino around 11pm. So now I'm like still kind of awake at 3am. I should really be sleeping now.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Party was great! I think everyone had fun tonight. We went to bubble tea after and chilled some more. It was kind of a merge of old friends and new friend together, which was pretty cool. Can't wait for the next reunion!

Friday, February 5th, 2010

Finally, this week is over! I could finally relax for a bit! From what I know, I have quite a few things to do during the weekend for my grandpa's party. It's going to be great!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

Today was like a rollercoaster. I was happy that I finally finished my midterms for the week. Then, I found out that I left my iPod touch at my genetics tutorial. Then, I found out that I barely passed my social psych midterm. I almost fuck up my botany lab quiz too, but i was lucky enough to guess the answers right. When I came back home, my TA emailed me back and she said that she has my iPod. I was so glad that I didn't lose my iPod because it's one of the only thing that could help me through university. At least the day didn't end as bad.

University is very lonely sometimes. Yeah, sometimes you have your friends around you and stuff. But there are points where you have no help and whatsoever. Statistics brings problems to me sometimes. I'm not really a data management person so I had some difficulties going at the problems myself. Also, it seems like no matter how hard I study, I would never meet my expectations. Does that mean I have to study even harder? It may seem like I'm not studying hard enough right now since I'm screwing up my midterms. To be honest, I'm trying really, really, REALLY hard. I sacrificed a lot already, yet, it still seem like it's not enough. Yet, giving up is not an option. So now, I'm just stuck int he middle of nowhere, hoping and waiting for something good will happen, something that will prove that my hard work is worth it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Psych exam was alright. Cramming botany. Can't wait till this exam is over!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

Botany sucks. Plants suck. That's all I need to say.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday, February 1st, 2010

Mad cramming. No motivation. =(

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

I got back to Waterloo pretty late. There were traffic on there was an accident. I managed to read a few pages before I went to bed. I ended up having to share my bed with Michael again because he has no where to sleep. I thought I would have a really good sleep because people decided to sleep early tonight. But it's okay, it's not as bad as not being able to sleep because of loud noises.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

So I didn't go snowtubing today in the end because my aunt and uncle thinks they need some rest and it's too cold to go out. I'm actually glad because I didn't feel well the night before. I actually got some readings done, but not as much as I want to.

After the horrible hair cut on Friday, I decided to ask Viv's mom to fix it for me. I realized the I have to meet some higher class family of mine tomorrow and I don't want to look like a retard. Now I have short hair, just like grade 8. Atleast now I can manipulate it and do something with it unlike the previous haircut. This is probably a big change for other people and they mght not get used to it. But it's okay! My hair will grow once again!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday, January 29th, 2010

I got a haircut today and wanted a trim. It ended up being a chop! My hair is really short now, yet it's long enough so that I can't style it or whatsoever. This is kind of frustrating because it looks weird. Now, it looks like a white-boy cut. Blehh

Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

Long day today. TAs butchered us in our botany lab presentation. Oh well, it's only 1%. No big deal.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

Wow, I finally got some sleep, but the sad thing is that whenever I have enough sleep, I pass out in my lectures and whenever I don't have enough sleep, I stay wide awake during my lectures. My sleeping patterns are getting worse and worse! Today was a pretty long day, but tomorrow is WORSE because it's a double lab day! Hopefully I'll get those done early so I could go back and catch up on my readings.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Frustrated at everything. Everything seems like it's falling apart, but really, everything are piling up. In another words, stress is building up.

I really need to get better and cram more. I just realized that my readings for social psychology were in my course syllabus all along. Great, now I'm really behind in my readings...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25th, 2010

Woke up feeling shit today and finally skipped my first class. What a bad time to get sick! I realized that I have two midterm next week and I barely started studying for them. Better start cramming!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

Term Avg             67.62  Term Units In Avg      3.25

Cumulative Avg 67.62 Total Units In Avg 3.25

Total Units Taken 3.25 Total Units Passed 3.25

Total Transfer Units 0.00

Faculty Average 66.73

Major Average 64.00 Biology

Academic Standing: Satisfactory standing


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

I spent most the the day with my cousin and other old family friends. It was pretty fun, but the bad part was that some people smoke like crazy there. By the time I got back home, all my clothing smell like smoke. Nasty!

Realization: I am a douche. =(

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Wow, my mom fully lashed out at me saying that I'm not responsible and doesn't know what's my priorty. I didn't even know what was going on until she told me I was supposed to teach piano tomorrow. I fully thought that's I'll be out all day but apparently she expected me to sneak out of the party a bit to teach. I honestly didn't know that I was supposed to do it and I thought it was fishy when I called my student's mom about this week. Now, she started blaming for me being irresponsible and can't keep me responsibility for the job. It's not like I could read minds. It was so bullshit so I just hung up on her. Yea, it was over the phone too. I felt really bad at first, but it was just reflex because I'm getting blamed with a really ridiculous reason. I'm not saying that I was right, but the way she treated was so unfair. I mean, it was so sudden because I would never expect I get yelled at for something that I thought I had.

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

I managed to stay up in Botany lab today. Thanks to my Arizona, I was able to not fall asleep and listen to my prof talk. On the other hand, botany lab was unless. Waste of my life!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

Today was a really bad day. I fell asleep in all of my classes. I did my stats tutorial questions on my own. I made a fool of myself in front of the whole genetics class. Want this day to be over now.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Botany lectures are so brutal. I couldn't even last for 5 minutes! I tried so hard to stay awake but I just end up falling asleep again. After botany, a bunch of us went to Ye's all-you-can-eat sushi for lunch. Sadly, it was my first time going outside of the university in Waterloo. Lunch was great, though I had to tank down some of the leftover sushi.

As of being productive, I got some readings and problems done for genetics. I should relaly start studying botany since the midterm is in 2 weeks...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday, January 18th, 2010

I think I'm getting sick. As much as I wanted to go asleep, I tanked through the day. I actually got quite a lot of work done. I ended up spending 2 or 3 hours reading GMH when Cherry sent me that link. So much for wanting to sleep early.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

Eventful? Nope.
Productive? Hell no.

I think I'm starting to lose my motivation. I don't work as efficient as before now. It took me a few hours reading botany and what sad is that I literally skimmed it. None of the information processed. Now, I'm starting to feel a bit hopeless for this course.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday, January 17th, 2010

Today was pretty eventful. As I promised, I went to Pmall to shop with San for her phone and then watch Leap Year together. Yes, just me and her, and no, it wasn't a 'date'. Just in case if there are any misconception, since I found out that a lot of people actually read this blog. The movie was pretty good, though stupid annoying kids ruined it at the end by crying.

Steph asked me what would happen if San and I never broke up. To be honest, I really don't know but one thing I could say is that, there's nothing was gained or lost. She is one of my good friends and at this moment, there's nothing I would ask for more. So why doubting my decisions from the past?

It's funny how last night, my mom surprised me by asking if I was going out with San. I laughed and told her all about Tim and her. She also asked me if I currently have any girlfriends. If I was in high school, it would be the worse nightmare. But now that I'm in university and I guess, more mature, I actually questioned her back whether if she'll like it if I one day told her I have one. I remember back in high school, she told me not to have any girlfriends yet and focus on school. Obviously, I lied back then. She gave me an honest answer, by saying that I'm old now and as long as I know what my goals are and know what's going on, she'll support everything I do. I reassured and promised by telling her that she'll be the first one to know if I have one. You may think that it'll probably end up being lies all over again, but think again. Four years ago, I never made any promises. Four years later, I promised my mom. If she trusts me, I should trust her as well.

Speaking of decisions, sometimes I wonder what will happen if I attended another university or selected another program. As of now, I'm still uncertain with my program, but something is motivating me to finish to the end. As of university, I love Waterloo and I love my friends and people around me. But San was right, I brought high school with me or should I say, high school followed me to university. I mean, it's not a bad thing at all because I felt secure switching into this new environment. Sometimes, I feel like I don't to the group because I'm so much different from them. It's like I've followed the wrong friends and maybe sometimes, I feel bad because I don't do anything that's their definition of 'fun' because all I do is stuff that are related to school. Most of these friends that I know in Waterloo will be the ones that I'll know and be friends forever. I know this because just a year ago I've convinced my mom that University of Waterloo is the best choice because of their co-op program. She's happy with it, but in reality, deep inside her heart, I know she wanted me to go to University of Toronto.

I kind of feel insecure. I don't know the reason. Friends are there for me, and I have the motivation to move on in my program. So why the hell did I have this stupid self-revelation? Maybe life is just moving on too fast for me. Just a tad too fast.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15th, 2010

Home, sweet home! Time to relax once again. Nothing much happen today so I'm gonna keep it short, not because I'm lazy. =P

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Two labs were boring as hell. I decided to play some pool after my lab. Did some botany lab questions. Not very productive. Can't wait till weekend!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Today was tiring. Five classes. Stayed in the library to do some work. I ended up finishing all of my genetics bonus tasks during my social psychology lecture. I know I was supposed to be listening and paying attention, but I couldn't help it. After classes, I worked for a bit and gave up at 11:30pm. I could have pushed myself, but I thought again and I've been working really hard so I decided to stop an hour or 2 early.

Tomorrow's gonna be hell. Two labs.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

It's funny how last term's Tuesday was hell and this term is like heaven. I managed to get some sleep after my botany lecture. I was debating on going to my chem tutorial, but meh. It's optional and there's a repeat next week anyways. Today was pretty productive and time went by so fast. I decided to go to V1 for dinner and that was a wise choice because there are a special. BBQ chicken in a pita + drink for $5.99. Pretty sweet I should say.

Few minutes ago, I decided to pack for tomorrow since I failed epically on yesterday and forgot to bring some paper. This time, I am determine to go to the library tomorrow!

Speaking of failing epically, I had problems with printing my chem stuff tonight. My laptop could no connect to the printer and it kept saying that the printer is offline. After a good 15 minutes, and restarting both printers and laptops, I realized that the usb cable that was connecting to the printer's side was loose. FML.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11th, 2010

The day started out pretty bad as I forgot to bring some paper to write my notes on. A productively planned day went down the drain just like that! I fell asleep in social psychology, which was weird because I thought the course was interesting. After class, I attempted to make some notes, but I progressed extremely slow. I hope tomorrow would be a better day.

On the other hand, I saw the prettiest snow while I was walking back to MKV alone after social psychology. I went on my own to the Science CnD because I had a craving for arizona. But apparently they're close until January 13th, which was a bummer. So i began walking back alone and soon realized the glittering particles on the ground. The snow was sparkling against the orange street lights, creating a surreal pathway. It was amazing and probably the only time I wanted to stay outside longer.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

I told myself that I'll do a 10-hour lockdown in my room. I could say that it was pretty successful, though I know that I could've done a lot better. At some point, I was really distracted but I got all of the stuff that I wanted to do. I started reading ahead for Genetics but failed miserably at the game. I guess that was my limit to my concentration span. I gotta work on that and maybe the span will last longer next time. I'm planning to start going back to the library between classes because I don't want to take naps anymore [naps on my bed at least]. It's a nice way to force myself to do work without much temptation or distractions.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

So I'd thought I would read my botany textbook, but looks like that didn't happen. I ended up teaching, goign out to pmall to get stuff, and watch Gossip Girl the whole day. I knew this was going to happen. I thought I'll have more self-control, and clearly, I overestimated myself. Well, I don't feel as bad because I still have tomorrow. And plus, Gossip Girl was totally worth it. Tomorrow, it's gonna be a date between my nose and my textbooks. It's time to crawl back into my little nice hole located in Waterloo. The real battle begins now.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friday, January 8th, 2010

Today was pretty bad. I skipped lunch because Ken and I decided to take the 2pm greyhound. The bus didn't end up coming until 3pm and we almost didn't get on too. We literally stood out there in the cold for an hour. Other than that, I'm glad that I'm back to Toronto. No more stress from Waterloo, though I still keep up with some nerding. I guess some people who are reading this may know what 'stress' I'm talking about. On another note, I've been cramming in Gossip Girl. The show is surprisingly good! I hope I get a lot finished WHILE doing some academic work as well.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

Today was pretty lax, though the botany night lab killed me. The lab was so pointless and I did NOT learn anything from that lab. There were so many questions to answer and some of them required some researching on google to answer them. I ended up finishing the questions around 1am, which was pretty sad. I still need to pack right now for my trip back to Toronto because I won't have anytime tomorrow. I'll be leaving half an hour later after my genetics lecture. HENCE, I shall make this entry short. =)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

I woke up this morning feeling like crap. I think Nathan gave me the cold. I took some medicine to stop my runny nose and went to classes. The medicine worked, but I forgot about the drowsiness. I fought through statistics but died in chem. Miraculously, I was able to stay awake in genetics. I took a really short nap after the three back to back classes before my social psychology class. Surprisingly, I managed to stay awake in hat class too! Maybe it's just chem.

What's more surprising is hat I actually finished all the homework that I planned to do. I made all the notes for the four lectures that I had today. I really have a good feeling abou this and if I keep up with this routine, I might do better this term. Hopefully his new technique will pull me through

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

So I forgot to blog before I sleep. I decided to blog on my iPod touch since I don't want to sleep yet but I'm already comfortable in my bed. Today was a really easy day because I only have one class in the morning, which as botany. That class was brutal and I almost fell asleep. Since there were nothing much to do, I have decided to start watching some Gossip Girl. As other peolple said, the series was really good. I think I might be addicted already, but NO!! I must control myself and work my ass off so I won't feel bad by watch it once in a while here and there. I also decided to sleep a bit early today since I don't want to be ready for tommorrow because the real study starts tommorrow. There are probably a lot of mistake since I am typing with the keyboard on the itouch but whatever. At least I got this entry done and plus, this is actually pretty fun bloggng via itouch.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday, January 4th, 2010

The morning started out pretty good, though I didn't have a good night sleep. I felt great and ready to tackle statistics. It took me some time to find the lecture all in MC since I don't really have classes there. Lets just say, everything went downhill from there when I enter the classroom. That pretty much ruined my day.

I decided to buy my textbooks today instead of tomorrow. There were less books to buy then last semester, but it was still pretty heavy. I planned to start reading today and make some notes if possible. I don't know if it'll work because I feel like sleeping again. Must tank it through!

Sunday, January 3rd, 2010

Today was more like a day to relax before going back to Waterloo. We ate dim sum for lunch, chilled at home for a while and ate dinner. We left Toronto roughly around 7pm and arrived at Waterloo around 9pm. It took me a while to unpack and clean my room.

One funny thing that happened was Michael saying "yum cha" in his sentence when he was complaining how his friends ask him to go out to eat at 10:30am. It was really shocking because his accent wasn't bad. We made him of Nathan how Michael could speak better Chinese than him.

Last day to relax and hell begins tomorrow. I've got everything planned already and hopefully I'll be able to commit to it and work towards it.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

Ray finally had a free slot for me and we decided to watch 'Avatar' with the others. The movie was better than I thought it would be because I'm not a fan for fantasy stuff. In the beginning, I got nauseous becuase of the 3d action. But as the movie progresses, it got better. Originally, some of us were coming over to game or play mahjong, but we ended up just chilling a bit because my aunt and cousin arranged a dinner with me since I'm going back to university. I would rather spend time with my friends, but I can't decline my family plans. So the whole chilling part was a bummer. Oh well, there will be next time!

Friday, January 1st, 2010

Happy New Year!

My whole family had plans today, so we were free for the whole day. I brought Nathan to his hair salon for his haircut. Then we went to watch 'The Blind Side' with Cherry. The movie was GREAT and I really do recommend it to everyone. It's really inspiring and maybe it can play a role in my life to become a better person. After the movies, we went to Moxie's for dinner and then went to Destiny for bubble tea. We stayed at Destiny longer than I thought we would and ended up going back home around 1:30am.