Sunday, June 6, 2010

No More Daily Updates...

So I've decided to stop updating the blog every day because I realized that my life is pretty boring most of the time and it's hard to blog about a day where I did practically nothing. And yes, it's been like this for most of the time. Maybe I'll start the daily updating when school starts, but in the mean time, I'll update it when things come up.

So like I said before, nothing much happened. I overheard one day where my dad asked my mom if I had any friends. I don't know if I should feel sad or insulted. I know I don't have a lot a lot of friends like some other people, or go out as much as them, but it doesn't mean that I don't have friends at all. For someone who hasn't been around a lot for the past 9 years, he's the last person that can say that I don't have any friends. Just a while ago, he called me and asked me to help him change the tax shit at his store because he doesn't have the "time" to do it and it doesn't want to navigate his computer. It's not like I did it before. He kept insisting that it's easy, so why can't he do it himself? I admit it, I'm lazy and I don't want to go all the way to Midland and Ellesmere and back. I could have been going out with my 'friends' if I actually planned something. Oh wait, I remember now. I almost forgot that he thinks I don't have any friends. Thanks dad, just thanks.

Anyhow, I started watching some Asian dramas again. It's been so long since I've watched an Asian drama. Bad thing is that it gives me headaches after a while. Oh well, at least I'm entertained.

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