Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11th, 2010

The day started out pretty bad as I forgot to bring some paper to write my notes on. A productively planned day went down the drain just like that! I fell asleep in social psychology, which was weird because I thought the course was interesting. After class, I attempted to make some notes, but I progressed extremely slow. I hope tomorrow would be a better day.

On the other hand, I saw the prettiest snow while I was walking back to MKV alone after social psychology. I went on my own to the Science CnD because I had a craving for arizona. But apparently they're close until January 13th, which was a bummer. So i began walking back alone and soon realized the glittering particles on the ground. The snow was sparkling against the orange street lights, creating a surreal pathway. It was amazing and probably the only time I wanted to stay outside longer.

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