Thursday, September 23, 2010

Teenage Dream

This week, so far, has been extremely smooth.  It felt like I'm back high school, where everything is nice and simple.  I went back to Waterloo on Sunday and stayed there less then 24 hours because I had to do my G test in Toronto on Tuesday.  So, I drove back to Toronto on Monday afternoon [yes, I went back to Waterloo just so that I can attend my 3 one-hour long classes] and nerded some more at home.  At first, I was worried that I'm not gonna pass because I forgot most of the traps and tricky spots in Aurora, but after having a 3 hour lesson before my test, I feel pretty confident.  I told myself that I wouldn't mind if I had to redo the test because I was under prepared anyways.  I believe that driving tests are distributed 50/50 between skills and luck.  Obviously, you'll need a considerable amount of skills to pass, but there are other factors such as the examiner, the pedestrians and other drivers.  I was lucky that non of those factors affected me.

Coming back during the weekday seemed like it was perfectly planned.  Coincidentally, it was Moon Festival on Wednesday, hence, there was a family & close friends celebration at the shop.  Even though it was just a normal dinner, I still thought it was necessary because we didn't have a gathering like this for a while.

Good news kept on rolling in this week.  When I got back to Waterloo on Tuesday night, I found out that i got 27/28 on my resume that I submitted it a week ago.  I was ready to resubmit because I wasn't too confident about it, but I guess I was wrong.  Even though this co-op course doesn't really count towards our general academic standings, it still makes me feel good because I'm actually accomplishing something.  On Wednesday, I went to the Science Undergrad office to check for my ELPE results.  I was relieved that the word 'pass' was beside my student number.  At first, I didn't believe it and recheck it 3 times just incase I didn't mistaken for the results above and below.  If I didn't pass this time, I really don't know what went wrong because the essay I wrote was well-planned.

My family decided to do floor renovations, changing the carpet to laminated floor.  It was weird because my grandparents decided to go on with this project ONCE I got back to university.  It would make a lot more sense if they decide to do it over the summer so I can help moving some furniture.  Now that both Patchi and I are in school, we can't help that much.  Looking at all the factors right now, I would say it'll take at LEAST  a month for the whole apartment to be finished.

So it's almost the end of the week and I hope my luck drags on. [Preferably until the end of the term =P]  All I've been doing was sleep and nerd.  Sometimes, I watch an episode of a drama before I go to sleep or play on the guitar so I'm not over working my brain.  I actually kinda like this lifestyle right now because there's no stress [...yet] and all I need to do is to stay on top of everything.  With all the good stuff happening this week, I really feel like I'm living in my teenage dream.

1 comment:

  1. and you got perfect on your chem 140 lab assignment =O
