Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Has It Really Been That Long?

It's almost the beginning of a new school year and I realized that it's going to be the 14th year of knowing Vee, Jai, Tim and Ryan. It's too bad that Tim doesn't hang out with us as much anymore, since he found his new group of friends. Perhaps it's the awkward tension from other issues, but nonetheless, those 13 years of friendship couldn't really go down the drain just like that, right? Thinking about the days in elementary school seems like it was just yesterday. It's amazing how we been through so much together--elementary school, high school and now university. Even though we all parted ways during university, we all still have this indescribable connection between us. At this stage in life, it's probably safe to say that each one of us will attend each other's graduations, marriages, births and even having family vacations together. Gosh, we're getting really old, aren't we?

* * *

Today's shift went by so fast and the jobs that we were assigned we extremely easy. 'Lazy' had a swollen eye with a cut along the side of his brow. Apparently, he had an accident while mountain biking near his home in Mississauga. Everyone thought that he had a fight with 'Lazier', which was pretty funny. I hope that the shifts for the rest of the week are just as relax as today.

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