Friday, December 10, 2010

Kids, don't play with fire, please!

You would think that by the time you're in university, especially in second year, people would be more mature and would be able to take care of themselves better.  We had another fire alarm today, which probably upset a lot of students in this building.  I was lucky that I wasn't in the building for the previous fire alarms, but it does get really annoying, especially during exam seasons.  Not to mention the grass and sidewalks are covered in snow at this time of the year.  Please, just stay out of trouble!

Whenever I wake up around 9, it always feels like I'm waking up for classes.  I slept quite early last night and with 9 hours of sleep, I still wanted to sleep in.  Also, this food craving issue is not getting any better.  I'm constantly thinking of what I should eat and what I want to eat all the time.  Maybe I should at least satisfy one of those cravings so I could finally concentrate on all all the crap I need to cover for my exams.  Marble Slab, anyone?

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