Friday, February 5, 2010

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

Today was like a rollercoaster. I was happy that I finally finished my midterms for the week. Then, I found out that I left my iPod touch at my genetics tutorial. Then, I found out that I barely passed my social psych midterm. I almost fuck up my botany lab quiz too, but i was lucky enough to guess the answers right. When I came back home, my TA emailed me back and she said that she has my iPod. I was so glad that I didn't lose my iPod because it's one of the only thing that could help me through university. At least the day didn't end as bad.

University is very lonely sometimes. Yeah, sometimes you have your friends around you and stuff. But there are points where you have no help and whatsoever. Statistics brings problems to me sometimes. I'm not really a data management person so I had some difficulties going at the problems myself. Also, it seems like no matter how hard I study, I would never meet my expectations. Does that mean I have to study even harder? It may seem like I'm not studying hard enough right now since I'm screwing up my midterms. To be honest, I'm trying really, really, REALLY hard. I sacrificed a lot already, yet, it still seem like it's not enough. Yet, giving up is not an option. So now, I'm just stuck int he middle of nowhere, hoping and waiting for something good will happen, something that will prove that my hard work is worth it.

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