Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Nothing usual happen today. We had a really nice dinner with my family friends. My botany exam marks are out and surprisingly, I did pretty good on it! With the shifting in weight, I think I'll able to get around 73 or 74, which is good enough. Also there is a boost in psych too, but still not enough to get me to 63. Oh well, I'm still satified with my marks in general and I must say, I have put up a good fight to try to pull my averages up.

Now, since my marks are up, I can start my accomplish/things completed list for my first year in university.

Things I've done/accomplished (not necessarily proud of though):
- finish first year without failing any courses
- stayed up to finsh my microbiology lab report and went to bed when I'm supposed to go to class the next morning
- slept in lectures
- didn't use a textbook for a certain course at all
- got sick of eating because of caf food
- had suite-resing experience
- had dorm style resing experience
- used the dorm shower
- slept in a bed with may contain traces of puke
- slept in a bed where a couple had sex on
- washed/cleaned the washroom
- had a "party" in res
- watched movies during exam weeks to "take a break" (a lot of movies infact)
- watched 'A Cinderella Story' while drinking a can of beer (I had to dispose it somehow and yes this was also during exam week)
- filled in random bubbles on the scantron because I didn't have time to finish (stats)
- did someone's work (Nathan's procedure summary for chem)
- gave up in a course (still manage to finish. What a miracle!)
- possibility of giving up a 'friend'
- gave up on someone I like
- made a few friends in university
- tried to run away or avoid things and people
- shared a bed with a guy (no homo!)
- had pokemon fever
- cried
- felt homesick
- almost lost my iPod touch
- lost my pokewalker

Now for things that I didn't do:
- get drunk
- pass ELPE (yup, I'm officially a true fob)
- share a bed with a girl
- make enough friends
- maintain a good average or gpa
- get enough sleep
- be involved in the community
- been to conestoga or any mall in Waterloo

I could only think of these for now. If I have any events where I forgot and it's notable, I'll update it.

1 comment:

  1. OMG. You've NEVER been to Connestoga. Omg. You're not a true Waterloo student! =O I joke I joke =P
