Sunday, October 17, 2010

Curling is My Kind of Hockey

It's been a  while that I actually updated this blog.  I have to admit that it's my fault for being too lazy with it.  All I have been doing is study, study, and study.  I don't know if it's really effective, but I'm gonna know within the next 3 weeks.

I actually stayed in Waterloo this weekend because I have a midterm monday morning.  I guess I should be studying really hard right now, but it's okay because I feel like I really need to update this blog.  Let's start with last Thanksgiving weekend...

So, I arrived to Scarborough around 11pm because I stayed in downtown a bit to meet up with friends from Mary Ward.  Originally, I was going to go back to Waterloo Tuesday night, but plans were changed since my dad can only drive me back on Monday night.  It sucks how each week I have to worry about how I'm getting back and who's gonna have time to drive me.

This Thanksgiving was full of surprises, as some family issues came up.  I wish I could stay in Toronto and help out more, but it's physically impossible when I have classes in Waterloo.  I feel really bad for Patchi because he's having his hands full outside of school.

After Thanksgiving, I tried to catch up some readings and notes.  I feel like I'm not working as much and as hard as before, but I hope it's still enough do to well this term.  I don't know if staying in Waterloo this weekend is a good or bad idea.  I did get some studying done, but it wasn't as intense as I thought it would be.  People in Lester parties like crazy.  Honestly, how can they party like week while they have school.  It's just physically and mentally impossible.  Only a Laurier can answer this question...

I went to conestoga by myself to buy a pair of new shoes for curling since I forgot to bring mine last week and I didn't have a pair of spare shoes.  I was looking for a cheap pair at zellers and winners, but they're all so ugly and I'm only using them for 2 hours on Sunday.  I decided to get a pair of converse because they're the cheapest out of all the other brands.  It felt different going to a mall by myself, especially in Waterloo.  Well, there's always a first!

Curling was amazing tonight!  It reminds me of high school curling all over again.  I just love the sport because anyone can be good at it and there's not awkward tension between teams.  I was actually not as rusty as I thought I would be.  My lines were perfect every time [other than the time I forgot to put on my slider. yah, noob move] but my weight needs a bit of work.  Playing tonight reminded me that I'm actually decent in a sport, and not a typical nerd/potato couch.

Well, I think that's all for tonight.  I need to get back on reviewing for my midterm tomorrow.  I believe I still have some music assignments to do, but that shouldn't be a problem.  Cheers!

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