Sunday, July 18, 2010

Expect the Unexpected

It's been almost 3 months since my last exam in April and to be quite honestly, I've been pretty lazy. It felt like nothing much happened within the past 3 months. I kind of wish school would start sooner so at least I have something to worry about and not think "I'm bored" all the time.

On Friday morning, I received a phone call form Redpath about a placement in their refinery. I swear I submitted the application after I finished my exams in April. My aunt said that they won't be hiring this year because of the economy. I honestly almost forgot about it until the lady called me for a phone interview within the hour. I just woke up at the time, and was actually quite shocked. It's like, mid-July and I'm still able to get a job that I applied three months ago? The phone interview went bad, despite that I got the job offer. I didn't know what I was going to do, and I barely had an hour to prep. One question that threw me off was something about the qualities of a good supervisor. I was quite speechless in fact. When I heard that I got the job, I was quite relieved. I must say, the working hours were hell and the workplace is very, very far, but the pay is above average and I needed the experience anyways. It's not like you can work in one of the largest sugar company in everyday life. So, Dad, I got a job. Now you can shut up.

I've been going to the shop almost everyday now. All I've been doing is correcting the misprint on the menus/fliers. Today, my hand finally gave in and started to cramp a little. But I must say, I finish a stack of 100 pretty fast - faster than anyone at the shop at least. I occasionally took orders through the phone, but I usually leave that job to my uncle since I'm so busy with the fliers. It's great to see the business slowly getting into its place. Some of my friends keep asking about it. I guess I have to bring them there soon.

On another note, my laptop is not slowly dying anymore. In fact, it's rapidly loosing it's ability to even charge itself. The power cord is becoming more and more faulty and I would always try and adjust it to it's sweet spot so the current and go through. I thought that this laptop and cord will last for at least a year or so and never expected to disintegrate that fast. I guess it's time to go out and shop for the new laptop. This laptop has been very loyal and traveled to many countries with me. I'm a bit sad that sooner or later, this laptop would not be functional anymore. But it's okay, because after all, this laptop is 3 years old already. Like Ray said before, a 3-year-old for laptop is equivalent of an antique.

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