Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Every other Wednedsays are supposed to be one of my favourite days because I only have two classes. Today was an exception.

So it's the day before my BIOL 140L due, and I didn't start on it yet. After my Microbiology lecture, I went to the library to look for book again for my lab report [I went last week and all the books were gone]. I found out that I was looking at the wrong section. Great, I could've started on this report earlier. I progressed really slowly as I only finished 2 paragraphs of my intro in the first 2 to 3 hours. After dinner, I thought I was in good pace, thinking that I might finish before 12. Boy, I was dead wrong. When the hour hand struck 12, I was still struggling to finish my intro. It was that sad.

So now it's 8:15am, still doing some finishing touches for my lab report. You guessed it right, I've been working on it for the whole night. I have classes in like 15 minutes, but whatever, zoology can kiss my ass. Through all the mad cramming, I'm actually quite proud of myself for acutally finishing the report because it seemed quite impossible few hours ago. I've never stayed up for that late and in fact, it was the first time that I ever stayed up in October. I'm surprised that I didn't collapse yet.

It's even sadder to know that I might pull another late night on Thursday [technically today] just to study for my chem term test. Just one more major obstacle, and then I'll be able to sleep like there's no tomorrow.

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