Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

Dissection was the bomb! It would've been better if I had a more mature earthworm to dissect with, but it's all good. When I was reading over the lab manual, I thought it would be disgusting to see the guts coming out. In the end, I had a blast cutting open the worm [even though I kind of butchered and destroyed it]. The oral quiz for the dissection was not as hard as I thought. Maybe it's because I chose the easier questions. Lucky me.

I thought It wouldn't take me too long to finish the remaining of my chem lab report tonight. Boy, I was wrong because I had a writer's block and could write anything for at least half an hour. I ended up finishing my report at 2:00am.

I never knew that I have another psychology test next week. I better start studying early because I need to pull my mark up. My remaining midterm marks should be posted soon. I really don't have a good feeling about it...

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