Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saturday, October 17th, 2009

Home, sweet home. I'm glad that I actually went back to Toronto this weekend. Both, my mom and my grandfather, noticed how depress and stressed I was. They gave me a 'talk' how I have to take care of my health, and that health is always more important than education. In terms of money, they think that it's not a major issue. So are they trying to indirectly say they want me to fail rather than killing myself with all nighters/late nights? In a way, it may put more pressure on me because I don't want to disappoint them, but it also reinforces the confidence that I lost few days ago. My family still has hope for me despite of the shitty marks; I, too, should have the same amount of hope that they have for me.

It was funny how the topic in the family was how I only got an average of 4 hours of sleep last week. Even through webcam-ing with my aunt and grandma in China, they spent at least half an hour talking about it. Yup, my family is weird.

So, I thought I was getting my braces off today, but ended up keeping it for another 4 weeks. Oh well, it doesn't matter if I get it off sooner or later, it's still the same to me. In the afternoon, I went tot he library with Miranda to do some quality studying. We were originally going to go to Agincourt, but it appears that it's on renovation for the next 2 months. So, we went to Woodside instead, which was packed with loud Asian kids running around. Surprisingly, we got quite a few things accomplished. At night, I decided to go out for dinner with Patchi and San. We went for teppanyaki [sp?] and it was delicious. It was the first time for Patchi because he had breathing problems when he was younger, so we didn't bring him to places with heavy fumes. We all enjoyed the dinner.

Going back to Toronto, I would think I'll finally catch up in sleeping and pay off some of my debt, but boy, I was wrong. For the past 2 nights, I've slept at 3:30am and waking up around 9 or 10am. If only there are more than 24 hours in a day.

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