Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday, October 16th, 2009

"Well we didn't stoop to his level and attack his work.
It spoke for itself." - Miranda complained about
an incident that happened 2 years ago.
This made my day.

Wow, today must have been the worse day in university so far. Everything just came crashing down one after the other. I learned that i barely passed my psych test, 58.33% and then an hour later i learned that I got the SAME mark for chem. That was the nastiest double blow. Totally ruined my weekend...

So now I'm still in Waterloo, waiting for my ride at 1am. Yes, I know, it's such an odd time to leave, but hey, at least I don't have to take the yucky FED bus. Tim and his friend, Brian, came to Waterloo to visit. No offense, but This weekend was a bad week to come because of midterms next week. Oh well, it doesn't matter with me anyways because I'll be away.

So after discovering the horrid marks, I was pretty bummed out because I spent a lot of time studying for those two tests. Looks like I need to start cracking on my 3 bio midterms, though I have a feeling that it's not going to be pretty.

Studying Zoology is like studying the impossible. The textbook does not correspond to the lecture notes, which are quite vague. I don't feel like the notes that I took in class are enough to have a decent mark for the exam, if not, passing at all. It feels like there's no hope for this midterm but I guess I have to make the most out of it because if I fuck this one up again, then my confidence level is going to be too low for cell biology and microbiology midterm.

Oh university, just take my life away instead.

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