Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

No lab and tutorial means more sleeping and studying.

Today's day was actually ideal because it feels somewhat like a schedule of an art student. We used those time for sleeping and study, though I don't think the studying was too effective. Even though I was able to get through all the chapters for the test, I didn't get most of the questions. It was pretty bad considering how much time I put into for this term test. I can't even imagine what will happen with my 3 other biology midterms next week...

After psychology class, I need to start workign on my chem lab report that I haven't had the chance to touch on. It should be fairly straightforward since the report is modified. The only reason why I'm blogging earlier today is because I know I'll forget after doing my lab report and i know what I'll be doing for the next 5 or 6 hours. My goal is to finish the report by 2:ooam - sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

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