Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26th, 2009

Once again, I fell asleep in CHEM lecture. I lasted for half of the lecture and then I gave up because I was so tired. On the other hand, I managed to stay up for Microbiology lecture. I guess it could be considered as an improvement.

Cell biology lab was stupid because we had to use the spectroscopy machine and the sound it made was really annoying. Also, the fume from the petroleum ether gave me an headache. I swore I didn't inhale any. Maybe I had lack of sleep, I don't know.

I got my mark for the Cell biology exam, which was not as good as expected. I thought I got over 80%, but ended up with 77.5% instead. I'm kind of bitter because if I got the 'smallest living thing' question, I would've had 80%. Oh well, it's a pass, and compare to my other marks, it's actually pretty good. Now, lets hope that I pass my 2 other bio midterms, which is highly unlikely for microbiology.

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