Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is not really important in our family. I don't really care because we spend our day just like any other regular day. Today, I went shopping with my mom and Patchi. Then, we decided to go to pmall for some bubble tea. When we got there, we saw a bunch of little kids trick-or-treating! I didn't even know that it's legal to trick-or-treat in a mall!

My mom wanted to bring me out for dinner. Also, my dad wanted to see me because he was busy for the past 2 weeks. I guess it was a nice "halloween" dinner.

Friday, October 30th, 2009

Yearbook are out, and surprise surprise, there are mistakes everywhere. Lucky me because I'm one of them. someone effed up my grad write-up. It fully said 5 years of high school [i graduated in 4 years thank you very much], learned a lot from Mrs. Powell for photography [never took photography in my whole life], and a shout out to TA 21 [I'm in TA 13!]. Even worse, it ended with 'LOL ^_^'! OMGFML! Now, my whole reputation is ruined thanks to whoever did the grad write-ups.

I think I'm getting sick because my throat is kind of sore. So, I decided to skip my microbiology lecture so I could sleep in. Before we left to Toronto, we watched 'A Moment to Remember'. It wasn't as sad as people were talking about but over all it was a good movie. A funny thing that happened was that Michael though we lived on the second floor. He waited there for like 10 minutes before noticing that he was on the wrong floor. Got owned.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thrusday, October 29th, 2009

Wow, the microbiology lab that I did today actually took me less than an hour to complete. This is crazy because usually labs take a very long time to complete. Though, I didn't really use the extra time wisely because I was so tired. Oh well.

I've been researching and see what option I have if I fail in this program. I could either give kinesiology a shot since it's less intense as life science biology. Or I could wait another year and see how life goes with life science and then switch to AFM if I continue to fail. It seems like it's a waste of money, but at this point, money is not really 'the problem' at the moment. I'll have to see how it goes this year.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

Officially turned from dumb to dumber. 52.3% on zoology. I thought I did better than that. I really don't want to switch out. The only mark I didn't get is microbiology. I know I failed that. I'm probably be lingering between 58-61% average. Don't know what to do anymore. University sucks. Science sucks.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

Dissection was the bomb! It would've been better if I had a more mature earthworm to dissect with, but it's all good. When I was reading over the lab manual, I thought it would be disgusting to see the guts coming out. In the end, I had a blast cutting open the worm [even though I kind of butchered and destroyed it]. The oral quiz for the dissection was not as hard as I thought. Maybe it's because I chose the easier questions. Lucky me.

I thought It wouldn't take me too long to finish the remaining of my chem lab report tonight. Boy, I was wrong because I had a writer's block and could write anything for at least half an hour. I ended up finishing my report at 2:00am.

I never knew that I have another psychology test next week. I better start studying early because I need to pull my mark up. My remaining midterm marks should be posted soon. I really don't have a good feeling about it...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26th, 2009

Once again, I fell asleep in CHEM lecture. I lasted for half of the lecture and then I gave up because I was so tired. On the other hand, I managed to stay up for Microbiology lecture. I guess it could be considered as an improvement.

Cell biology lab was stupid because we had to use the spectroscopy machine and the sound it made was really annoying. Also, the fume from the petroleum ether gave me an headache. I swore I didn't inhale any. Maybe I had lack of sleep, I don't know.

I got my mark for the Cell biology exam, which was not as good as expected. I thought I got over 80%, but ended up with 77.5% instead. I'm kind of bitter because if I got the 'smallest living thing' question, I would've had 80%. Oh well, it's a pass, and compare to my other marks, it's actually pretty good. Now, lets hope that I pass my 2 other bio midterms, which is highly unlikely for microbiology.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, October 25th, 2009

"I'm soft and bouncy." - Vivian L accidentally
said this when we called her soft, so soft that she's soggy and saggy.

I was hoping some that I'll get some work done tonight other than my cell biology lab book work. It ended up taking me longer than I thought it would. On the other hand, tonight's curling game was better than last weeks. I actually got decent shots for once.

I think I'm reverting back to the last few weeks. I need to make myself work faster and sleep earlier. I need to stay awake in lectures or else I'm screwed for the next term tests and exams.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 24th, 2009

I should really be sleeping right now, but oh well. I guess I'm used to the late nights

Today, I went to the library with Cherry, Katie, Miranda and Chris, and attempted to do work. I only ended up doing very little, so little that it's almost insignificant, because I had to finish wrapping and write the birthday card for Mariel's debut. Then, I drove Cherry to Ten-to-4 for karaoke and met some of my other friends. I had to leave because I had to get ready for the debut.

Mariel's debut was awesome with crazy performances. My favourite was Karmela and Sheen's performance. Ohhh Karmela, this girl can sing! It was a cool combination with Sheen's awesome beat-boxing. I was also one of the roses and it was kind of a once in a life time experience. It was my first time being one, and probably my last time. Thank you, Mariel, for choosing me as one of your roses. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and wish you good luck in the world of adulthood.

One scary incident that happened tonight was when I was on my way to pick up my mom from work. My car was running low on gas, so I decided to fill it up with some gas. After filling it up, my car wouldn't start up for some reason. My mom already told me that there's something wrong with the battery today. I'm surprised that I didn't panic. Luckily, I found a good Samaritan who helped me and started up my car again. Now, both my mom and I lost trust in this old crappy car. We got to do something about it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

Midterms are finally over. Microbiology was hard. One question was worth 1% of our final grade. At least there were some questions that I was sure that I got them right. I really hope that I pass this exam because if I do, I'll have to do REALLY well on the final because it worth the remainder 70%.

Weekend is here. Time to rest up, relax, and catch up some homework.

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

Cell biology midterm exam was easy, as expected.

I hate microbiology with a passion. I have no clue what's going on. I'm gonna fail the exam. There's like no hope at all now. Fail, fail, fail!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

Everyone one, especially the ones who takes sciences, are probably cramming readings and lecture notes tonight. Whether it's Cell Biology or Microbiology, I could guarantee that most, if not all, of them would be staying up pretty late.

I think I got cell biology down so hopefully I'll do well in tomorrow's exam. Microbiology, on the other hand, is like impossible to study. The more I read, the more discouraged I get. I don't get what's going on and I'm scared that I'll get mixed up with cell biology. Lets hope that the other microbiology students feels the same way so the average will be bell curved. I don't have any confidence for that course at all...

A bit past midnight, I decided to check my facebook to see if there are any updates. I found a really interesting and funny video that I wouldn't stop watching it. It was a really nice stress reliever and made my day. If you want to watch the video, go to the following link:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

"It'll be a shame if you draw and label
the figure wrong."
- One of our TA for Zoology lab said it
when she was telling us to copy the figure from the board.
I don't know why, but I found it really funny. I'm
still laughing at it right now.

The Zoology midterm exam was decent because I actually got some questions. Hopefully I'll pass the exam because it'll definitely boost my confidence. In my opinion, the battle really begins tonight where I try to cram both cell biology and microbiology together. To be honest, I think that cell biology will be a breeze, but history has proven that whenever I think like that, the outcome always results in the opposite of what I thought it would be. Microbiology is the one that I'm worrying about, and probably everyone who I know that's taking this course. I'm kind of looking forward for the week to end, but at the same time, I don't. Mainly because I don't want Friday to come because of the microbiology exam. Oh well, life never goes according to my way, so I might as well go according to life's way.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19th, 2009

Study, study, and study.
Sore, sore, and sore.

Not having enough sleep is becoming an habit again, as I fell asleep in chem lecture. I ran back to residence to take a nap, and I could barely get up to go to microbiology lecture because of my soreness and tiredness. I had no choice but to skip the lecture because I'll end up falling asleep AGAIN. I guess it was a good and bad thing. I was energized for the lab in the afternoon. Surprisingly, I passed my last last week's pop quiz with a 6.75/10. It was considered as good since the class average is only 5.25.

I studied a bit more for zoology, though nothing much had really gone into my head. The midterm is tomorrow and I seriously don't know what's going to happen. Have to hope for the best, I guess. I'm actually going to sleep earlier today because it'll help me with memorizing readings/notes. And plus, I'm super sore from curling last night. One sneeze can cause me laying on the floor in pain.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18th, 2009

I went back to Waterloo pretty early today because I wanted to make it before 6 so I can play curling. In the end, we got assigned to the 8-10pm section, which was still cool. I haven't played curling for so long now. Playing it gave me back memories of the high school curling team. All the falls, the jokes, the competitive team. Surprisingly, the person who I missed most was Jesse. Even though he's the same age as Patchi, he had mad skills. The chances of seeing him again is very slim, as his family decided to move to Hong Kong. It seems like he was having trouble adapting to the new environment, but I know he'll pull through. Maybe one day, us curling people from high school, will reunite.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saturday, October 17th, 2009

Home, sweet home. I'm glad that I actually went back to Toronto this weekend. Both, my mom and my grandfather, noticed how depress and stressed I was. They gave me a 'talk' how I have to take care of my health, and that health is always more important than education. In terms of money, they think that it's not a major issue. So are they trying to indirectly say they want me to fail rather than killing myself with all nighters/late nights? In a way, it may put more pressure on me because I don't want to disappoint them, but it also reinforces the confidence that I lost few days ago. My family still has hope for me despite of the shitty marks; I, too, should have the same amount of hope that they have for me.

It was funny how the topic in the family was how I only got an average of 4 hours of sleep last week. Even through webcam-ing with my aunt and grandma in China, they spent at least half an hour talking about it. Yup, my family is weird.

So, I thought I was getting my braces off today, but ended up keeping it for another 4 weeks. Oh well, it doesn't matter if I get it off sooner or later, it's still the same to me. In the afternoon, I went tot he library with Miranda to do some quality studying. We were originally going to go to Agincourt, but it appears that it's on renovation for the next 2 months. So, we went to Woodside instead, which was packed with loud Asian kids running around. Surprisingly, we got quite a few things accomplished. At night, I decided to go out for dinner with Patchi and San. We went for teppanyaki [sp?] and it was delicious. It was the first time for Patchi because he had breathing problems when he was younger, so we didn't bring him to places with heavy fumes. We all enjoyed the dinner.

Going back to Toronto, I would think I'll finally catch up in sleeping and pay off some of my debt, but boy, I was wrong. For the past 2 nights, I've slept at 3:30am and waking up around 9 or 10am. If only there are more than 24 hours in a day.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday, October 16th, 2009

"Well we didn't stoop to his level and attack his work.
It spoke for itself." - Miranda complained about
an incident that happened 2 years ago.
This made my day.

Wow, today must have been the worse day in university so far. Everything just came crashing down one after the other. I learned that i barely passed my psych test, 58.33% and then an hour later i learned that I got the SAME mark for chem. That was the nastiest double blow. Totally ruined my weekend...

So now I'm still in Waterloo, waiting for my ride at 1am. Yes, I know, it's such an odd time to leave, but hey, at least I don't have to take the yucky FED bus. Tim and his friend, Brian, came to Waterloo to visit. No offense, but This weekend was a bad week to come because of midterms next week. Oh well, it doesn't matter with me anyways because I'll be away.

So after discovering the horrid marks, I was pretty bummed out because I spent a lot of time studying for those two tests. Looks like I need to start cracking on my 3 bio midterms, though I have a feeling that it's not going to be pretty.

Studying Zoology is like studying the impossible. The textbook does not correspond to the lecture notes, which are quite vague. I don't feel like the notes that I took in class are enough to have a decent mark for the exam, if not, passing at all. It feels like there's no hope for this midterm but I guess I have to make the most out of it because if I fuck this one up again, then my confidence level is going to be too low for cell biology and microbiology midterm.

Oh university, just take my life away instead.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

I keep on falling asleep in my lectures nowadays. I try really hard not to, but it just won't work. I feel more tired now than the few days that I've been pulling late nights and all nighters. I had 6 hours of sleep last night, and another hour of nap, yet I'm still exhausted. I really want to go to sleep right now, but I need to read. Midterms are coming soon, and I really don't want to regret for not using my time to study. Therefore, I MUST read, at least a chapter so I won't have a guilt trip.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

I was actually excited for today because it'll be the first night in Waterloo that I'll be sleeping for at least 6 hours. Everything was going according to plan, until this one unexpected curve ball that was thrown at me. Some of my class times for next term were full...

At that moment, I was extremely angry because I spent to much time planning and revising with Steph. It feels like that all the hard work went to waste. Now I have a night lab [ends at 10pm], which is not too appealing. I tried not to have random holes in my schedule because I am having trouble this term with the random breaks. But it seems like I'll have some random holes for next term too.

At first, I felt like it was the end of the world because it'll affect my sleeping hours. Waterloo planned it REALLY bad and it's unfair for some people who got assigned at later times. Few hours ago, I just sat in front of the computer, stalking quest to see if there were openings in the times that I want. Later on, I decided that it was pretty useless because people would probably chose their primary choice. Oh well, that life. All I could say is '我認命' [ngo ying meng; I accept life?]

Even though I'm kinda tired right now, I still have to get through my Zoology lecture notes and study a bit of the microbiology lab tomorrow. In just 2 hours, I will be able to go to bed, and begin paying some of my sleep debt, though it is probably just enough to pay for the interest...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

No lab and tutorial means more sleeping and studying.

Today's day was actually ideal because it feels somewhat like a schedule of an art student. We used those time for sleeping and study, though I don't think the studying was too effective. Even though I was able to get through all the chapters for the test, I didn't get most of the questions. It was pretty bad considering how much time I put into for this term test. I can't even imagine what will happen with my 3 other biology midterms next week...

After psychology class, I need to start workign on my chem lab report that I haven't had the chance to touch on. It should be fairly straightforward since the report is modified. The only reason why I'm blogging earlier today is because I know I'll forget after doing my lab report and i know what I'll be doing for the next 5 or 6 hours. My goal is to finish the report by 2:ooam - sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

Monday, October 12th, 2009

"Harry: Hey Kenneth, do you know what's a douche?"
Kenneth: Yeah, of course. There's a live one standing in front of me" - Kenneth being cool.

Today was pretty much reading Psychology and finishing online quiz and assignment for chem. I didn't really finish reading everything for psych, but there is still time tomorrow since my class is at night. Though, I should really save some time to do my chem lab report that's due on Wednedsay...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday, October 11th, 2009

Today, I went looking for a digital piano to bring to Waterloo. That took most of the day, which is bad because I need to study and work on my lab report. Later on at night, I went to dinner with Harry, Tim, San, and Miranda. We went to this japanese restaurant at Danforth and Pape [I forgot what the restaurant is called]. So that was a lot of driving for me. Okay, back to studying. =(

Saturday, October 10th, 2009

Today was Cherry's birthday dinner thing at Seoul bbq, and it was pretty good. The food there was alright and we all had fun. Too bad I didn't stay for the after party because I had to do work. But when i got home, I didn't do anything. Sucks...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday, October 9th, 2009

The chem test was alright, though I know I screwed up some questions. I'm glad that it's a long weekend because I have some serious catching up to do [both sleeping and readings].

Today, I was pretty much dead. Tried to do some readings, but it didn't work. The ride back to Toronto took around 3 and a half hours due to the bad weather condition and traffic. Though, I got some sleeping time done during the ride, which was a good thing.

I should get to bed now because it's already 2. I guess I don't keep track of time because I'm so used to staying up late. Better fix this up during this weekend and have a fresh start in my sleeping habit!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

I hate Chemistry. I hate science. I hate my program.

Maybe it's the fact that everything is happening at the same time. I really regret not staying in accounting. I KNEW I wasn't interesting in sciences. I knew it's gonna be intense. I'm tired of trying so hard and see no results. I feel so stupid because I don't get these simple concepts. Especially in chemistry because they were all high school work. I really wonder why I'm in the program.

University is stressing me out and I am doubting my future. Great, I wonder what's gonna be next.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Every other Wednedsays are supposed to be one of my favourite days because I only have two classes. Today was an exception.

So it's the day before my BIOL 140L due, and I didn't start on it yet. After my Microbiology lecture, I went to the library to look for book again for my lab report [I went last week and all the books were gone]. I found out that I was looking at the wrong section. Great, I could've started on this report earlier. I progressed really slowly as I only finished 2 paragraphs of my intro in the first 2 to 3 hours. After dinner, I thought I was in good pace, thinking that I might finish before 12. Boy, I was dead wrong. When the hour hand struck 12, I was still struggling to finish my intro. It was that sad.

So now it's 8:15am, still doing some finishing touches for my lab report. You guessed it right, I've been working on it for the whole night. I have classes in like 15 minutes, but whatever, zoology can kiss my ass. Through all the mad cramming, I'm actually quite proud of myself for acutally finishing the report because it seemed quite impossible few hours ago. I've never stayed up for that late and in fact, it was the first time that I ever stayed up in October. I'm surprised that I didn't collapse yet.

It's even sadder to know that I might pull another late night on Thursday [technically today] just to study for my chem term test. Just one more major obstacle, and then I'll be able to sleep like there's no tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Longest day of my life. I want to sleep!

I actually fell asleep during my BIOL 130 lecture, with my face flat on the table. For once in my life, I was tired after a lab. Tonight, I have to stay up for a bit JUST to start on my lab report. Looks like I ate my words when I said that I'm not gonna leave an assignment last minute. Though, I guess it's an improvement because I'm starting the night before. My head is hurting like crazy right now, so I better get cracking on my report or else I'm gonna be really cranky tomorrow.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday, October 5th, 2009

I didn't sleep that well the night before, but I still pushed through the day without taking a nap. The cell biology lab was long, and surprise surprise, Viv and I were the last ones to finish AGAIN. Gosh, lab sucks. Then we got our lab reports bad. It was good and bad news because I did REALLY well on the lab report itself [got perfect], but Apparently i marked too hard on the other person's report. I ended up getting 3/5 for that portion, so I ended up getting 8% out of 10% that we were able to get. Biterness sucks...

So now, Chris, Vivian L, Nathan and I isolated ourselves in my room, trying to get some work done. Hopefully, we'll get some studying done.

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

I continued to study for a bit more while I'm still in Toronto. My mom ended up skipping work in the morning and afternoon so I didn't have much time studying. I thought I was going to work when I get back to Waterloo, but that didn't happen because I had to install Windows & on my laptop. I ended up going to sleep at 2:30am installing programs.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

Wow, I actually study/did work for once. Usually, I either touch only one textbook during the weekend, or not touch them at all. It'd different studying in Toronto because I'm so used to it. It feels like high school all over again, where I cram units during the weekend to catch up or get ahead [trying to get ahead usually fails]. Similarly, I'm trying to catch up in university, except this time I'm working to prep myself for the tests and midterms. I guess, in a sense, Ward had taught me how and when to catch up when I'm behind, though, it also introduced the art of procrastination to me. I've experience the overwhelming workload for the past 4 years. It's funny that I kept telling myself that it won't happen again next year, yet, history kept repeating itself. Though, I can remember a bit of improvement each year [kind of?].

So, Year 1 of university. Will history repeat itself again for the 5th year in a row? It sure feels like that's where I'm heading right now. But for some reason, I feel that there's hope, because the ball that rolled away a week ago is closer than I thought. Just need a few more strides, and I'll be able to get back on top of the ball.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

I woke up feeling like crap in the morning. Throughout my chem class, I had a runny nose. After, Viv and I decided to go to the library to look for books for microbiology. When we got there, all of the books were taken out. Sucks...

Since I wasn't feeling so well, I decided to skip my microbiology lecture. I asked Ryan to take notes for me instead. I'm glad that I made this decision because I really needed that sleep and I feel much better right now. The bus ride to Toronto was not so great. Traffic, rain, and lots of stuff to bring home is not the best combination. I left Waterloo around 4:15, and got to STC around 6:45. The dinner for lunar festival was actually okay, though they served the food really. All the kids were complaining and it was pretty jokes because the waiter indirectly rushes us to finish each dishes.

This weekend is meant for catching up in readings and assignments because I realized that the ball is rolling away from me. Time to catch up!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thrusday, October 1st, 2009

Wow, now I hate microbiology even more.

The lab started out great, but the fact that we have to finish 5 experiments in 2 hours was almost impossible. I only finish 3 out of 5 experiments. Almost everyone in my class didn't, yet one of our TA was being really rude [his tone is rude at least]. In addition, i got my fingers stained. Great...