Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Today was amazing because I only had 2 classes. It was a nice day to catch up on some work. I finished all the quizzes that I have to complete, which was pretty good. Though, for my chemistry lab quiz, i got marks deducted because I didn't enter a period in one of the fill-in-the-blanks. This sucks cause it lowered my mark a lot since it was only out of 6. So I emailed my teacher and she noticed the problem. She said that she'll fix the mark when she's grading.

At 6pm, Viv L., Ryan and I went to an mini orientation for biology major students. I learned a lot of interesting things, and of course, new friends. The only sad thing is that I realized that I have to take physics next term. Although I'm bummed about it, I kind of knew it was coming. I could skip the whole physics part if I want, and still graduate, but I need to know physics for the MCAT test. So now, it's the matter of staying stubborn and refuse to take physics, or suck it up and take the damn course so I could do the MCAT test. I really don't want to do it, but I want to do the MCAT just incase I 'miraculously' get into Med-school. I'd say it wouldn't hurt to do the MCAT test, for backup if anything, but at the same time, it's PHYSICS. Oh man, life sucks...

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