Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

I don't like Tuesdays very much...

Tuesdays are the days where I can't take any naps. Tuesdays are the days where I can't eat proper meals. Tuesdays are the days where I start at 8:30am and end at 9pm. I hate you, Tuesdays.

Today's lectures were not as bad as yesterday because I actually was able to stay awake. The lab, on the other hand, was a big fail. We had to draw 7 figures of different species within 3 hours. When there were 10 minutes left, Viv L and I were still scrambling through our last two slides. For our last slide, we found a really nicely stained, bug/lobster-looking species. Without any hesitation, we started drawing that figure. Ryan came by and saw our species and was shocked because it was so different from his. He then showed us a picture in our textbook - apparently it was supposed to look like a flower, not a bug! We immediately asked our TA to come and help us take a look. When she first saw our half-drawn diagram, she gave us the "what the fuck" look and started laughing. Luckily, she found us the species and we somehow finished cramming everything together. Boy, that was embarrassing...

I found out that some people are having their econ midterm/term test on Friday. So, currently I don't have a ride back to Toronto. Worse comes to worse, I'll have to take the FED bus, which is a regular yellow school bus [YUCK!]. Hopefully, I could find someone that I could leech a ride off, or at least someone to take the FED bus with me.

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