Saturday, September 12, 2009

Leader Chase - Revenge or Torture? [September 11th]

Fire drill at 9:45am - not cool.

The day started out pretty relax. I decided to skip out on all the activities in the morning and in the afternoon because I heard that it was just mock lectures and stuff. At first, I was looking forward to the Leader Chase. Basically, it a game of manhunt, except we have to carry them back to the Link for points. Our leaders told us that this was the chance to get back at other leaders who've been teasing us. But at the same time, it felt like a torture because all of the leaders that we caught were quite heavy and there were only the 2 of us, Viv L and me. This was like the workout of the year. Some leaders were very sneaky and purposely made it harder for us to carry them back. Some female leaders were deceivingly heavy, despite of their petit size. After the game, I was pretty much guaranteed to have sore aches on every part of my body.

After the Chase, we had a dance for students of science faculty only. It was great! We had some freezies, took a lot of plastic flowers since it's hawaiian-themed, and met some new friends.

People came over to our place after the dance and we chilled until 4:00am. We played poker [Viv L totally dominated], did our science dance [chyeah!] and played video games. Viv L. decided to stay for the night because it was getting late and we don't want her to bike back to her resident, which is really, really, REALLY far away.

Back-to-back parties means lack of sleep. Thank god frosh week is almost over.

1 comment:

  1. LOL @ "Some female leaders were deceivingly heavy, despite of their petit size." hahahha dryyy!!
    wow Viv really dominated?! i'm shocked xD lol.
    where did she sleep?!?! in a room full of 4 hormone crazed guys?! that's suidical viv xD jkss haha ;P
