Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

I wish my cold would go away right now. This is not making things better because there's a lot of things for me to complete. For the past hours, I've been trying to start on my microbiology lab report that was assigned today. You may think that I'm crazy, but when you have another major midterm next week, an essay, and another lab report assigned, I think you would do the same thing to.

At the moment, I really want to sleep, but I know I have to at least finish the introduction of my lab report. At the rate, I think I'll only finish a part of it. I can't even think properly right now. I was thinking of taking a nap, but it'll just make my sleeping habits go even worse.

We were analyzing why we are doing so bad now but so well in Mary Ward. We came to a conclusion and blamed it on the schedule lectures and labs that we have to go to. In Ward, we had so much freedom and time to do all our assignments. In university, majority of the time is used for labs and lectures [for science students at least]. If only university gives out units just like Ward, wouldn't that make live a bit easier?

Weekend is coming soon and that means I could sleep in finally. I need to start studying for chemistry test while completing all the other assignments. It seems kinda overwhelming right now, but I have to get through it eventually, sadly.

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