Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

I finally got my braces off today. Stupid retainers are making me speak so weirdly.

There were not a lot of time to do work today, so I decided to make today a chill day. After teaching piano, I played some pokemon on ds [yes, I still play pokemon]. Then, I had to get ready for Carmina's debut. The party was fun and we took some random bubble pictures. I offered to drive Andy home because he lives so far. On the way, we cranked up the radio and hoped for "Party in the USA" to appear. It did came once, but it was only part of a mix. We were kinda disappointed [well, only me, Kim and Andy] but it's okay, we just kept singing. Good times, good times.


  1. I didn't know you got your braces off last night! Congrats! Yes blast the radio when it's the middle of the night and you're in a car! It's fun times. ;)

  2. pokemon is awesome even after so many years
    XD i still play XD
