Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 16th, 2009

Since I ended up sleeping at 6, I ended up skipping both of my lectures. I was planning to go to microbiology, but my drawings took me longer than I thought. The day went be very fast for some reason. Probably because I've skipped almost the whole day.

After my cell biology lab, Nathan and I went to Vivi L's place since she wanted to take a shower before going to MKV. So we decided to eat dinner at CLV too. We had pasta and rice, which was really good since it was something different.

I managed to finish my first chem assignment, though I wanted to finish my second one as well. it took me longer than I thought so I decided to do the next one tomorrow. There was a meteor shower tonight. I went out for about an hour and saw 1. If it wasn't cold, I would've stayed longer. I guess it's okay because I saw at least one. And plus, I needed to sleep for a bit before my zoology lecture since I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Nonetheless, the meteor shower was once in a life time experience.

1 comment:

  1. &i think someone's playing games with me,
    i don't like it.

    what's a _______ to do.
    damn acquaintances.
