Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

"I got my hair burnt for being too aseptic..."
-Ryan complaining about his burnt hair

Got my chem mark back. Passed. Better than last test. Nothing more to ask for.

Today, I actually went to my chem tutorial for once and it was kind of useless. Oh well, at least I know that the following ones are more important. Microbiology lab was more like a race to finish now. Ryan and I always tried to beat Viv and her partner, Stephanie. Today we ALMOST beat them. I would consider it as a tie because we reminded them to copy the expected results. If we didn't tlel them, they would've lost by default. Another funny thing that happened was that Ryan burned his hair. He leaned too close to the bunsen burner and the flame skinned a bit of his hair. It was pretty hilarious because it turned out like copper split ends.

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