Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

I finally got my external hardrive. Yay, now I could back up my stuff!

I hate studying. It takes to long and it doesn't guarantee you with a passing and satisfying grade. Making notes until 4:00am was not cool. This feels worse than june rush in ward. I wish I could just sleep forever and never wake up. The sad thing is that I won't be able to have a decent sleep until Tuesday night. I hate you, science!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saturday, November 29th, 2009

*Jacob takes of his shirt*
Guys in the theatre: OHH YEAHHHHHHH!
-happened when we were watching New Moon

Chinese Lady 1: Oh my god, the asian guy [Eric in New Moon] is so handsome!
Chinese Lady 2: I know, right? He's adorable!
Chinese Lady 1: Wait, is he a guy or a girl?
-two chinese lady being ridiculously funny beside me

I watch New Moon with Steph today, and as expected, the movie sucked. If the book sucked that much, the movie isn't going to get much better. The people in the theatre were hilarious. Even though the movie sucked, I had fun listening to the comments around me, especailly with the two chinese ladies beside me talking. Overall, I was satisfied with this movie.

Since I went out for dinner with my dad, I end up not having a lot of time to do my notes for my exams next week. Steph told me that I shouldn't have gone to the movies. I don't regret it, because if I watched it later, then there won't be as much audience, thus, no funny comments. I ended up staying up untill 3:30am to finish my microbiology lab notes. It's all good, because I'm used to it already...I'm a true UW warrior.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday, November 28th, 2009

"Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners" - Robert T. Kiyosaki

I realized how screwed I am for my exams next week. I wish I had more time.

I thought it was over and done with, but it came back again. I don't know how long I'll last for. I hope there's a better way of resolving this.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 26th, 2009

Last Microbiology Lab today! Once step closer in finishing this stupid course and forget about it! The lab was short and quick, so I was able to get back to MKV by 4.

Chem tutorial are useless. For the pass 3 tutorials that I went to, they taught stuff that I knew already. They make it sound like it's something that we have to attending in order to do well in the exam.

After today, the major studying begins. Honestly, I'd rather stay up late and do lab reports than studying for multiple exams. At least I know I'll pass in lab reports but with exams, there's a chance that I might fail. Next week is gonna be hell. Better find an efficient way to cram all those materials in.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

Staying up untill 5:30am, finishing my chem lab report was not cool. I don't know why, but this report took a lot out of me. I think it was all the numbers and calculations. Me and large amount of numbers does not really go together. Anyhow, today was a really short day since I skipped my morning classes again. The chem lab was a piss off because we have to finish the last lab report on the spot. I probably did a really crappy job because I had to rush everything.

The good news is that I'm done all my lab reports. That means no more late nights. Now all I need to do is to start studying like mad for the exams next week and a few weeks later.

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

Very, very long day. I actually didn't fall asleep in psych class, despite how tired I am. Chem lab report was the only thing that was on my mind for the rest of the night.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

It's sad to know that some people are already studying and cramming for their exams, while I still have to finish up my lab report. Chem Lab report did not really go well last night because I had some technical difficulties with Microsoft Word. Originally, I planned to finish the whole results section so I don't have a huge load on Tuesday night since I have a night class, but that's not happening because I only got through half of the results. Looks like I'll be staying up late again. At least kenny will keep me company this time, haha.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 22nd, 2009

So I woke up today and said to myself that I want to dye my hair brown. I did it. I went to the salon in the afternoon to get it done. At first, I just want to dye it dark brown, where you could barely tell a different kinda thing. But my mom insisted that if I want to dye something, at least make it more apparent. She's probably annoyed how her dye didn't turn that apparent. So, she chose brown instead. Under the light, it looks really, really light. But if I'm not under the light, it's not that light. No more virgin hair!

Steph was overwhelmed and perhaps in denial for a second or so when i told her. She was so overwhelmed that she didn't even noticed that I got a haircut too. Ryan thought I was Patrick when he came into MKV, which was pretty bad because he said that I got shorter too. I didn't tell a lot of people yet because I want to see if they can notice it. In the dark, maybe not, but when there's light, it's pretty obvious. If they can't see it, I guess they're pretty oblivious. Haha. Well, now that I blogged it, some of them will know. I just want to see their reactions. Hehe.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

Today was crap! I realized how many things I forgot in Waterloo. I couldn't work on my work at all. All I could do was study. I guess that's better than nothing

I had abdominal pains for the majority of the day. I seriously don't know what happened or what I ate. I hope it gets better by tomorrow.

So, I have decided to skip out on SciBall next Saturday. Mainly, it's because I have 4 exams/tests 2/3 days after. Another reason is that I don't feel like partying when I know I should be studying. Plus, party/clubbing is not my thing anyways, I could live without it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday, November 20th, 2009

"School is my life...I have nothing outside it anymore"
- Tammy stating something something
very true about school and life

I got a slight headache after the ride back to Toronto. Eating apples did not help at all. Forgot to transfer my files from my laptop in Waterloo. Overall, boring and unproductive day.

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

My oxford tutorial presentation didn't go as well as I thought it would. I was pretty unlucky because I ended up getting a topic that I was least familiar with. I guess it's done and over with. Whatever.

I spent the remaining of the night doing my chem assignment. I actually completed the assignment with minimal help. I felt so proud of myself because I was actually able to solve those questions all by myself.

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

"I got my hair burnt for being too aseptic..."
-Ryan complaining about his burnt hair

Got my chem mark back. Passed. Better than last test. Nothing more to ask for.

Today, I actually went to my chem tutorial for once and it was kind of useless. Oh well, at least I know that the following ones are more important. Microbiology lab was more like a race to finish now. Ryan and I always tried to beat Viv and her partner, Stephanie. Today we ALMOST beat them. I would consider it as a tie because we reminded them to copy the expected results. If we didn't tlel them, they would've lost by default. Another funny thing that happened was that Ryan burned his hair. He leaned too close to the bunsen burner and the flame skinned a bit of his hair. It was pretty hilarious because it turned out like copper split ends.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday November 17th, 2009

Me: Because you're not touching the right spot...
*Michael looks down and realizes he was touching the part beside the touch pad.*

One of the longest day of my life! It was already bad enough that I only had 3 hours of sleep. Evidently, I fell asleep in all of my lectures for about 10 minutes. I actually fell into deep sleep, without knowing what's going. That's how tired I was.

I managed to get my zoology lab done pretty quick. I THOUGHT I was going to get some sleep before psych lecture, but I didn't. I ended up cleaning the dishes that was piling up in the sink, and made dinner for psych. Obviously, I wasn't able to stay up in psych class and fell asleep two times. When I got back to MVK, I crammed some oxford tutorial things. I wanted to sleep at 12, but Michael needed help with his chem. Finished helping him around 1:15, which was pretty good. I'll still get around 7 hours of sleep (Y).

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 16th, 2009

Since I ended up sleeping at 6, I ended up skipping both of my lectures. I was planning to go to microbiology, but my drawings took me longer than I thought. The day went be very fast for some reason. Probably because I've skipped almost the whole day.

After my cell biology lab, Nathan and I went to Vivi L's place since she wanted to take a shower before going to MKV. So we decided to eat dinner at CLV too. We had pasta and rice, which was really good since it was something different.

I managed to finish my first chem assignment, though I wanted to finish my second one as well. it took me longer than I thought so I decided to do the next one tomorrow. There was a meteor shower tonight. I went out for about an hour and saw 1. If it wasn't cold, I would've stayed longer. I guess it's okay because I saw at least one. And plus, I needed to sleep for a bit before my zoology lecture since I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Nonetheless, the meteor shower was once in a life time experience.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15th, 2009

I knew doing my lab report on the day before it's due was not a good idea, yet I did it anyways. The report wasn't as bad because it was based on osmosis. There's nothing much to write and it is pretty easy to get a grasp of it. I ended up finishing the report around 6:00am, which was pretty good cause I finished in less than 12 hours. We [Viv and I] went to Nathan's place to work on the lab report, thinking that there will be people over to chill. Best not to ruin their fun, right?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

I finally got my braces off today. Stupid retainers are making me speak so weirdly.

There were not a lot of time to do work today, so I decided to make today a chill day. After teaching piano, I played some pokemon on ds [yes, I still play pokemon]. Then, I had to get ready for Carmina's debut. The party was fun and we took some random bubble pictures. I offered to drive Andy home because he lives so far. On the way, we cranked up the radio and hoped for "Party in the USA" to appear. It did came once, but it was only part of a mix. We were kinda disappointed [well, only me, Kim and Andy] but it's okay, we just kept singing. Good times, good times.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday, November 13th, 2009

I probably failed chem test/exam, but I did the best I can. Regretting for not studying more? Yes, definitely, but I know that it would still be the same because of the crammed week. That was all that I can do.

Finally get to go back to Toronto and do my laundry. It was nice seeing my family again. We went to our aunt's place for dinner and some mahjong. My mom made me play a few rounds so I can "relax" and forget about school. I guess it helped for a while, but things don't really work that way. This weekend is gonna be eventful, which is not good because I have a lab report that's due on Monday. the report is easy, but I know that it's gonna take a while to write. I'm planning to stay up on Monday for it so it's all good.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

Studying for Chem was hell. In the end, I gave up because all I was doing was knowing how to do the pass exams. I'm planning to wake up earlier in the morning to do some more reviewing before I leave. Hopefully, that'll work out.

Thank god this was the last day of sleepless night. I barely made it through my lectures because I was so tired. The day went by so fast. Even our "apparently very long" micro lab went by fast as well. We finally beat Vivi's group and rubbed it in their face. Not to be mean or anything, but it felt so good.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Woot! I actually finished my micro lab report before 12am! It seemed like it was too good to be true. I actually had a bit of time to study for chem, though I don't really know any of the equations or concepts. I have to do mad cramming tomorrow.

Today, I DIED in both chem lecture and microbio lecture. I felt really bad afterwards, but I only had around 4 hours of sleep. It's funny how I only sleep in class, but not when I'm back at MKV.

A funny thing that happened today was when Harry accidentally knocked over the garbage bin and everything fell out. When I came out of the washroom after a shower, Harry called me, looking really sad and annoyed and asked me for him. It wasn't a big problem so I helped him mop the floor. The way how he asked me was hilarious because he sounded like a little kid.

For some reason, after getting the microbio lab report out of the way, I feel like I took off a tonne off me. I know I still have my chem to cram for but whatever. Just one more day of hell, then i could rest up and start on my other assignments for next week.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

Today was a long day. I had to drink two cups of coffee and a cup my tea to kinda stay awake. I gave up staying up in cell bio lecture and slept right when the lecture started. We dissected grasshoppers today was it was, well, interesting. It wasn't as hard as crayfish, but it was very..juicey?

Anyhow, the psych test's class average was 80.5%, which sucks cause I got 80% and I'm 0.5% under average. I guess it's not the matter of getting something above average. What's more important is passing the actual course.

Ryan, Michael and David come to MKV to do their lab reports. It was pretty funny because both Ryan and Michael were trying to pin point each other's blond moments and use it against them. In the end I didn't really finish a lot of my remaining lab report, but oh well, I still have tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday, November 9th, 2009

This week is gonna be hell and I'm know I'll get around 4-5 hours of sleep each night. Tonight, I have to cram my bio essay in. It was not that hard, but it took me a while to complete it. I think I'm getting stupider because it's taking me forever to just write a conclusion paragraph. I can't wait until this weekend because I could finally get to sleep.

I'm starting to lose a bit of hope in school again. It's like I'm heading somewhere without direction. Things are getting harder and harder as each day passes. A girl once said, "University was the best 4 years of my life!" I don't know what's considered as her 'best' but so far it's crap for me.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 8th, 2009

Microbiology lab reports are deadly. They eff you over really bad. Usually, results section is the easiest part of the lab, but not for this one. There's 8 tables to go through with 3 sets of figures. We have to right a linker text for all of them too. I ended up staying until 3:30am just to finish that part of the lab report. I thought I would have time to start on the bio essay, but apparently not. Looks like I'll be staying up late for tomorrow too.

Steph left around 4:30pm today. I felt really bad yesterday because I took her bed and the fact that she slept really late [she usually sleeps at 12-ish?] After, a few of us started to cram in some work. Right now, things are not looking too bright because lack of sleep plus sick plus lots of work to do is death and torture. I wish I can totally skip out on this whole week.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Saturday, November 7th, 2009

Sleeping on the floor last night wasn't that bad and I kinda slept better than the 2 nights before, surprisingly. Today was open house in Waterloo and Kim and her parents came to visit. They came at a really bad time because everyone was still asleep. One by one, they came out form their rooms to say hi.

Steph, Harry and I visited their friends at West wing. We chilled for a while and then went back to East wing, attempting to study. For dinner, we went to 'Curry in a Hurry' and surprisingly, it was pretty good.

After dinner, the party started and most people went crazy in drinking. Nathan was so drunk that he didn't know what happened the next day. I drank a bit (maybe 4 shots and 2 beer?) and had a headache after. I was trying to watch after Nathan so he wouldn't drink any more. When he passed out in the washroom, I had to carry him back to my room because he said he was going to sleep in the washroom. When I put him onto my bed, I gave up and slept too. I really felt bad for Steph because Nathan and I stole her bed for the night, but she manage to get Chris' bed in the end.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday, November 6th, 2009

It's FINALLY weekend! Once again, I fell asleep in chem lecture. No matter how hard I try, I always end up sleeping. Today I lasted around 20 minutes or so. I don't think I'm improving at all.

This weekend is going to be somewhat relaxing and stressful since I have to balance between homework and partying. Technically, I shouldn't chill too much, but Steph came over this weekend and it's the first time I'm staying in waterloo for the weekend. Either way, I'm still planning to finish as much as I can, preferably my micro lab report and my bio essay. I know that it's not really realistic, but at least I know I'll try.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

I wish my cold would go away right now. This is not making things better because there's a lot of things for me to complete. For the past hours, I've been trying to start on my microbiology lab report that was assigned today. You may think that I'm crazy, but when you have another major midterm next week, an essay, and another lab report assigned, I think you would do the same thing to.

At the moment, I really want to sleep, but I know I have to at least finish the introduction of my lab report. At the rate, I think I'll only finish a part of it. I can't even think properly right now. I was thinking of taking a nap, but it'll just make my sleeping habits go even worse.

We were analyzing why we are doing so bad now but so well in Mary Ward. We came to a conclusion and blamed it on the schedule lectures and labs that we have to go to. In Ward, we had so much freedom and time to do all our assignments. In university, majority of the time is used for labs and lectures [for science students at least]. If only university gives out units just like Ward, wouldn't that make live a bit easier?

Weekend is coming soon and that means I could sleep in finally. I need to start studying for chemistry test while completing all the other assignments. It seems kinda overwhelming right now, but I have to get through it eventually, sadly.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

I decided to skip chemistry lecture after my psych study this morning because I was really tired since I only had 4 hours of sleep. I had to help harry with his math assignment that's due today. It was a little hard for me at first because I haven't done math in so long, but I managed to pull through. I think skipping my chem lecture this morning was a good decision [well, skipping in general is bad] because I know I would sleep in class anyways. Because the fact that I skip chem, I was able to stay awake through microbiology.

After microbiology lecture, I went to the library with Vivian L to do some studying and work. It was pretty successful because I got majority of the work that I want to finish done. I guess studying at the library is a better alternate than studying in res. Later on, Ryan joined us and we went to a Biology event where we get to meet our advisors. They gave us a lot of precious information and strategy to us. They encouraged us not to give up if we're struggling to hold on. One disappointing thing that they said that was a student must need a 90+% average to be even considered getting into med school. I'm pretty sure this shot a lot of people's goal. Surprisingly, I wasn't that sad about it because I saw that coming. Med school is not the only option. There are probably many more options where studying doesn't take your whole life like med school does. Either way, my concern is not really about getting into med school or not [even though it is evident that the chances are close to 0%]. It's the fact if i'm able to make it through this crappy term.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

Today, I woke up feeling like crap, but still pushed myself to go to classes. Sadly, I slept in both of my lectures. So far this week, I've been sleeping through all my lectures. I need to really fix up my sleeping habits, and also get better from this pre-sickness thing.

Zoology lab was quite frustrating because there were so much to look for and the directions of cutting the crayfish was confusing. I didn't study for this lab as much as I did for the others because there were simply too much and it might interfere with my psychology. In the end, I had to wing the oral quiz and hope for easy questions. I ended up getting 4.5/5, which is not bad for not finding 1/4 of the stuff.

Today was also the psych term test, which was surprisingly quite easy. I hope I'll do well because I thought I did really well on my Cell biology and I ended up with an 'okay' mark. Good thing our psych teacher marks things pretty fast, so I'll know my mark by Friday the latest.

I just noticed how many things I have to do for next week. I'm actually staying in Waterloo over the weekend for once because Steph is coming over and that they have a party or something. I don't know if I should be partying...partying hard at least. Study hard, play hard - but I have a feeling that I won't have enough time to finish everything. Decisions, decisions...

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

I did my first Psych study for psychology credits and I won $10.50! It was actually pretty sweet because all I did was a few clicking and submitting. What didn't go as planned was the lectures. I fell asleep in both of my lectures today, which was really disappointing.

Studying for both psych and zoology lab is hell. When I look at the lab manual, I get overwhelmed because there are a lot of parts to remember. After, its me to forget some stuff for psych. I think it's getting late and I need to get some sleep in so I could do well tomorrow.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

Wow, time is passing by so quickly. It's November already, and the sad thing is that I haven't caught up with my sleeping hours yet. I'm starting to stay up late again and it's becoming an habit. Why can't I study more efficiently so I could have more sleep? I have to find a solution to this because I'll end up falling asleep in class again, especially for chemistry.

Mike, Nathan, Vivian L, and David slept over at MKV this weekend. The suite was pretty messy when we got back, but it's all good and we cleaned up in no time. Mike had to finish cramming his lab report that's due tomorrow, while the others cram to finish our cell biology lab notes.

I just hate the fact that I have labs almost every day of the week. That means I have to study for the next lab on the previous evening. If I don't have to study for a quiz or test, I would have to cram for my lab reports. I really need to find a better way to manage this, or at least get used to it.