Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

Nathan: How does that taste like? *points to something on the table*
Me: That's pumpkin soup, I think.
Nathan: No, not that. the one beside it. The one that looks like a pastry.
Me: That's a towel...
- Nathan having a blond moment during dinner

Today was pretty much packed with events. Our family went to dim sum for lunch because my aunt wanted to play some mahjong, so they decided to go to dimsum before playing. Then, Nathan and I decided to leave early to go to Eaton Center to shop around and visit San. I bascially went on a shopping spree. I haven't felt that nice ever since school started. It was nice to relax for a bit, though most fo the stuff that I got were christmas gifts. Best item that I bought was a REALLY cheap cardigan at buffalo [for myself of course =D]. After shopping, Nathan and I picked up Patchi and went to my aunt's place to have dinner. The dinner was pretty grand, and we all made Nathan eat like crazy. Typical Asian family, eh?

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