Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13th, 2009

I went back to Waterloo tonight because there was a Microbiology exam review section. Considering how I'm barely passing micro [like literally], I think that this review would help a lot. The review started out okay, but as the night progressed, it started to get boring. At some point, I kind of fell asleep. I feel so bad because the volunteer spent a lot of time planning this session. In the end, the review was worth it because I got quite a few notes for the exam. Now, at least I know where to start studying from.

Asides from the review session, I attempted to study back at MKV. I wouldn't say that it was too productive, but little is better than nothing. I'm already 2/3 of the way. Just one more week. Hang in there, Henry. It's almost the end.

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