Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, December 11th, 2009

Chem lab exam today! It was easy, as expected.

Kenny's dad came early to pick us up, so I had to rush and pack everything. After i finish packing, I realized that I left my bag at V1 when we were getting some food earlier. I asked the others if they could just get it for me cause Kenneth's dad was waiting. No one wanted to go because they were all busy gaming. So I went out with my tennis shoes [kswiss], trying to speed walk as fast as I could without slipping and falling. When I got there, I accidentally dropped my bag, which had Ryan's glass bottle of nestea. I thought it was only, just a small drop, but I started noticing some liquid coming out. That was not a good sign. All of my chem lab stuff were soaked with sweet and sticky nestea, so I was forced to dispose them. my bag was flooded with liquid and my calculator [Patchi's calculator to be exact] was taking a dip in the nestea. At first, I thought that only the cover of the calculator was wet, but I was wrong. It got into the interior as well and last time I checked it, it was working properly. I got mad, really mad. When I got back to MKV, I just dropped everything and put my bag in a plastic bag to bring back to Toronto. Not cool at all.

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