Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Crap, I used the wrong equation for BIOL 140L exam. I KNEW there was something wrong with the answers because I got 2 'none of the above's. There goes 2 marks, darn it.

BIOL 130L exam was alright, but some questions were like what the fuck. Oh well, those two exams are done with. Now I have to move on to the next 2 exams, fml.

The fire alarm went off around 2:00am. It was pretty frustrating because I wanted to study some more psych before going to bed. Originally, I planned to sleep at 1:20 or 2:00am; I ended up sleeping at 3:00am. I can feel that I'm slowly giving up. I don't think I'll have enough energy to finish the rest of the week. The tiredness is blocking the information flow instead my brain. I just hope I'll know enough for the last 2 exams.

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