Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

I woke up in the morning, realizing that the whole building lost its electricity. I thought I would get away for skipping teaching piano, but it came back 2 hours later when the kids are still in the apartment. After teaching, we went to my aunt's place [again] for dinner. It's pretty boring there because there's no internet.

I was playing with my nephew half of the time. He cried once in a while to get attention. Once, when I tried to play with him when he was about to cry, he moved near me, snatched my glasses and "crushed" the with his hands. He probably knew he did something wrong, and started bawling after. [By the way, he's only a half years old] Now, a part of the hinge of my glasses is broken. It's not that serious and it's fixable, but I'll probably have to wear my contacts for the next few days since I left my spare in Waterloo. So much for trying to stop him from crying.

Nathan texted me last minute saying that he forgot that Christian is in Hong Kong and no one's picking him up from the airport. It was a late notice and I don't know if I'll be able to arrange a ride for him. I couldn't find his flight online, so I really don't know what's happening. At the moment, I'm still waiting for his flight info and what's happening tomorrow. Gosh, so last minute.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

So a few of us went to STC and planned to watch a movie. That didn't happen because it was like Asia in there. The line was so long and we thought it was not worth it to line up for a movie. We all went to my place and watched up instead. After I had to pick up my mom from work and a few stayed at my place and waited for me to come home so we could go for bubble tea. We played the truth game and it was pretty darn funny. Cherry was so into the game, so accidentally struck her straw into her ice too hard and the ice flew right into her top. It was hilarious as she struggled to retrieve the ice cube.

I've noticed how since university, my mom doesn't really care how late I come home. When I went out tonight, she told everyone not to stay out and play too late. Then she was like "that sounded soo forced and fake, doesnt it? I seriously don't know what to say! Haha! Have fun guys!" I'm blessed to have a mother like her. She' not like any typical Asian moms. I'm just...really lucky.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Monday, December 28th, 2009

Today was Andy's birthday party and our kris kringle day. It was loads of fun, laughing and joking around. Surprisingly, not a lot of people showed up, but it was still pretty good because we got more chances to bond with each other. I hope there are more of these in the future.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Christmas break seems to fly pass quickly. I must say, this Christmas is pretty awesome. I got the stuff that I wanted, I could stay up late without a cause [like doing units], and I passed all my courses in university. I wish life can be like that every 3 or 4 months.

Today was pretty lax. I had to deliver something for my grandfather to his friend because he couldn't make it to the funeral. I went out for lunch with my dad. I thought you would give me some money for Christmas, but that didn't happen. In fact, I didn't get anything from him. But it's okay. I don't really mind it.

Miranda dropped by with her gifts for me and for the Kris kringle tomorrow. We had a nice short chat. Then, few minutes later, Steph came with the belt that I wanted to get for a long time. She was able to get it at Fairview for 50% off [Last time I went, it was 20% off]. I wanted to give her back the money, but she refused to take it and ran off =(. That was such a nasty move.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday, December 26th, 2009

Boxing Day at STC! We bought a massive amount of chocolates for my aunt to bring back when she goes back to China. I also got a pair of black dress shoes and a pair of leather boots. That was it for the boxing day because I didn't have anything to buy to begin with. I saw Carmen with her boyfriend in the mall, but we didnt talk long since it was pretty crowded.

After shopping, we went out for dinner with a bunch of family friends. We ordered so much food that there were a lot of leftovers. It's okay, because Patchi and I will just finish it all tomorrow since we're home alone.

Friday, December 25th, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Today, we went to my aunt's place house to spent this year's christmas. I had the chance to play taiwanese mahjong and it was GREAT. It's so much more fun than regular mahjong because you can still win a lot with crappy wins. I also get to play with my nephew. He's so adorable, especially when he laughs. Well, that was it for today. Even though my break is filled with events, it gets boring at times. Must find more stuff to do!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24th, 2009

Christmas Eve! I woke up at 2pm today. Finally, some good sleep. Nothing much happened today. We went to dinner at Sheraton with my aunt. It was so crowded and FILLED with asians. The food was alright, but it could've been better [and more selections]. I get to see my nephew again. He's so adorable and his cheeks are so puffy and huge. I can't wait until he learns how to talk and call me 'uncle'.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

Wow, it feels like my break is going by faster and faster. I woke up at 12pm today. Six hours of sleep is good enough for me. San called me out last minute to give me gifts for others and want to see me. We went to Fairview, shopped a bit [I got a jacket from AE <3]. Gosh, I love shopping spree, though there are still some stuff that I wanted to get. Meh, I've been spending way too much money lately. I'll hold it in for later.

On another note, I officially passed term 1! I actually passed micro with a 50 and zoology with a 59! Good enough for me to not redo any of those courses. The other marks were okay, though i expected higher for some of them. It's all good, they were still within the range that I wanted to be. I'm just so happy that i made it through. The thought of failing a course is so scary. After all, I've never failed a course in my whole life before. Looks like this Christmas is going to be great!

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

I only had 4 hours of sleep. I woke up early in the morning [9:30am] to go shopping for rice krispies, marshmallows and some groceries. Nathan was originally going to go with me, but he was still sleeping, so I didn't wake him up. After, making the rice krispies, we went to STC to shop for gifts. We managed to finish shopping for all of our gifts. Then I drove Cherry, David, and Terrence to Brian's party. The party was alright, though I was too tired to interact much. When we came back home, Nathan and I stayed up until his ride is here, though I ended up sleeping at 6am. Staying up late without a cause feels nice =).

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21st, 2009

Wow, it feels like a Friday tonight. Probably because it's the first time that I came back to Toronto other than a Friday. The exam today was long, very long in fact. 110 multiple choices was just too much to concentrate on. I hope I passed.

Anyhow! Term 1 is done. Time to relax and party!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

Last day of studying. Headache. Overwhelmed.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saturday, December 19th, 2009

Wow, I woke up at 3pm today. Studied my ass off until 10pm. I was literally at my limit after that, so I decided to play some HoN with the others. God, I suck so much. But I got better after the first game. It was a nice stress reliever. Tomorrow would be officially my last day of studying. After that, I'll be free for a week and a half! Hopefully, I'll finish with a high note, and something to be proud of.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday, December 18th, 2009

For the whole day, I could feel that my mood is going to change just like that. Like, I feel like I'll get mad or pissed of at something or someone very easily. So, I decided to stay away from the others, or at least tried to.

Microbiology exam was hell. I didn't know how to answer a lot of questions. After the first 3 pages, I actually gave up and started to filling whatever sounds the best [usually b or c] if I don't know the answer. I really hope I pass. I don't care if I'm in probation. I just don't want to do the course again. I hate this course with a passion.

Now, I'm attempting to study for cell biology. It's not going as well as I thought it would because I'm suffering from sleepiness at the moment. I don't know if I'll actually finish a module, but whatever. I don't have much hope inside me anyways.

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

Memorizing about 30 different groups of microorganisms was painful. I manage to run through it once and hopefully it retains in my memory. If I do moderately well on this exam, then there still might be a chance to eliminate the possibility of being in probation. It really depends on how well i did on my 2 zoology exams as well. I know some people had already given up studying because of the intense vocabulary. Usually, I would've given up already, but on a second thought, I've came so close to the end. It feels like there's no turning back.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

Zoology exam was deadly. I don't even know if I passed or not. This is quite discouraging because I worked so hard to pull up all my marks and now I stumbled, tripped and lost all my momentum. I have basically lost all my motivation for my microbiology exam. For once, I miss Toronto. I'm tired of exams.

Harry, Nathan, Michael and I were talking until 5 am in the morning. We talked about life, and how we regret our choices and decision made in high school. It was pretty sad at one point. Then we started to gossip about other things. Guy-talk, good times.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Why is studying so deadly and boring? Maybe it's just zoology. Studying something that's extremely vague and subjective is basically studying for the impossible. It's like, I really don't know what to expect in the exam. At this point, I really want to get over with this and move on with microbiology, which I think it's more study-able. I really don't have a good feeling about zoology. Maybe it's time for me to give up.

Like Steph's friends, I shall pray to the Zoology God and hope that He'll be nice to me tomorrow.

Monday, December 14th, 2009

It feels like a Tuesday today. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm not cramming the night before?

I can feel that I'm running out of juice in this game of studying. There were times where I want to give up because it's so boring and I don't know what to expect on the exam [for zoology at least]. Even though I did the midterm, I can't really remember what was on it. I really don't have a good feeling about the last 3 biology exam. I've done so well on the past 6 exam and I don't really want to ruin it by bombing the last 3. Basically, the last 3 exams is thee key whether I'm in probation or not for next term. That's probably the only motivation that I have right now.

On the brighter side, there's exactly only one week left. In exactly one more week, I could finally relax and catch up some sleep.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13th, 2009

I went back to Waterloo tonight because there was a Microbiology exam review section. Considering how I'm barely passing micro [like literally], I think that this review would help a lot. The review started out okay, but as the night progressed, it started to get boring. At some point, I kind of fell asleep. I feel so bad because the volunteer spent a lot of time planning this session. In the end, the review was worth it because I got quite a few notes for the exam. Now, at least I know where to start studying from.

Asides from the review session, I attempted to study back at MKV. I wouldn't say that it was too productive, but little is better than nothing. I'm already 2/3 of the way. Just one more week. Hang in there, Henry. It's almost the end.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday, December 12th, 2009

Today was Patchi's birthday party. Good food. Fun times. It's nice to chill with some of my old friends again. Ray and his moans and grunts, Eric's awesome hugs, San's mahjong madness; they're all priceless. Looking at Patchi and his friend brings me back good memories of the past when we were at that age. We're all getting old, very old. I could say that I really miss those days, but right now, all we could do is to look forward and hope that history would repeat itself. Chances may be slim, but it's possible.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, December 11th, 2009

Chem lab exam today! It was easy, as expected.

Kenny's dad came early to pick us up, so I had to rush and pack everything. After i finish packing, I realized that I left my bag at V1 when we were getting some food earlier. I asked the others if they could just get it for me cause Kenneth's dad was waiting. No one wanted to go because they were all busy gaming. So I went out with my tennis shoes [kswiss], trying to speed walk as fast as I could without slipping and falling. When I got there, I accidentally dropped my bag, which had Ryan's glass bottle of nestea. I thought it was only, just a small drop, but I started noticing some liquid coming out. That was not a good sign. All of my chem lab stuff were soaked with sweet and sticky nestea, so I was forced to dispose them. my bag was flooded with liquid and my calculator [Patchi's calculator to be exact] was taking a dip in the nestea. At first, I thought that only the cover of the calculator was wet, but I was wrong. It got into the interior as well and last time I checked it, it was working properly. I got mad, really mad. When I got back to MKV, I just dropped everything and put my bag in a plastic bag to bring back to Toronto. Not cool at all.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday, December 10th, 2009

"Everything will be okay in the end.
If it's not okay,
it's not the end." - Unknown

The Chem exam wasn't as bad as I thought. In my opinion, I think it's easier that the one that I did in grade 12 at Ward. One scary thing that happened is that a guy had a seizure. He was just diagonally behind me. It was really scary, as it was my first time witness one. I was shocked and I didn't know how to respond to it.

After the exam, I took a really long nap. I was supposed to set myself a timet o wake up, but I decided not to because I deserved the sleep. It was great! I haven't felt so good in a long time.

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009

Why am I such a retard? I was doing the exam exam that I did for term test 1 and 2, and i got most of the questions right. If only I had more time to study back then, I would've done decent in the course. I don't know If I should be happy or not because I'm getting the materials, but the fact that I know I could have done so much better just ruins it.

I kind of slacked off a bit in studying, so I don't think I'm going to go to bed before 3. Oh well, no pain, no gain, right?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

"Oh my god, my bum jiggles!" - Nathan

Study, study, eat, study, study, work out, study, study, sleep. The end.

I think that will the pattern for the next few days.

Monday, December 7th, 2009

Wow, today was quite tiring. I drove my mom to work in the morning and brought Nathan to get his haircut. After than, we went to York to pick up Brian and visited Ward. I got to see some of my teachers, and had a really nice talk with Ms. Filazzola. We decided to go to a really expensive dimsum place after to have lunch.

We got back to Waterloo around 9:00pm. I tried to study for a bit, but it wasn't that effective. I hope that I'll get more studying done tomorrow. At the moment, I actually feel that there's hope in all of my exams. I know this is not going to last, once my exam hits.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

Nathan: How does that taste like? *points to something on the table*
Me: That's pumpkin soup, I think.
Nathan: No, not that. the one beside it. The one that looks like a pastry.
Me: That's a towel...
- Nathan having a blond moment during dinner

Today was pretty much packed with events. Our family went to dim sum for lunch because my aunt wanted to play some mahjong, so they decided to go to dimsum before playing. Then, Nathan and I decided to leave early to go to Eaton Center to shop around and visit San. I bascially went on a shopping spree. I haven't felt that nice ever since school started. It was nice to relax for a bit, though most fo the stuff that I got were christmas gifts. Best item that I bought was a REALLY cheap cardigan at buffalo [for myself of course =D]. After shopping, Nathan and I picked up Patchi and went to my aunt's place to have dinner. The dinner was pretty grand, and we all made Nathan eat like crazy. Typical Asian family, eh?

Saturday, December 5th, 2009

Oh my God. Epic fail. Missed my final chem lecture/review. Set my alarm to 8:30pm instead of 8:30 am. FML.

So, today didn't start that well. We ended up going back to Toronto around 5, which was later than I expected. I brought Nathan down to our "crappy" gym and worked out for a bit. After dinner, Cherry called us out for bubble tea with Harry and Terrence. After than, we did some mad cramming for exams. I don't know if it was effective, but I guess it's better than not studying at all.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday, December 4th, 2009

Lecture are over. Exams are coming. Today will be the last day of relaxing. Can't believe it's almost the end of first term.

I made up my mind. I'm not doing physics anymore. I don't think I can make it through especially how people who are taking it this term are struggling, even though they took it in high school. I decided to take psychology again and may attempt for a psychology minor. I hope that my plan won't backfire.

Toronto tomorrow! I'm excited, for some reason. I planned quite a few things too and I hope I'll have enough time to cram in some studying.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

Finally done all the exams for this week. I'll actually have a good night sleep tonight. The zoology lab exam wasn't as hard as I thought it was, but there were some pictures that were quite annoying. And I forgot how to spell the words, and some of the parts too. What pisses me off the most is that I forgot to go back to my questions and circle a multiple choice question. I would've gotten that question right too. Oh well, what's done is done.

After the exam, I went to a stress reliever event where we get to make tshirts. I made a tshirt that said "Biology is Life" in the front, and "Life is Biology" at the back. It's not perfect, but I had fun and was able to relax.

I can't wait to go back to Toronto. This is probably the only time where I really want to go back. I think I know why, but I'm not too sure. I don't want to think about it, I just want to go back.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Right when I thought that it was impossible to pass the zoology lab exam, Ryan came back with a lab manual. He went to the night lab tonight and asked the TA if he could take one of the 'unclaimed' lab manuals. Thank god for him, or else I seriously would've thought I'll fail...again.

I could feel the tension starting to build inside me. I really want to give it up and I really don't want to care about it, but I just can't get past the barrier and my belief. Everything is weird and awkward now. Maybe I should have just kept quiet and suck it up like what I did before. This is giving me too much flashback of the past. Since when I turned so weak?

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

Wow, it's December already. Time flies so fast not that I'm in university.

The psych exam was alright, but I have a feeling that I failed it or get somewhere in the 50's because it felt like the first test all over again. The three exams took a lot out of me and it's sad to know that I still have one more to do.

Few minutes ago, I just realized that I left my lab manual at the side bench after the lab. This sucks because my lab exam is Thursday and I haven't really start studying. Life sucks hard. I right when I thought I'm almost there for the week, I encounter another obstacle.

Currently I'm sitting in the laundry with Nathan. He asked me if I could help him with his massive load of laundry. Since I'm the 'big brother', how can I say no to my 'little brother'. And plus, he offered to wash my sweats because I ruined it yesterday after the fire alarm. Looks like I'll be sleeping at 3:00am again.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Crap, I used the wrong equation for BIOL 140L exam. I KNEW there was something wrong with the answers because I got 2 'none of the above's. There goes 2 marks, darn it.

BIOL 130L exam was alright, but some questions were like what the fuck. Oh well, those two exams are done with. Now I have to move on to the next 2 exams, fml.

The fire alarm went off around 2:00am. It was pretty frustrating because I wanted to study some more psych before going to bed. Originally, I planned to sleep at 1:20 or 2:00am; I ended up sleeping at 3:00am. I can feel that I'm slowly giving up. I don't think I'll have enough energy to finish the rest of the week. The tiredness is blocking the information flow instead my brain. I just hope I'll know enough for the last 2 exams.