Monday, December 27, 2010

Sleeping is good.

Yesterday, we went to STC and Vaughan Mills to do our boxing day shopping.  Originally, we were going to go to STC, but my mom decided to go to Vaughan because the sales are probably better.  The mall was packed and the line ups to the cashier were long.  We didn't get as much as we got few years ago, but it was still worth the trip.

Friday, December 24, 2010

O Christmas Eve, O Christmas Eve...

...Oh why do I have to work. (8)

I just realized that if I don't get my ecology mark today, I would probably not get it until January when school starts.  It sucks because I want to calculate what my average is and what will my cGPA be.  Oh well.

Today, we decided to have a McDonalds feast for lunch.  Spending Christmas Eve at the shop is not necessary a bad thing.  It's not like I'll have any plans when friends since they're probably going to be busy with their family.  At least there's still internet!  I can still surf on the web, play games, and blog.

I realized that I've been waking up at around 10 everyday since I came back to Toronto.  It's not like I woke up at 10 naturally, but because I have to do something every morning.  I have to make sure I use the washroom before my mom uses it.  Even on Christmas day tomorrow, I'll have to wake up early again to go to dimsum for the 3rd time!  I don't think I'll get to sleep in anytime soon.  I think I get more sleep when I have school.  This is just sad...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Surprised? I think so!

Marks are always full of surprises!  My jaws literally dropped when I saw my marks, particularly organic chem.  I did better than I thought, a lot better.  Now I'm just waiting for my ecology mark.  I'm so close to having a 'perfect' term.  Dean's honour list, here I come ! =D

Today, I went to all-you-can-eat sushi with Harry, Andy, Cherry, Jaira and Viv.  It was pretty good, though the food came a bit too slow.  We talked about a lot of stuff and were pretty mean at times.  I'm glad that we were all on the same page.  After, Viv and Miranda joined me to go to Fairview to do some Christmas shopping.  I ended up getting all the things that I needed to get.  Hopefully, I didn't forget anyone.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


In about half an hour, I will see my marks [hopefully all of them].  My friend asked me if I was nervous, but honestly, I think I'm more excited than nervous.  Maybe I'm a bit nervous about organic chem and ecology because I don't know how I did in them.  Hopefully I'll pass all of them and meet my goal for this term!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Done, done and done!

I got back to Toronto around 6:30pm yesterday, but I didn't have a chance to go on the computer until today.  My last exam was pretty easy, though some multiple choices were pretty mind boggling.  I was happy that I finished this term and get to go back to Toronto to relax.  When I got back to the shop around 8pm, my mom wanted to go out and eat kbbq at Korean Grill since it's cheap at 10pm.  So I ate some chicken wings at the shop and waited until 10 so we can go out and have 'dinner'.

Today I went shopping for the first time, without any stress from school.  To be honest, today was just to shop around for my mom's birthday gift because I haven't gotten a chance to get her one.  I still need to figure out who will get me a gift this year, so I can have something to give back.  I would say that's the most difficult part of Christmas shopping.

Ever since I got back, my family planned a lot of outings with family friends.  That usually means eating out a lot. I wouldn't say it's bad thing, but I'll probably gain a couple of pounds by the end of this break.  Maybe I should start getting myself more in shape...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Last hours.

I'm so eager to finish this term.  I'm ready to just sleep right now so tomorrow can come faster. 3 more hours of studying, 10 hours of sleep.  That's it!  I can see the the finish line!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Too school for cool.

The last exam is always the worst because your literally running out of gases.  Thank god that ecology is not that hard to understand, just a lot of memorization.  It's hard to believe that I'll be done in two days.  This term went by so quickly and I enjoyed the lax schedule that I had.  I don't even want to think about what I'll have in spring term.  Just one more day of studying, and then I'm FREE!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The slushie, wet road.

Wow, organic chemistry actually made me forget to blog.  Shows that I haven't been procrastinating the whole day yesterday!  Now, that I'm done with that course, I can finally relax and take my time studying for ecology.  I can already see the end! =D

It really bothers me how the city of Waterloo doesn't do much about the snow on the sidewalk.  I am so sick and tired of walking through the slush and ice with my pumas [which does not have any grip at all].  I feel like I'm going to twist my ankle or "PK" at anytime.  Thinking about the trip to the campus already makes me cringe.  It's that bad!  Must bring some boots next time!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

If only there's more than 24 hours in a day...

It always annoys me every time when I realize that it takes me 6-10 times as long to make and prepare lunch or dinner compared to eating it.  For example, it takes me around an hour to make a plate of pasta, but it only takes me 5-10 minutes to devour it.  Time is very precious in university, especially during exam seasons.  It's really hard to schedule everything within that 24 hours span.

Yesterday, I went to Wild Wing's with a bunch of people for dinner.  I finally satisfy one of my many cravings - chicken wings!  It was really good and I'm glad that I decided to go.  I originally planned to go to Marble Slab for dessert, but I realized that it'll be too late by the time I get back home.  But it's okay because I can go tonight!

I realized that I can study better under pressure, which is kinda a good and bad thing.  It would be better if I actually get some quality studying done before hand.  There's so much things to do and memorize within the next few days.  I still haven't finish my Christmas shopping and that have to wait until I get back to Toronto.  I wish these few days would just go by faster.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I don't know if you noticed, but it's really awkward...

I don't know if there's anyone who likes the idea of awkwardness.  If you do, then you're totally wacked!  I find it extremely awkward and uncomfortable when there's an awkward silence and I talk some people, especially to the people who I don't have anything to talk about.  I feel bad because I usually end up say stuff that are really stupid.  Also, it feels like I'm purposely trying to avoid conversations or don't want to talk to those people.  I'm not trying to avoid, I just don't have anything to talk about.  There were cases where I was busy doing something else.  I tried stopping everything I do so I could give them my undivided attention, but I just ended up giving those people a blank stare, which is just as awkward.  Sooner or later, they have to realize that they can't expect me to start a conversation when I basically don't have any connection to them.

It's funny how I update my blog more during exam season.  Whenever I think of procrastination, I think about updating my blog.  Ultimately, I blame science.  I always blame science.  Because of science, my mind is screwed up.  Sooner or later, stress will start to kick in and I'll suffer physically on top of the mental problems I got from science.  "For the love of science," says Steph.  Hah, my ass.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Kids, don't play with fire, please!

You would think that by the time you're in university, especially in second year, people would be more mature and would be able to take care of themselves better.  We had another fire alarm today, which probably upset a lot of students in this building.  I was lucky that I wasn't in the building for the previous fire alarms, but it does get really annoying, especially during exam seasons.  Not to mention the grass and sidewalks are covered in snow at this time of the year.  Please, just stay out of trouble!

Whenever I wake up around 9, it always feels like I'm waking up for classes.  I slept quite early last night and with 9 hours of sleep, I still wanted to sleep in.  Also, this food craving issue is not getting any better.  I'm constantly thinking of what I should eat and what I want to eat all the time.  Maybe I should at least satisfy one of those cravings so I could finally concentrate on all all the crap I need to cover for my exams.  Marble Slab, anyone?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What goes around, comes around.

My interview was pretty much a fail since I fully blanked out on one of the question.  I guess it's okay since I kinda don't want that job anyways.

It's kinda weird how I'm studying so much earlier than before.  I mean, it's not a bad thing, but I tend to slack off and procrastinate every now and then.  It doesn't feel right and it seems like I'm not really studying.  Also, I have lack of movies to watch, which is kinda a signature of my exam periods.  Maybe I should visit UWP to DC++ some movies for next week...

Some people thinks I'm really smart, but I'm not and I'm serious.  If they think beating me in a certain area is something amazing, boy they're wrong.  I'm still a human, and I make many mistakes.  If it makes them feel better, they can boast about it all they want because I really don't care.  I won't hate them, nor ignore them.  Chances are, I will still help them if they need help because I believe in karma.  Just to warn those people, karma might get you back, so watch out!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Job, or no job?

I have an interview for a job that I really don't want tomorrow.  To be honest, I don't know why I even applied to this job, which is located in Midland, Ontario.  Maybe I thought it wasn't that far, but boy, I was wrong.  The job description sound so boring and it's not really my type of job.  This have been stressing me a lot for the whole day because I don't how to rank it if I really got ranked.  I said that I want a job really bad, but really, out of all places, Midland?  But considering how my interview skills sucks, I might not even get ranked, which is kinda better because I don't have to decide whether to take/rank it.  But what if I don't get another opportunity or another interview later on?  Co-op, you suck!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's the time of the year! (Again)

Yesterday was the last official lecture of this term.  I officially finish 2 out of 5 of my courses and it actually feels pretty good.  I've always love exam time because all I do it study, sleep, study eat (and of course, movies/dramas).  I'm kinda looking forward to Christmas, but at the same time, I'm not because I haven't found a co-op job yet.  At this point, I don't really care anymore and I just want a job so I can complete my co-op term.

For the next few days, it'll be pretty much hardcore cramming since I slacked off over the weekend.  Perhaps I might find some time in between to watch some movies and dramas, which is highly likely because I believe that it'll make me study even harder (guilt trip, maybe?).  Textbooks, here I come!

P.S. I actually remembered to blog!  Go me!