Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Nothing usual happen today. We had a really nice dinner with my family friends. My botany exam marks are out and surprisingly, I did pretty good on it! With the shifting in weight, I think I'll able to get around 73 or 74, which is good enough. Also there is a boost in psych too, but still not enough to get me to 63. Oh well, I'm still satified with my marks in general and I must say, I have put up a good fight to try to pull my averages up.

Now, since my marks are up, I can start my accomplish/things completed list for my first year in university.

Things I've done/accomplished (not necessarily proud of though):
- finish first year without failing any courses
- stayed up to finsh my microbiology lab report and went to bed when I'm supposed to go to class the next morning
- slept in lectures
- didn't use a textbook for a certain course at all
- got sick of eating because of caf food
- had suite-resing experience
- had dorm style resing experience
- used the dorm shower
- slept in a bed with may contain traces of puke
- slept in a bed where a couple had sex on
- washed/cleaned the washroom
- had a "party" in res
- watched movies during exam weeks to "take a break" (a lot of movies infact)
- watched 'A Cinderella Story' while drinking a can of beer (I had to dispose it somehow and yes this was also during exam week)
- filled in random bubbles on the scantron because I didn't have time to finish (stats)
- did someone's work (Nathan's procedure summary for chem)
- gave up in a course (still manage to finish. What a miracle!)
- possibility of giving up a 'friend'
- gave up on someone I like
- made a few friends in university
- tried to run away or avoid things and people
- shared a bed with a guy (no homo!)
- had pokemon fever
- cried
- felt homesick
- almost lost my iPod touch
- lost my pokewalker

Now for things that I didn't do:
- get drunk
- pass ELPE (yup, I'm officially a true fob)
- share a bed with a girl
- make enough friends
- maintain a good average or gpa
- get enough sleep
- be involved in the community
- been to conestoga or any mall in Waterloo

I could only think of these for now. If I have any events where I forgot and it's notable, I'll update it.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

"It felt like my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. I know I'm not supposed to feel this way, but I can't help it."

Pretty boring day! Some people were supposed to come over and play mahjong but that ended being a flop because Ray was tired after the art show. San and I planned to go out for bubble tea, but it ended up being a flop too because her exam ends earlier!

At 9pm, she texted and said that she wants to go after all because she's so happy that she's done her first year and she really wants bubble tea. So I called out Miranda too because we haven't seen her in so long.

At first, I kind of felt bad because Miranda and I were supposed to go to STC to watch "The Losers". No offence, that movie does not looks great at all. Plus, by the time I get the car, the movie would start already.

Great bubble tea, great talk, great night!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

I love Tuesdays! All the discounts and stuff!

I decided to call Steph out for lunch since everyone was so darn busy with their lives. We went to get some samosas and Popeyes [it's Tuesday!] and visited Harry's new ballin' house. After eating, we decided to go to Steph's new house and chilled. The day was well spent and I didn't waste the opportunity with the car.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, April 26th, 2010

Marks are up! Well, most of them anyways. For most parts, I did pretty good. especially on stats and psych! My average for stats actually went UP, which means I made some REALLY good guesses/filling in random bubbles. Social psych was a miracle, absolutely a miracle. It's not official, but I'll probably end up with a low 60, which is more than I asked for.

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

I actually started unpacking but I realized that I leave some backpacks unsorted. I guess I can do that...sometime later. I started playing HoN and I tried to get better at it. Of course, it was a no go. Oh well, gaming is just not my thing.

Saturday, April 24th, 2010

I was supposed to unpack today, but I got lazy and procrastinated. I stayed home and did a Glee marathon and managed to finish all 14 episodes that I downloaded. Great show!

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

The highs, and the lows. It feels SO good to finish my first year of university. Not exactly on the highest note, but I guess it's still satisfactory.

I shouldn't have celebrated too soon, because I found out that I failed my ELPE as well. I'm not too surprised, because that essay was pretty bad. It may be a bit embarrassing, but hey, that's life. Expect the unexpected. It's not the end of the world and plus, I could always redo it. It just bothers me because failing the ELPE makes me a TRUE FOB. Obviously, I'm not even close being one. =P

Tammy, Ryan and I celebrated the end of the year by going for bubble tea and eating ice cream cake form marble slab. The cake was really good, but I had to finish half of it for dinner because no one wanted to finish it.

On another note, I HATE LEAVING RESIDENCE LAST! There were so much crap to do, and I ended up didn't throwing out all the garbage. I had more stuff to bring home than I thought. Wow, what a night!

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

Last day of cramming! At one point, I gave in and started to watch a movie [Korean movie - Baby and I]. The movie was pretty good and it was worth watching it. Then, I started to crams one more and it took longer than I thought. I ended up going through my materials once, hopefully it'll be still in my head when I'm doing my exam tomorrow!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Today was pretty much a fail attempt in studying for Botany. As I expected, I'm running out of gas. I'm going through the lecture slides really, really slowly. Usually, I could finish slides just like that but today was just a really bad day. I hope I get at least half done tonight because the cramming starts tomorrow. The end of first year is so close, yet so far. I could see the finish line, yet I know there's still a long way. Must not give up!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

I tried to study for a bit for Botany but it didn't go as well as I thought it would. Cherry came to Waterloo to visit! I decided I should go back to MKV since Vivi needed a companion when David leaves too. Plus, I would not want to be the third-wheel at REV - like, I love it when I'm on a roll, but just not THAT way. Haha, I crack myself up with my lame and attempted jokes!

So I went back to MKV and noticed that there's one lonely beer in the fridge. I was thinking that it'll probably be wasted since no one likes to drink beer. So my Asian-ness came out and I decided to tank it while watching 'A Cinderella Story'. Yes, I know, I'm supposed to be studying, but it's late at night and I technically DID study for a bit. Plus, it's Hilary Duff [hot!] and Chad Michael Murray [hot too!]. Just a few more days, and right now, at this moment, I feel like everything's going to end well. I hope this feeling lasts!

Monday, April 19th, 2010

Genetics exam was actually pretty good considering the amount of cramming I did. Psych, on the other hand, was just terrible. I could barely stay awake during the exam and I'm pretty sure I failed it.

On the bright side, I only have one more exam to do and then I'll be done my first year in university!

On another note, I ordered a half-half from Timmies and I ended up getting a Mocha. Thank you, woman from Tim Hortons, you made my day!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Right now, I'm still cramming genetics in. To my surprise, I know more than I expected, but it's still not enough to get a better average and boost my GPA. I found out today that my exam is at 9am, not 12:30pm. It's a good and bad thing because I'll have more time to cram social psych. I NEED to pass psych, preferably with a 65+ average. Okay, back to cramming!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

"Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest, it's who came and never left."

Back in Waterloo and realized how screwed I am for Monday. I moved out of MKV and migrated to REV with Nathan for the rest of the term [which is only 6 days by the way]. I hope I get some efficient studying done since it seems pretty hopeless right now. It's okay! It's almost the end! After the next 2 days, things would be all better!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Wow, it's already been 3 days and I'll be back to Waterloo tomorrow night. It's like the final sprint to the finish line. I don't know if I'll make it [on a high note at least] because studying has been a fail lately. It's not the end yet, there's still hope, right?

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

My God, studying is such a pain in the ass! What's pissing me off is that I'm not efficient enough and it seems like nothing is going into my head. I'm starting to lose hope, not good at all!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

It's already Wednesday and I barely started studying for my exams on Monday. I went to the library to do some quality studying, but I ended up spending an hour or so looking for the right library to study in because everywhere was so full. In the end, I must say it's better than what I would've done in Waterloo because I actually went through 2 lectures for genetics. Now, If only I started on my psych...

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Stats exam was deadly. I ran out of time, like I thought I would. I technically did 40 multiple choices in 15 minutes. I probably filled in 20 bubbles without looking/reading the questions. I really hope that I pass. This felt like shit because I tried to had to maintain my 70+ average. Looks like I'll probably get 2 courses below 70's since I'm probably gonna butcher social psych as well.

Back to Toronto. Life is good =D

Monday, April 12th, 2010

The review session was actually really good since I got some questions cleared. I tried studying some more - didn't work as I thought it would. Then, I finally gave in to watch 'The Notebook' because everyone's been saying that it's really sad and all that. Well, lets just say, I was disappointed with the movie. It wasn't good at ALL! The movies I watched yesterday, "A Walk to Remember" and "P.S. I love you" were way better. I felt like I wasted 2 hours of my life watching that crap!

Sunday, April 11th, 2010

I tried to cram some stats in, but honestly, what is there to study for stats? I kept on reviewing my notes and by 11pm, I was tired of looking at my own writing. I decided to watch some movies until 4am. I know it's not a smart idea since I have a review session at 12 tomorrow, but the movies that I watched were worth it.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, April 10th, 2010

Chem Lab exam was pretty straight forward! Though I got really frustrated with all the calculation questions because I couldn't get the answer at all. Luckily, I managed to get all but one of the questions. Not bad I guess. I usually do well in the earlier exams compare to the ones near the end. It seems like I 'run out of gas' or something. It's been happening every time and I hope this time is different.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday, April 9th, 2010

I hate people. How the hell can they be so lazy? Do they even have the decency to clean after themselves? Some of them just angers me. I hate to see unwashed dishes and pots in the sink, especially when I want to use it to make something for myself to eat. That's why I stay away from making food because there's never clean pots to use!

Garbage. When the garbage is full, no one tends to volunteer and throw it out and keep on piling it up. They're good people, but hygienic-wise, they're not that much better than pigs. I'm sorry, but this is how pissed I am about this whole situation.

Thursday, April 8th, 2010

I didn't finish the ELPE and was only 2 sentences away from finishing. It was arguably the worst essay I've written.

I've been in a really bad mood ever since I got back to Waterloo. All the many things that pisses me off or annoys me accumulates together, which result in a bitchy mode. Even though I'm annoyed at many things, I still don't have the heart to bitch it out to them. Let's just say, some of them are pretty inconsiderate. Can't wait until Tuesday where I can leave this hell hole. Like seriously, I just want to leave this place.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

"Find your own deep and compelling reason to successfully learn your subject and pass your exams." - Unknown?

I woke up and took a nice long walk to SCH for lunch. The weather was great - not too cold and not to warm. Too bad that it rained because that totally killed it. After a nice lunch, I went to the library to do some studying. I managed to cram 2 chapters in, but it felt like it wasn't efficient enough. After dinner, I decided to use the chem notes of the other class that i bought in the beginning of the school year. Basically, the notes are almost the same, just less messy. I managed to finish 3 module [which is half of the course] and maybe start on the 4th module [the longest of the 6]. At least I don't feel guilty about studying too little today.

Tomorrow is my ELPE exam. Everyone said it was easy, but to be honest, I don't really feel confident about it. I haven't written an essay for ages and the chances of me choking is pretty high. I guess I just have to pray for the best.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

I went to visit Ward with Miranda. It was great because everyone was so friendly. Then we went to McDonalds to study a bit. It's high school all over again! I really do miss high school and the people are are still there. The students, the teachers, everything! At night, I went back to Waterloo. Not in a good mood. Not at all!

Monday, April 5th, 2010

We went out for dim sum for lunch and that was basically the highlight of the day. I did some major nerding on chem but it feels like I didn't absorb anything. At night, before I slept, I gave up and ended up watching "27 Dresses". Did I regret it? Nope, not at all.

Sunday, April 4th, 2010

I had to drive Patchi to his friend's place for a project. He has the WORSE sense of direction and had difficulty in reading the stupid map! I had to stop 2 times and ended up doing all the readings myself. When I had to pick him up, my mom decided to go to pmall for some bubble tea, and made Patchi do some walking. At night, my cousin called us out for bubble at Go For Tea and we basically had a feast there.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

I finally complete one of my two cover letters and the process of writing one was hell! It was pretty boring today because I was either writing my cover letter or working on my chem assignment. I had trouble with the assignment and will probably need further assistant from Ryan, who had NEVER taken chem in high school. This is quite sad, but apparently he had a really good teacher with really nice lecture notes. If only I have the initiative to copy down all the notes that he had...

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

Today was another day of relaxing. I'll probably have a guilt attack when I sleep for not studying at all. I had dinner with my mom's friend tonight and the food was great! Chinese food in Toronto is always the best. =)

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

Today was the 6th Annual Botany Movie Awards. It was a 'Oscar-like' event where our teacher display most of the movies made by students this term. There were 6 categories and about 5-6 nominees for each. SO my surprised, our video won the best animation. Technically, Ryan was the only one who contributed in the movie making and apparently he added some false information. It was great receiving a prize [which was a solar powered moving plant and a $10 Timmies card]. I think I like Botany more now. =)

Easter weekend and the ride back home was long and frustrating. The traffic was bad mainly because there were a lot of accidents. If there wasn't any accident, I think the ride back would be much smoother.

I went out for dinner and bubble tea with Rayray, Kimmy and Patchi. It was nice to spend time with younger friends, as I miss them greatly. I hope there are more opportunities like this because we had a great time.

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

Once again, I was able to stay awake in Social Psych with the help of a full bladder and Bejeweled. I attempted to study a bit, but then got side-track because I found some jobs to apply to. Most of the jobs are business-related and there was only one job that's related to science. The job at the ROM [Royal Ontario Museum] sound really cool, but there's only 3 spots for that placement. Chances are slim since my resume isn't that great. Oh well, it doesn't hurt trying.