Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

So I didn't go snowtubing today in the end because my aunt and uncle thinks they need some rest and it's too cold to go out. I'm actually glad because I didn't feel well the night before. I actually got some readings done, but not as much as I want to.

After the horrible hair cut on Friday, I decided to ask Viv's mom to fix it for me. I realized the I have to meet some higher class family of mine tomorrow and I don't want to look like a retard. Now I have short hair, just like grade 8. Atleast now I can manipulate it and do something with it unlike the previous haircut. This is probably a big change for other people and they mght not get used to it. But it's okay! My hair will grow once again!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday, January 29th, 2010

I got a haircut today and wanted a trim. It ended up being a chop! My hair is really short now, yet it's long enough so that I can't style it or whatsoever. This is kind of frustrating because it looks weird. Now, it looks like a white-boy cut. Blehh

Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

Long day today. TAs butchered us in our botany lab presentation. Oh well, it's only 1%. No big deal.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

Wow, I finally got some sleep, but the sad thing is that whenever I have enough sleep, I pass out in my lectures and whenever I don't have enough sleep, I stay wide awake during my lectures. My sleeping patterns are getting worse and worse! Today was a pretty long day, but tomorrow is WORSE because it's a double lab day! Hopefully I'll get those done early so I could go back and catch up on my readings.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Frustrated at everything. Everything seems like it's falling apart, but really, everything are piling up. In another words, stress is building up.

I really need to get better and cram more. I just realized that my readings for social psychology were in my course syllabus all along. Great, now I'm really behind in my readings...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25th, 2010

Woke up feeling shit today and finally skipped my first class. What a bad time to get sick! I realized that I have two midterm next week and I barely started studying for them. Better start cramming!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

Term Avg             67.62  Term Units In Avg      3.25

Cumulative Avg 67.62 Total Units In Avg 3.25

Total Units Taken 3.25 Total Units Passed 3.25

Total Transfer Units 0.00

Faculty Average 66.73

Major Average 64.00 Biology

Academic Standing: Satisfactory standing


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

I spent most the the day with my cousin and other old family friends. It was pretty fun, but the bad part was that some people smoke like crazy there. By the time I got back home, all my clothing smell like smoke. Nasty!

Realization: I am a douche. =(

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Wow, my mom fully lashed out at me saying that I'm not responsible and doesn't know what's my priorty. I didn't even know what was going on until she told me I was supposed to teach piano tomorrow. I fully thought that's I'll be out all day but apparently she expected me to sneak out of the party a bit to teach. I honestly didn't know that I was supposed to do it and I thought it was fishy when I called my student's mom about this week. Now, she started blaming for me being irresponsible and can't keep me responsibility for the job. It's not like I could read minds. It was so bullshit so I just hung up on her. Yea, it was over the phone too. I felt really bad at first, but it was just reflex because I'm getting blamed with a really ridiculous reason. I'm not saying that I was right, but the way she treated was so unfair. I mean, it was so sudden because I would never expect I get yelled at for something that I thought I had.

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

I managed to stay up in Botany lab today. Thanks to my Arizona, I was able to not fall asleep and listen to my prof talk. On the other hand, botany lab was unless. Waste of my life!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

Today was a really bad day. I fell asleep in all of my classes. I did my stats tutorial questions on my own. I made a fool of myself in front of the whole genetics class. Want this day to be over now.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Botany lectures are so brutal. I couldn't even last for 5 minutes! I tried so hard to stay awake but I just end up falling asleep again. After botany, a bunch of us went to Ye's all-you-can-eat sushi for lunch. Sadly, it was my first time going outside of the university in Waterloo. Lunch was great, though I had to tank down some of the leftover sushi.

As of being productive, I got some readings and problems done for genetics. I should relaly start studying botany since the midterm is in 2 weeks...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday, January 18th, 2010

I think I'm getting sick. As much as I wanted to go asleep, I tanked through the day. I actually got quite a lot of work done. I ended up spending 2 or 3 hours reading GMH when Cherry sent me that link. So much for wanting to sleep early.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

Eventful? Nope.
Productive? Hell no.

I think I'm starting to lose my motivation. I don't work as efficient as before now. It took me a few hours reading botany and what sad is that I literally skimmed it. None of the information processed. Now, I'm starting to feel a bit hopeless for this course.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday, January 17th, 2010

Today was pretty eventful. As I promised, I went to Pmall to shop with San for her phone and then watch Leap Year together. Yes, just me and her, and no, it wasn't a 'date'. Just in case if there are any misconception, since I found out that a lot of people actually read this blog. The movie was pretty good, though stupid annoying kids ruined it at the end by crying.

Steph asked me what would happen if San and I never broke up. To be honest, I really don't know but one thing I could say is that, there's nothing was gained or lost. She is one of my good friends and at this moment, there's nothing I would ask for more. So why doubting my decisions from the past?

It's funny how last night, my mom surprised me by asking if I was going out with San. I laughed and told her all about Tim and her. She also asked me if I currently have any girlfriends. If I was in high school, it would be the worse nightmare. But now that I'm in university and I guess, more mature, I actually questioned her back whether if she'll like it if I one day told her I have one. I remember back in high school, she told me not to have any girlfriends yet and focus on school. Obviously, I lied back then. She gave me an honest answer, by saying that I'm old now and as long as I know what my goals are and know what's going on, she'll support everything I do. I reassured and promised by telling her that she'll be the first one to know if I have one. You may think that it'll probably end up being lies all over again, but think again. Four years ago, I never made any promises. Four years later, I promised my mom. If she trusts me, I should trust her as well.

Speaking of decisions, sometimes I wonder what will happen if I attended another university or selected another program. As of now, I'm still uncertain with my program, but something is motivating me to finish to the end. As of university, I love Waterloo and I love my friends and people around me. But San was right, I brought high school with me or should I say, high school followed me to university. I mean, it's not a bad thing at all because I felt secure switching into this new environment. Sometimes, I feel like I don't to the group because I'm so much different from them. It's like I've followed the wrong friends and maybe sometimes, I feel bad because I don't do anything that's their definition of 'fun' because all I do is stuff that are related to school. Most of these friends that I know in Waterloo will be the ones that I'll know and be friends forever. I know this because just a year ago I've convinced my mom that University of Waterloo is the best choice because of their co-op program. She's happy with it, but in reality, deep inside her heart, I know she wanted me to go to University of Toronto.

I kind of feel insecure. I don't know the reason. Friends are there for me, and I have the motivation to move on in my program. So why the hell did I have this stupid self-revelation? Maybe life is just moving on too fast for me. Just a tad too fast.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15th, 2010

Home, sweet home! Time to relax once again. Nothing much happen today so I'm gonna keep it short, not because I'm lazy. =P

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Two labs were boring as hell. I decided to play some pool after my lab. Did some botany lab questions. Not very productive. Can't wait till weekend!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Today was tiring. Five classes. Stayed in the library to do some work. I ended up finishing all of my genetics bonus tasks during my social psychology lecture. I know I was supposed to be listening and paying attention, but I couldn't help it. After classes, I worked for a bit and gave up at 11:30pm. I could have pushed myself, but I thought again and I've been working really hard so I decided to stop an hour or 2 early.

Tomorrow's gonna be hell. Two labs.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

It's funny how last term's Tuesday was hell and this term is like heaven. I managed to get some sleep after my botany lecture. I was debating on going to my chem tutorial, but meh. It's optional and there's a repeat next week anyways. Today was pretty productive and time went by so fast. I decided to go to V1 for dinner and that was a wise choice because there are a special. BBQ chicken in a pita + drink for $5.99. Pretty sweet I should say.

Few minutes ago, I decided to pack for tomorrow since I failed epically on yesterday and forgot to bring some paper. This time, I am determine to go to the library tomorrow!

Speaking of failing epically, I had problems with printing my chem stuff tonight. My laptop could no connect to the printer and it kept saying that the printer is offline. After a good 15 minutes, and restarting both printers and laptops, I realized that the usb cable that was connecting to the printer's side was loose. FML.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11th, 2010

The day started out pretty bad as I forgot to bring some paper to write my notes on. A productively planned day went down the drain just like that! I fell asleep in social psychology, which was weird because I thought the course was interesting. After class, I attempted to make some notes, but I progressed extremely slow. I hope tomorrow would be a better day.

On the other hand, I saw the prettiest snow while I was walking back to MKV alone after social psychology. I went on my own to the Science CnD because I had a craving for arizona. But apparently they're close until January 13th, which was a bummer. So i began walking back alone and soon realized the glittering particles on the ground. The snow was sparkling against the orange street lights, creating a surreal pathway. It was amazing and probably the only time I wanted to stay outside longer.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

I told myself that I'll do a 10-hour lockdown in my room. I could say that it was pretty successful, though I know that I could've done a lot better. At some point, I was really distracted but I got all of the stuff that I wanted to do. I started reading ahead for Genetics but failed miserably at the game. I guess that was my limit to my concentration span. I gotta work on that and maybe the span will last longer next time. I'm planning to start going back to the library between classes because I don't want to take naps anymore [naps on my bed at least]. It's a nice way to force myself to do work without much temptation or distractions.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

So I'd thought I would read my botany textbook, but looks like that didn't happen. I ended up teaching, goign out to pmall to get stuff, and watch Gossip Girl the whole day. I knew this was going to happen. I thought I'll have more self-control, and clearly, I overestimated myself. Well, I don't feel as bad because I still have tomorrow. And plus, Gossip Girl was totally worth it. Tomorrow, it's gonna be a date between my nose and my textbooks. It's time to crawl back into my little nice hole located in Waterloo. The real battle begins now.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friday, January 8th, 2010

Today was pretty bad. I skipped lunch because Ken and I decided to take the 2pm greyhound. The bus didn't end up coming until 3pm and we almost didn't get on too. We literally stood out there in the cold for an hour. Other than that, I'm glad that I'm back to Toronto. No more stress from Waterloo, though I still keep up with some nerding. I guess some people who are reading this may know what 'stress' I'm talking about. On another note, I've been cramming in Gossip Girl. The show is surprisingly good! I hope I get a lot finished WHILE doing some academic work as well.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

Today was pretty lax, though the botany night lab killed me. The lab was so pointless and I did NOT learn anything from that lab. There were so many questions to answer and some of them required some researching on google to answer them. I ended up finishing the questions around 1am, which was pretty sad. I still need to pack right now for my trip back to Toronto because I won't have anytime tomorrow. I'll be leaving half an hour later after my genetics lecture. HENCE, I shall make this entry short. =)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

I woke up this morning feeling like crap. I think Nathan gave me the cold. I took some medicine to stop my runny nose and went to classes. The medicine worked, but I forgot about the drowsiness. I fought through statistics but died in chem. Miraculously, I was able to stay awake in genetics. I took a really short nap after the three back to back classes before my social psychology class. Surprisingly, I managed to stay awake in hat class too! Maybe it's just chem.

What's more surprising is hat I actually finished all the homework that I planned to do. I made all the notes for the four lectures that I had today. I really have a good feeling abou this and if I keep up with this routine, I might do better this term. Hopefully his new technique will pull me through

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

So I forgot to blog before I sleep. I decided to blog on my iPod touch since I don't want to sleep yet but I'm already comfortable in my bed. Today was a really easy day because I only have one class in the morning, which as botany. That class was brutal and I almost fell asleep. Since there were nothing much to do, I have decided to start watching some Gossip Girl. As other peolple said, the series was really good. I think I might be addicted already, but NO!! I must control myself and work my ass off so I won't feel bad by watch it once in a while here and there. I also decided to sleep a bit early today since I don't want to be ready for tommorrow because the real study starts tommorrow. There are probably a lot of mistake since I am typing with the keyboard on the itouch but whatever. At least I got this entry done and plus, this is actually pretty fun bloggng via itouch.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday, January 4th, 2010

The morning started out pretty good, though I didn't have a good night sleep. I felt great and ready to tackle statistics. It took me some time to find the lecture all in MC since I don't really have classes there. Lets just say, everything went downhill from there when I enter the classroom. That pretty much ruined my day.

I decided to buy my textbooks today instead of tomorrow. There were less books to buy then last semester, but it was still pretty heavy. I planned to start reading today and make some notes if possible. I don't know if it'll work because I feel like sleeping again. Must tank it through!

Sunday, January 3rd, 2010

Today was more like a day to relax before going back to Waterloo. We ate dim sum for lunch, chilled at home for a while and ate dinner. We left Toronto roughly around 7pm and arrived at Waterloo around 9pm. It took me a while to unpack and clean my room.

One funny thing that happened was Michael saying "yum cha" in his sentence when he was complaining how his friends ask him to go out to eat at 10:30am. It was really shocking because his accent wasn't bad. We made him of Nathan how Michael could speak better Chinese than him.

Last day to relax and hell begins tomorrow. I've got everything planned already and hopefully I'll be able to commit to it and work towards it.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

Ray finally had a free slot for me and we decided to watch 'Avatar' with the others. The movie was better than I thought it would be because I'm not a fan for fantasy stuff. In the beginning, I got nauseous becuase of the 3d action. But as the movie progresses, it got better. Originally, some of us were coming over to game or play mahjong, but we ended up just chilling a bit because my aunt and cousin arranged a dinner with me since I'm going back to university. I would rather spend time with my friends, but I can't decline my family plans. So the whole chilling part was a bummer. Oh well, there will be next time!

Friday, January 1st, 2010

Happy New Year!

My whole family had plans today, so we were free for the whole day. I brought Nathan to his hair salon for his haircut. Then we went to watch 'The Blind Side' with Cherry. The movie was GREAT and I really do recommend it to everyone. It's really inspiring and maybe it can play a role in my life to become a better person. After the movies, we went to Moxie's for dinner and then went to Destiny for bubble tea. We stayed at Destiny longer than I thought we would and ended up going back home around 1:30am.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

It's New Year's Eve! The morning was just as boring as any other day. Nathan came back in the afternoon. We went out for dinner at my mom's workplace [Mandarin]. My mom also invited Harry for dinner so we would be less bored. We managed to stay until 12:00am to get our free champagne. I took a risk and drank a little bit, knowing that I have to drive afterward. But hey, I got home safely. It's probably the only time where I could drink in Toronto since I drive most of the time. It's okay though, because I'm not a party boy. =)