Monday, January 16, 2012

Sick and Sicker

Over the second week of school, I might've caught a cold from one of my friend.  I get really angry when I'm sick, especially when I have so many things to do during the week.  I feel like I need a nap right now, but I really need the time to start studying and do those stupid Biochem questions!

Speaking of Biochem, it's really frustrating that most of the material revolves around calculations.  I haven't even got down the applications, and now calculations?  There's a quiz soon and I am not looking forward to it.  Not to mention that I'm behind in all my other bio courses...

Curling has started again at UW and the first night was great!  It's kind of draining when you have to curl two times a day, but I need those exercise and some stress reliever.  Though, the second curling time doesn't involve a lot of exercise since I'm standing on the other side of the sheet of ice skipping (not literally skipping, but dictating moves).

It's only the beginning of the week and I already want it to end.  I have to prep for a few labs and study like crazy.  Friday, please come faster!

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