Monday, July 25, 2011

Classes Done!

As of now, all my classes are done.  Last week was a rough week as I have to cram to finish my lab report and study for my last term test for analytical chemistry.  I basically didn't sleep on Tuesday night and lasted 40.5 hours because I had to do a choir concert the next day.  It was pretty bad because that was the day where I finalized my co-op placement.  So I literally celebrated by staying up and doing my report.  On the bright side, I did better than expected on my chem test considering how little I studied.

Few days ago when I was in Toronto, I found out that my grandma from my dad's side had a stroke and is in critical care right now.  My uncle and aunt in China told my dad that there's no need to go back to China because no one could go into her room to visit her.  My dad believes that she's probably not going to make it since they had to perform the last resort to try and unclog the blockage of the artery in the brain.  He asked my brother to go with him, but my brother doesn't really want to go.  Since my dad asked him (he never really asked for such a big favour), he kinda has to go.  He was not too fond of spending his last month of summer in China, but family comes first I guess.

Finals are coming soon, so I have to start studying.  I really need to do well/decent on those exams (especially in chem and microbio).  This is the homestretch of this horrendous term. GOGOGO!


  1. And I hope grandma gets better <3 Keep her in my prayers
