Sunday, July 31, 2011

Two Weeks of Hell.

The two weeks of hell starts tonight as a mass cram all the materials for the upcoming exams.  I need to somehow find my motivation and make sure I have enough time to cover all the materials.  What sucks is that I'm not even thinking about the exams right now.  I'm worrying about the day after I finish my last exam and how much work I have to do (packing and cleaning because of the Korean asshole).  I already have a feeling that the Korean would just leave without doing any cleaning.  I think I have enough of this bad roomie situation.  Moving out with my friend next year for sure!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Classes Done!

As of now, all my classes are done.  Last week was a rough week as I have to cram to finish my lab report and study for my last term test for analytical chemistry.  I basically didn't sleep on Tuesday night and lasted 40.5 hours because I had to do a choir concert the next day.  It was pretty bad because that was the day where I finalized my co-op placement.  So I literally celebrated by staying up and doing my report.  On the bright side, I did better than expected on my chem test considering how little I studied.

Few days ago when I was in Toronto, I found out that my grandma from my dad's side had a stroke and is in critical care right now.  My uncle and aunt in China told my dad that there's no need to go back to China because no one could go into her room to visit her.  My dad believes that she's probably not going to make it since they had to perform the last resort to try and unclog the blockage of the artery in the brain.  He asked my brother to go with him, but my brother doesn't really want to go.  Since my dad asked him (he never really asked for such a big favour), he kinda has to go.  He was not too fond of spending his last month of summer in China, but family comes first I guess.

Finals are coming soon, so I have to start studying.  I really need to do well/decent on those exams (especially in chem and microbio).  This is the homestretch of this horrendous term. GOGOGO!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Science & Music

Yesterday, I had an interview with Peel Region's Health Promotion department (only got ranked, sadly) and they commented on the unique combination of science and music.  At first, I don't think it's that unique, but when I keep thinking about it, I don't know a lot of people who's doing that.

Music has been part of my life ever since I was little, so it's really important that I incorporate that aspect into my life right now.  I realized that I played many instruments in the past, though I'm not exactly the best in any of the instrument that I played.  After high school, I wasn't that musically involved since I didn't join a band and maybe that's why I didn't do as well in school.  Either way, I probably didn't have the time to do anything related to music anyways.

To be honest, I kinda miss playing the piano.  I just don't have the time and initiative to learn again.  Choir is pretty fun and it's nice to finally learn how to sing harmony.  Hopefully I'll continue to develop this passion in music and will carry me through the dreadful sciences.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


My brother just finished his grade 11 year and is already going into his last year of high school in the coming September.  He'll soon be choosing universities and programs to apply to.  Today, he said that he's gonna apply to Actuarial Science as well.  Hardcore.

It also makes me think of the different options that I could have taken when I was in high school.  Few weeks ago, my mom asked me if I chose the wrong path, I didn't know how to answer that.  To be honest, I don't DISLIKE science, but I do think it might be too much for me.  Plus, I never did an business related stuff (other than accounting) so I don't know if I have that kind of mindset to tank through a business program.  I'm almost finishing my Year 2 of this biology program, so there's no point of thinking and regretting.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Drifting Away

So, this so-called long weekend wasn't really a long weekend to being with.  I originally wanted to leave earlier on Friday morning (I had night class on Thursday...sigh) and take the 10:30 bus back to Toronto.  When I was about to leave, I realized that I forgot my keys in my room and locked myself out.  I promised a friend that I would lend my room for her and her boyfriend who came from Philly.  I was kinda upset with myself for being so stupid, but surprisingly I kept my cool.  I was able to get a hold of one of the management worker to get my door opened.  I had to pay 20 bucks, but it's okay.  I was just glad that she was willing to come all the way to the apartment on a holiday.

I ended up leaving at the usual time, 12:30.  It was already a rough start to this weekend, but I knew that it'll get better because it was Canada Day and there were fireworks.  My mom decided to go with my brother and I to watch fireworks.  We were supposed to meet up with some old friends, but ended up being late.  By the time we got to the park, the fireworks have started.  I guess it was a good mother-son bonding time.

After, we met up with my friends and went for bubble like last year.  It was not as fun as I expected, and shouldn't have gone at all.  It was pretty awkward and I felt like I was out of the loop.  If it wasn't for the guy who's visiting form HK, I don't think I would've stayed that long.  I was kinda irked because I actually tried to start some conversations, but they just indirectly shot me down.  I gave up in the end, so whatever.  Maybe it's a sign for me to find some new friends.  People change, and I can't expect them to stay the same forever.