Friday, February 10, 2012

Crash and Burn

I thought I was ready for this biochem midterm, but apparently I wasn't.  I think I passed, but not with a great mark.  Pretty discouraging because I put a lot of effort in studying.  Now for the 3 bio midterm and my lab report...

On the bright side, I got Gritz (my phone's name) a new home today.  I got an iPhone on Wednesday and to my surprise, it didn't really distract me from studying.  I absolutely love it and I get wait to do more with it during reading week.  I debated whether to get the white on or black one.  In the end, I decided to get the white one because it's more unique and it's Apple's "signature" colour.  Also, white phone on a guy is pretty sexy ; D.  This weekend is going to be a tough one as I have labs to cram, midterms to study, and a curling tourney.  At least not everything is academic related!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Chilled-ish week before midterms.

Even though I have all my labs this week, I realized that it's pretty chilled because there's no quizzes to study for.  Other than the Biochem midterm on Thursday, there's nothing much going on.  Next week will be the death week...

Biochem's been making me feel really stupid.  I lose all of my common sense and make stupid mistakes.  Like the quiz this morning, I flub up an amino acid code, and didn't use common sense for one of the M/C. This is not a good sign for the midterm...

Anyhow, I'm trying to get things going in terms of studying for midterms.  I haven't really started (other than biochem) and I just realized that I don't know when one of my midterm is.  This is not good...

Okay, midterms on the 14th, 15th, and 16th.  All of them are biology courses. NOT GOOD x3!  Looks like I'm screwed for next week!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Totally not compatible with biochem.

Again, I stayed up late last night to finish my biochem lab report.  I totally underestimate the amount of 'details' that I have to complete.  Now I'm exhausted and could barely think properly.  On the bright side, I don't have anything major due.  So, I can start studying for my biochem quiz and midterm next week.  I realized that besides my biochem midterm, I don't have to do anything for my labs, which is pretty amazing.

I'm going to change my phone plan because it's getting quite expensive.  I am thinking of getting a new iPhone, without data plan.  That means I have to buy an unlock phone at regular retail price.  It may be a lot of money all at once, but in the long run, it'll be worth it.  Pretty stoked!