Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I really should be studying right now since I have my exam in...exactly 1 hour and 40 minutes.  I can't help but procrastinate because if I don't, I'll end up falling asleep on top of my microbio notes.  Microbio has never been my forte and I don't think it'll every be.  No matter how interesting it is, I'll never be good at it.  It's simply brutal.  On hte bright side, I'm doing pretty good in my lab component, so hopefully it'll pull everything up.

It seems like the end of my stressful days in 2 hours or so, but in reality, it's still in its beginning stages.  I have 2 lab reports that I have to write up by next week - one I don't have the results for and the other one I don't get at all.  I also have 2 midterms to worry about.  I'm pretty much screwed for the next week.

Job search is not going as smoothly as I thought.  I probably didn't get ranked in any of my interviews.  Looks like I have to do some follow up on the nursing research position at TGH after all.  This term is just not a good term at all.

Alright, enough procrastination.  Time to get back at my microbiology (yuck!).

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