Friday, June 24, 2011


I have successfully finished 2 lab reports and 2 midterms that was due this week.  Now I'm pretty much drained, both mentally and physically.  I still have to study for my physio midterm and a lab report to write up, both due on Tuesday.  I really want to start working on it today, but my body won't cooperate.  Not to mention I'm yawning every 5 minutes.  I just want this term to end so badly.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Lately, there were a lot of news about the riot in downtown Vancouver as the Canucks lost their Stanley Cup finals.  I was never into hockey in the first place, though I still get updates from friends.  When I went on the internet to look at some picture of the destruction, they were pretty bad.  I think it was just as bad as the G20 protest happened in Toronto a while ago.  But honestly, it's just a hockey game.  Some hockey fans just don't think before acting.  I know it was a bit frustrating to see the Canucks lose to miserably, but have they ever thought about the aftermath and consequences?  Everyone would probably take their cellphones out and start recording and snapping photos of the whole situation.  As soon as those pictures and videos gets leaked out. you're outted.  It happened to a lot of people already, some are identified as an elite athlete in Canada ( had an article about it).  It's sad because that athlete would probably cost him his future.

While surfing on the web, I found this viral photo of a couple kissing amid of the riot.  I think whoever snapped this photo was a genius and it probably saved Vancouver's image a little (even though the guy in the picture is Australian).  This photo reminded me of the famous photo after WWII (I think) where a random sailor kissed a lady, except the kiss in Vancouver was probably more dramatic.  The photo will probably go down into history as one of the most unexpected event.

Well, back to my boring life.  I've been holding on and trying to finish all my lab reports as quick as possible so I can start studying for my midterms.  I already finished on lab report, but I realized that I won't have a lot of time to study for my midterms.  Looks like I might have to give up some marks here and there.  Time to tank on!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Little Ward Things

Someone made a tumblr page dedicated to little ward things.  When I first read it, it brought back many memories - the good, the bad.  So I decided to write a blog about some of those posts.

#49. Everyone's attraction to Mr. Mcalpine.
Well, the word "everyone" is pretty deceiving since I'm pretty sure most of the guys are not "attracted" to him (unless you're playing for the opposite team).  But I have to admit, he is pretty good looking (teacher wise at least).  I still remember all my female friends falling head over heels for him.  They even purposely plan to go to english whenever he's on the floor.  He was, well, pretty much the "Edward Cullen" of Mary Ward.

#27. When your unit tracker is full coloured in at the end of the year.
Thankfully, I was able to experience that for all 4 years.  It might not be a great deal to regular high school students, but for a ward student, seeing the whole page filled is a sense of great accomplishment.  In my opinion, even filling ONE box feels like it's Christmas all over again.

#26. Having that one friend with a locker near Science.
This one brings me back to grade 9, where Harry had a locker right beside science.  There is a rule where we cannot bring out backpacks into science for safety reasons.  For people who had their lockers in the basement (yup, that's me) and the first floor, it might become an hassle lugging your textbooks up the stairs.  Since Harry's locker was right beside science, we all ended up just using if whenever we go to science.  I still remember we once stuffed 9 backpacks in his locker at once.  Pretty epic, I must say.  After grade 9, his TA got relocated so we all had to suffer.  For my senior years, I ended up just leaving my stuff in french department (just across from science and that's one of the few perks of taking french).

#4. The staircase to nowhere.
There are 4 staircases in the building, but only 2 leads down to the basement.  Since my TA is in the basement, I have to take the stairs periodically.  For the first month or so during my freshman year, I always took this one staircase that seemed like it'll take you to the basement, but they really don't.  Pretty embarrassing.

#1. When you successfully survive June Rush.
I never finished all my courses early, so June Rush affected me every year in high school.  Those sleepless nights trying to complete those last few units were not fun at all.  What's more amazing is that you know you're not the only one suffering.  The amount of swollen eyes and heavy eye bags you see during May and June is ridiculously high.  No pain, no gain, I guess.

These were just a few of them and of course, I don't have enough time to comment on all of them (to be honest, I'm supposed to be working on my lab reports right now...).  Reading these posts makes me want to be a high schooler again sometimes, especially when I'm cramming for exams and/or lab reports (like now).  But I guess we all have to move on someday.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I really should be studying right now since I have my exam in...exactly 1 hour and 40 minutes.  I can't help but procrastinate because if I don't, I'll end up falling asleep on top of my microbio notes.  Microbio has never been my forte and I don't think it'll every be.  No matter how interesting it is, I'll never be good at it.  It's simply brutal.  On hte bright side, I'm doing pretty good in my lab component, so hopefully it'll pull everything up.

It seems like the end of my stressful days in 2 hours or so, but in reality, it's still in its beginning stages.  I have 2 lab reports that I have to write up by next week - one I don't have the results for and the other one I don't get at all.  I also have 2 midterms to worry about.  I'm pretty much screwed for the next week.

Job search is not going as smoothly as I thought.  I probably didn't get ranked in any of my interviews.  Looks like I have to do some follow up on the nursing research position at TGH after all.  This term is just not a good term at all.

Alright, enough procrastination.  Time to get back at my microbiology (yuck!).

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Laziest weekend ever!

I didn't bother taking any books out this weekend because I was so bummed about school.  Plus, my godmother came back from Hong Kong to visit so we went out and eat.  I basically reset my mind (well most of my mind) and try harder for all my courses.  Hopefully, I'll get better results.

P.S.  I finally found my TRUE goal in life.  To make a lot of money and be able to travel to Europe every year! Hehe.

Friday, June 3, 2011

School sucks right about now.

This week was arguably the worst week I had.  Midterm and quizzes went horrible.  Had a bad microbiology lab.  Thank god it ended.