Saturday, August 28, 2010

"T-Dot" State of Mind

I can't believe it's almost end of August and how long I've been working at Redpath. Whenever I opening my bank account online, it always put a smile on my face. I've been procrastinating on my resume and hopefully I'll get it done this weekend, most of it at least. Another thing where I have to keep in mind is moving in back to Waterloo. There's so much things to plan and do but there's simply not enough time. I told my mom about going back to Waterloo in the morning of the 8th to do my ELPE and then rush back to Toronto for work. Obviously, she didn't like that idea at all, and wants me to just try and take a day off. Honestly, I think I can probably tank it, but taking a day off isn't a bad idea either.

Yesterday, Lazy brought me up to the roof top of the factory. The view there was amazing and you can practically see the whole city of Toronto. If you can look far enough, you can see some buildings in Scarborough. I was able to see the building process of the condominium next to us. It seemed like they didn't do much, but when there were workers standing into the ditch where the foundation is going to be built, we realized how much work they have completed already. Lazy also told me about this really thin residential building located in Toronto, probably one of the thinnest residential buildings in the world. He said that there are water tanks in the building where they have to adjust the levels to counter the wind and prevent the building from swaying too much. Anyhow, the view of the water front was gorgeous and it made me remember how beautiful Toronto was.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Has It Really Been That Long?

It's almost the beginning of a new school year and I realized that it's going to be the 14th year of knowing Vee, Jai, Tim and Ryan. It's too bad that Tim doesn't hang out with us as much anymore, since he found his new group of friends. Perhaps it's the awkward tension from other issues, but nonetheless, those 13 years of friendship couldn't really go down the drain just like that, right? Thinking about the days in elementary school seems like it was just yesterday. It's amazing how we been through so much together--elementary school, high school and now university. Even though we all parted ways during university, we all still have this indescribable connection between us. At this stage in life, it's probably safe to say that each one of us will attend each other's graduations, marriages, births and even having family vacations together. Gosh, we're getting really old, aren't we?

* * *

Today's shift went by so fast and the jobs that we were assigned we extremely easy. 'Lazy' had a swollen eye with a cut along the side of his brow. Apparently, he had an accident while mountain biking near his home in Mississauga. Everyone thought that he had a fight with 'Lazier', which was pretty funny. I hope that the shifts for the rest of the week are just as relax as today.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mid-August Update

It's Monday morning and I'm chilling for the next hour before I go to work. I can't believe that it's been four weeks already, going into my 5th week. I swear, it seems like it was yesterday where I was jobless less for 7 days a week and now I'm literally working everyday of the week. I still don't know when my job actually ends, so it's hard to tell people when I'm moving into the apartment in Waterloo.

I recently and finally got a new laptop. It's funny how once I came back with my new laptop, the power cord of my Vaio died. Talking about great timing, eh? Now, the only way I can charge my Vaio is using my brother's charger. I guess it's still considered as "alive". The new Asus I got is amazing and I absolutely love it. Long battery, looks great, and it has the chiclet keyboard that I adore ever since I got my Vaio.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Sticky Days

It's almost three weeks since I started working at Redpath. Time flies when you have something to do and occupy the majority of the time. I've realized that I had never shoveled snow in my whole life, yet, I shoveled sugar. It's a really messy job [though all the jobs are pretty messy], as all the sugar dust stick do your sweaty skin. Not exactly the best feeling.

Today, we had to shovel sugar again, and this time, it was different. There was something wrong with the machine and sugar just kept pouring out. In the end, it took us the whole day to shovel out all the sugar. I kind of like it when a job takes the whole shift to complete because you would only have to worry about one thing.

Well, enough with work talk. I finally went to watch a movie this week and watched Despicable Me. The movie was great and it was as good as what other people were saying. There are so many more movies that I wanted to see, but not enough time! Also, I would like to hang out with friends more, though they're either busy, out of the city/country, or studying for exams. Well, I guess it's not a problem anymore when school starts in September.