Friday, May 27, 2011

Midterm Mania begins this week

This week was the worst week by far.  I caught a cold during mid-week - right before my 2 midterms.  It's totally not fun studying while your nose is running like a faucet.  I didn't do as well as I should be doing in neither of my midterms, which sucks because I really needed the marks.  It's really sad to know that I still have 7 midterms coming up, along with some lab reports here and there.  I have a lab report and another midterm next week.  Looks like I won't be sleeping much...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Time to play the catch-up game (already)

Last week, I had a throat infection (not caused by flu or cold) and it caused me to have severe body aches and headaches.  I was so beat-up that I didn't have the energy to study and eve get out of my bed.  I actually fell asleep in some of my classes.  The day of my birthday was the worst of this infection.  But my friend's surprise visit made it all better at the end of that day.  Now, I'm forced to play the catch-up game this week.  Usually i never win in this game, but I don't have a choice because if I don't play this game, I'll be playing the 'snowball' game.  What a bad start to this term!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Microbio, Maybe 'Oh No'?

It's only been the second day of my Microbiology class, and I'm already dozing off a bit.  I guess I'll never get along with this subject.  Looks like I'll be spending double the time reviewing the notes.

So far, school's been treating me well, since it's only the first week of school.  Given that I'll have 3 labs to do this term, I think I'll be swamped within the next week or so.  I actually started to make some notes on some of my courses and reviewed them couple of times.  I don't know, but the feeling of getting something accomplished was great!

Yesterday I went to my first choir rehearsal.  I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's gonna be fun!  Everyone there was so enthusiastic and I can't wait to get started next week.  I finally got assigned to a singing voice.  Apparently, I'm a tenor 2, or second tenor.  I guess that's basically a tenor but usually stays int he lower range of the tenors.  Regardless, I am totally psyched for next Tuesday!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Time to bring my A-game!

School has finally started and nothing good happened so far.  Yesterday, I realized that one of my roommate forgot to clean my rice cooker before leaving.  Thus, it started to mold and created a revolting smell.  It wasn't stage one of molding - it was the final stage, where you can see the green shine.  I don't even know if I should use that rice cooker again.  I need to find some bleach!

Since not everyone takes spring term in Waterloo, one of my roommate has to sublet to another student.  Not to be mean or anything, they're not he best roomies.  Apparently, the dude brought one of his friend over to room as well.  Yes, two people sharing a room, paying one price.  The other roomies and I are planning to make them pay more [utilities and internet] since they're consuming twice as much.  Also, I think I just caught one of the smoking in their room near the window.  I'm not 100% sure, but it was a lot of smoke.  Can this term get any worse?  I'm dying for this term to end already.

I don't even know how I'm gonna tank through this term.  I know roommates are part of university life experience, no matter if they're great or not.  I'll try to take the high road and make the best out of it.  Keyword, try.