Saturday, October 23, 2010

Another Weekend in Waterloo

If you haven't figured out already, I'm in Waterloo for the second weekend in a row.  I wanted to go back to Toronto, but things came up and it seems like it was better for me to stay here.  It was quite unexpected to be honest.  I had to do my laundry in Waterloo for the first time and actually did some legit grocery shopping so I can last for the week.  I guess it's a good thing cause I have to cram for my 2 midterms next week.

I did my first midterm [which was ecology] on Monday and it wasn't that bad.  Although the material were easy, the test was actually pretty mind boggling.  Today, I found out the mark that I got and it was okay.  I guess it could've be worse.  The rest of the week went by pretty quick.  After my CHEM 140L on yesterday, a bunch of us headed over to Sheila's place to help her finish her hot dogs as they were going to expire soon.

I really don't like weekends because they're the perfect time to catch up, but also the perfect time to slack off.  I know there's a lot of stuff that needs to be accomplish, yet, I get more tired when I think about them.  I also developed a serious case of itis and it is affecting me greatly in terms of cramming.  I wonder if coffee prevent itis...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Curling is My Kind of Hockey

It's been a  while that I actually updated this blog.  I have to admit that it's my fault for being too lazy with it.  All I have been doing is study, study, and study.  I don't know if it's really effective, but I'm gonna know within the next 3 weeks.

I actually stayed in Waterloo this weekend because I have a midterm monday morning.  I guess I should be studying really hard right now, but it's okay because I feel like I really need to update this blog.  Let's start with last Thanksgiving weekend...

So, I arrived to Scarborough around 11pm because I stayed in downtown a bit to meet up with friends from Mary Ward.  Originally, I was going to go back to Waterloo Tuesday night, but plans were changed since my dad can only drive me back on Monday night.  It sucks how each week I have to worry about how I'm getting back and who's gonna have time to drive me.

This Thanksgiving was full of surprises, as some family issues came up.  I wish I could stay in Toronto and help out more, but it's physically impossible when I have classes in Waterloo.  I feel really bad for Patchi because he's having his hands full outside of school.

After Thanksgiving, I tried to catch up some readings and notes.  I feel like I'm not working as much and as hard as before, but I hope it's still enough do to well this term.  I don't know if staying in Waterloo this weekend is a good or bad idea.  I did get some studying done, but it wasn't as intense as I thought it would be.  People in Lester parties like crazy.  Honestly, how can they party like week while they have school.  It's just physically and mentally impossible.  Only a Laurier can answer this question...

I went to conestoga by myself to buy a pair of new shoes for curling since I forgot to bring mine last week and I didn't have a pair of spare shoes.  I was looking for a cheap pair at zellers and winners, but they're all so ugly and I'm only using them for 2 hours on Sunday.  I decided to get a pair of converse because they're the cheapest out of all the other brands.  It felt different going to a mall by myself, especially in Waterloo.  Well, there's always a first!

Curling was amazing tonight!  It reminds me of high school curling all over again.  I just love the sport because anyone can be good at it and there's not awkward tension between teams.  I was actually not as rusty as I thought I would be.  My lines were perfect every time [other than the time I forgot to put on my slider. yah, noob move] but my weight needs a bit of work.  Playing tonight reminded me that I'm actually decent in a sport, and not a typical nerd/potato couch.

Well, I think that's all for tonight.  I need to get back on reviewing for my midterm tomorrow.  I believe I still have some music assignments to do, but that shouldn't be a problem.  Cheers!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


While Jordin Sparks complains how her love is like a 'battlefield', I can't help but to think how her 'battlefield' is so much softer than my 'battelfield'.  For the past few days, I've been cramming like mad, trying to catch up in my courses and stay on top of things.  When I did finally catch up, I fall behind again.  Looks like I will most likely pull another bootcamp this week and make sure that I actually stay on track this time.