Thursday, September 23, 2010

Teenage Dream

This week, so far, has been extremely smooth.  It felt like I'm back high school, where everything is nice and simple.  I went back to Waterloo on Sunday and stayed there less then 24 hours because I had to do my G test in Toronto on Tuesday.  So, I drove back to Toronto on Monday afternoon [yes, I went back to Waterloo just so that I can attend my 3 one-hour long classes] and nerded some more at home.  At first, I was worried that I'm not gonna pass because I forgot most of the traps and tricky spots in Aurora, but after having a 3 hour lesson before my test, I feel pretty confident.  I told myself that I wouldn't mind if I had to redo the test because I was under prepared anyways.  I believe that driving tests are distributed 50/50 between skills and luck.  Obviously, you'll need a considerable amount of skills to pass, but there are other factors such as the examiner, the pedestrians and other drivers.  I was lucky that non of those factors affected me.

Coming back during the weekday seemed like it was perfectly planned.  Coincidentally, it was Moon Festival on Wednesday, hence, there was a family & close friends celebration at the shop.  Even though it was just a normal dinner, I still thought it was necessary because we didn't have a gathering like this for a while.

Good news kept on rolling in this week.  When I got back to Waterloo on Tuesday night, I found out that i got 27/28 on my resume that I submitted it a week ago.  I was ready to resubmit because I wasn't too confident about it, but I guess I was wrong.  Even though this co-op course doesn't really count towards our general academic standings, it still makes me feel good because I'm actually accomplishing something.  On Wednesday, I went to the Science Undergrad office to check for my ELPE results.  I was relieved that the word 'pass' was beside my student number.  At first, I didn't believe it and recheck it 3 times just incase I didn't mistaken for the results above and below.  If I didn't pass this time, I really don't know what went wrong because the essay I wrote was well-planned.

My family decided to do floor renovations, changing the carpet to laminated floor.  It was weird because my grandparents decided to go on with this project ONCE I got back to university.  It would make a lot more sense if they decide to do it over the summer so I can help moving some furniture.  Now that both Patchi and I are in school, we can't help that much.  Looking at all the factors right now, I would say it'll take at LEAST  a month for the whole apartment to be finished.

So it's almost the end of the week and I hope my luck drags on. [Preferably until the end of the term =P]  All I've been doing was sleep and nerd.  Sometimes, I watch an episode of a drama before I go to sleep or play on the guitar so I'm not over working my brain.  I actually kinda like this lifestyle right now because there's no stress [...yet] and all I need to do is to stay on top of everything.  With all the good stuff happening this week, I really feel like I'm living in my teenage dream.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Books, books and books!

I woke up early today to get my books today. The line up was extremely long, though it only took me around 15 minutes to get in the store. Yesterday night, I had already calculated the total and made sure that I have enough credit on my credit card to pay for everything. I spent almost $500 and I'm still not done shopping for my books because my organic chem online textbook is not available yet. Not to mention I spent most of my cash buying chem notes and lab manual. The sad thing is that I'm still short one manual. University is like eating machine...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to Waterloo...

Work is finally done and I must admit, the last week went by pretty fast. Technically, I only worked for 3 days since I had to go back to Waterloo to do my ELPE and move in some of my stuff. Last day of work was jokes because we literally worked for only an hour. Our foreman bought us pizza since it was our last day and wanted to wish us well for the future. I'm gonna miss Redpath and all the great benefits it has.

Packing was not as hard as I thought it would be because most of my things are pre-packed from last year. I thought I had everything, but eventually realized I'm short of certain things. I arrived to Waterloo around 10:30pm, did some hammering for the others before unpacking and settling in. I ended up sleeping at 1:30am with my dishes still sitting in the corner of my room.

I was totally not ready for classes today, but I managed to get through the day with no issues. Music theory was boring and I found out that we really have to SING as part of the curriculum. Since when singing is part of theory? Not looking forward for that... After music theory, I had ecology in a building that's pretty far from where I had music theory. I thought I was on time/early but apparently not! I was 5 minutes late when I reached to the building. Good thing the prof didn't start any material yet and just did a brief introduction about the course and himself. Organic chem, so far, was actually pretty straight forward because it's review from high school.

Well, that's about it for the first day of school. Can't really do much since I haven't got my textbooks yet. It's only the first day and I'm pooped. So much for being excited for schoolfew days ago. Now, I want to go back to Toronto.