Wednesday, February 16, 2011

300th post? Already?

Yes, I'm not joking!  This is really the 300th post!

I haven't updated in ages because I've been swamped with co-op crap.  I finally got a placement at the hospital doing biochemistry data crap.  In another words, all I do is sit in front of the computer and enter data, analyze, and make the excel pretty.  Pretty lax, I should say.  I honestly don't like the fact that I have to wake up at 7am in the morning and have to push and shove through crowds of people on the TTC.  One trip to downtown via TTC during rush hour is just too tiring.

Ever since I came back to Toronto, I've gain some weight.  I guess it's a good thing since I'm underweight, but I don't want to gain fat.  Looks like I have to start heading out to gym more often...